Published at 31st of May 2024 06:30:10 AM

Chapter 297: Chaos Around

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Chapter 297: Chaos Around

While Arthur was breaking through calmly, the entire world was anything but calm as warning signs were ringing everywhere as satellites captured images of a gigantic storm cloud appearing out of nowhere creating a devastating cycle along with earthquakes creating high waves.

In the nerve center of the Federation command center, monitors flickered with urgency as warnings flashed across the screens.

A satellite image of Wheeler Island flashed on their screen.

Wheeler and the surrounding island, which was a serene tourist spot, now sparked chaos and panic as huge dense clouds formed a cyclone.

Vibrations of 6 Ml were recorded on a scale that seemed to send tsunamis to the mainland.

As the situation unfolded, tension gripped the room like a vise, and a sense of foreboding hung heavy in the air.Follow the latest novels on no/velbin(.)com

Agents rushed to their stations, their faces etched with worry as they frantically worked to assess the magnitude of the crisis unfolding before them.

Earthquakes shook the island, sending shockwaves rippling through the ground, while tsunamis crashed against the shores with relentless force.

Lightning crackled across the sky, illuminating the chaos below as fires erupted and buildings crumbled in the wake of the devastation.

The agents watching this are so bewildered that they are unable to contain their curses.

"Just what the fuck is going on here?"

"How the fuck can a cyclone appear out of nowhere on a sunny day and it is already spread 175 nautical miles."

"Whose place is that?"The higher official asked.

"It seems to be Woods' property.."

A silence lingered for a moment followed by onslaught curses.


"Why are you doing this to me?"The high official hit his head. It hadn't been even a few months since he had taken this post and emergencies were piling one upon another.

First, it was the Vampire incident, then the shadow realm, then the Massacre in Elysium, then in Frosthaven, and now this...

Maintaining his composure he passed the order.

"Everyone alert Aurorica, Verdantis, and other affected places. Ask them to brace for high tides."

With each passing moment, the mayhem on Wheeler Island spread like wildfire, threatening to engulf the mainland in a maelstrom of destruction.

Panic swept through the command center as word spread of the impending danger, and urgent calls for reinforcements echoed off the walls.

The shape of the outline swirled continuously. The violent qi surged around Arthur, also turning into a vortex, which grew larger and larger until the entire island was affected.


From the flash of light, the man took a step.

A smooth sharp face with a sharp chiseled jaw and long black hair fluttering on his back.

His eyes had a deep shade of obsidian, and held a magnetic intensity, drawing you in with their enigmatic allure. His lips, sculpted and defined, curve into a subtle yet confident smile, hinting at a captivating charisma.

His chest rose and fell with each breath, displaying the hard-

earned definition of his abdominal muscles. Each ripple and curve of his toned chest speaks of dedication to his physical prowess, while the light play of shadows accentuates the contours of his sculpted torso. His presence exudes confidence and power, a testament to the disciplined dedication he invests in his physique.

"What the fuck?"

"Who the fuck are you?"


A striking blast struck the source of sound and like a rag doll, the body was blasted away stumbling over the ground.

Fortunately, it wasn't Leon.

Stephen's figure tumbled all away from the shore to the ocean cutting through the tides of the sea.

Sophia, Irina, and Gwen coughed in bewilderment looking at the God-like figure.

"Seriously..."Leon took a puff, feeling a loss of words, and snapped his head to stare at Lia and saw her expression Leon's heart skipped a beat.

"Grandma, what the fu..."

He saw a faint lining of crystal dew shading from her eyes with a radiating smile like a teenage girl's who was in deep love and her face was red like a ripened tomato

"Grandma...please control..."


And then another explosion occurred and it was Leon.



Like a starlight, Leon's figure was shot back by a punch leaving the other three girls standing frozen.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!