Published at 31st of May 2024 06:30:15 AM

Chapter 294: Heavenly Realm

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Chapter 294: Heavenly Realm

Leon made a bewildered expression with his jaw dropping wide.

He wasn't acting, he was really surprised.

"Huh! What did you say?"

"I didn't hear you. It seems I have a problem with my ears."

As if to prove it, Leon started rubbing his ears.Cheeck out latest novels on novel/bin(.)com

Lia kept looking at Leon while extending their hands and flicked his head.


Leon felt a light slap in his head.

"Enough acting. Take out that Gu guy also."

Sophia, Irina, and Gwen looked at one another wondering what was going on there.

Irina stared at Steph like a hawk who just shook his head.

"Don't look at me like that. I am not gonna say anything."

The three were enjoying their time in the swimming pool conversing with each other. Though there was major discordance Hieverything faded when they started about Leon.

Sophia learned about Leon's favorite food. He didn't like rich 5-star food and rather leaned more toward street food filled with spice and flavor which made her understand why that guy grumbled a lot during fine dining.

The three girls were enjoying their time when Lia called them and they came to this island owned by Woods.

Back to the scene, Leon crumbling around pulled out Qin Lang's shadow.

Every shadow would divulge his feelings, emotions, and memories to Leon once he connected.

If you don't connect properly your shadow will remain intangible and unintelligent like a puppet but once connected it will become more tangible, and spiritual like a living human.

And examples were already muttering in his back.

"What are you going to do now?"Leon asked, giving her grandmother a profound look.

"Your Grandpa will be taking a breakthrough. It's gonna be a crucial process for him and you all will learn everything about cultivation today so everyone is mindful."Lia explained, glancing around everyone.

"Qin Lang, take out those Gu that you were using."

Qin Lang gave Leon a sideling glance to which Leon nodded.

From his body, he took many pills. The round-shaped browned pills were trembling and if one looked closer, one would notice several small slimy bodies convoluted into a small circular pill.

"Do I need to take that shit?"Arthur made a disgusted expression but shook his head seeing Lia's cold gaze.

A vortex qi churned all around Arthur.

"You all might already know why Mom stopped you all from advancing."

Sophia's eyes narrowed as she didn't know anything but she decided to keep shut. Moreover, Leon looked at her and looked.

'I will tell you everything.'

Stephen locked his gaze on Leon and spoke, "Leon, what is the primary reason for your fate shitting on us."

"To make me lonely," Leon answered.

"That's a thing but what is the primary goal of it?"

Pausing a bit, Leon, contemplated deeply.

"To become stronger. That's the only thing I can think of."

"That's it, "Stephen snapped.

"The primary goal for you getting pushed by fate is to get you stronger and stronger. In between the gaps, you pushed through and got stronger so once fate saw that you were getting stronger it would relax on us. The time would be faint but that's enough for us to get stronger and Dad isn't breaking, he is ascending his whole realm."

"What do you mean by that? Does it have to do something with that secret of yours?"Irina asked, narrowing her eyes sharply.

She was the eldest daughter of Wood.

As a sister, she always wanted to be the one who protected her brother and became a role model. That is why she always pushed through until one day Mom took Stephen when he was 7 and disappeared.

The only thing she said before leaving was that the future ahead of us was tough so she needed to do something.

She didn't know what burden Lia was going to give Stephen but naturally, she wanted her to spare her brother and let her be the one who suffered alas.

They returned 16 years later and by that time Stephen had completely changed.

From a naive, cute innocent boy, he became someone indifferent and playful below which lurks a dangerous persona.

And worse of all, he was the one who got along with Leon more than her.

During Leon's childhood days when he always stayed gloomy and cold, it was only Stephen to whom he liked to talk.

Seeing Irina lost in thought, he extended his finger and flicked her forehead.

"OUCH! Why do you do that?"

Ignoring her, Stephen looked ahead.

"You all are interested in my realm right so listen here."

His lips curled upwards with a grin as he gazed at Leon.

"I am now at the peak of Heavenly realm."

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