Published at 31st of May 2024 06:30:09 AM

Chapter 298: Threat

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Chapter 298: Threat

Arthur flew around and landed before Lia, casting a bittersweet smile.

"It's good to be young again."


Lia smiled and hugged Arthur.

Gwen extended her hand and pinched Irina.

"Mom is that guy our Grandpa..."

"I...I think so..."Irina's voice stuttered...

"Was he really that hot in his youth..."

"I think I understand the reason why Grandma Lia chose him..."Sophia muttered.

"Hmm! Now I understand where Leon inherited the beauty."

Irina and Gwen locked their gazes on Sophia with a rueful expression as if asking what about us?"


From the ocean, Stephen stepped out dragging Leon who was vomiting blood.Vissit novelbin(.)com for new novels

"Fuck you, old man! The first thing you do is to kill your grandson."

Leon cursed aloud in resentment while vomiting blood and saw a status update over Arthur.

Name:Arthur Woods


Realm:Peak Divine Stage

"I also want to ask the same. You might be the only father who is vehemently beating your son and grandson."

He also saw changes in Stephen's template and gapped in shock.

Name:Stephen Woods


Realm:Peak Heavenly Realm.

Protagonist Template:Falling in Love with a high dimensional Being[Inactivated]

Leon was shocked seeing this...His grandpa is...he meant was a protagonist.

He snapped out of his thoughts hearing verbal abuse.

"Kill you my ass! Don't act like a flower girl. All this amounts to nothing to you."Arthur started cursing, making everyone have one thought.

The resentment buried in her heart flared up and she glared at Lia while crying inside.

As Su Lin sat beside the window of the grand mansion, her gaze lost in the expanse beyond, a sense of melancholy that settled over her.

Her heart welled up in emptiness.

"Leon, where are you?"

"You said you answer me but you haven't called me....Haaaa!"Su Lin sighed heavily.

With each passing day, she found herself drawn back to that moment, wondering when he would return, longing for the assurance his presence brought. The distant sound of birds' song only served to deepen her solitude, reminding her of the vastness of the world beyond the confines of the estate.

Leon's promise was like a beacon of hope.

A hope that stitched and glued her broken heart.

"Sometimes I wonder why did fall for him?"

As she was engaged in deep thought, someone slammed the table.

"Su Lin!"

"YES!" Su Lin was startled awake and saw her father's distorted expression.

"What happened?"

"Your resume had been accepted?"

"Resume...Which Resume?"Su Lin asked confusingly.

Su Yang smiled trying to hide his anger.

'That bastard...I won't let that asshole stain my darling angel. How dare you covet my precious jewel...My daughter won't be marrying anyone..'

Snorting inwardly, he shouted.

"Your resume to become a military Instructor in the Military Academy of Dimension Zones..."


Su Lin was flabbergasted for a moment.

She always wanted to become an instructor there and tried several times but she failed so how did it get accepted out of all times why now?

"Father but..."

"Su Lin...Pack up....Don't waste this opportunity. About Leon, he will understand and..."

Su Yang's voice became heavier...

"Su Li, don't force me...If you don't go there with your will I...

I.....will hang myself and die..."


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!