Published at 31st of May 2024 06:35:38 AM

Chapter 71: 71The Hunt[III]

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Chapter 71 71:The Hunt[III]


A powerful wind gale spread apart as two swords intersected against each other. A ring of shockwaves lingered in the air for a brief moment.

Separating from one another, Leon who was about to land, sensing something suddenly lowered his head as Rose appeared above swinging her daggers horizontally.

Lifting his head, Leon stomped his ground, and cracking ground, he shot up and prepared to attack Rose but before he could do that, he felt a powerful force coming from Reno's direction.

Glancing from the corner of his eyes, Leon saw Reno holding onto his sword with both hands. The sword glowed in crimson and pulsated with destructive forces.

A hue emerged that looked like a huge pillar that tore up the air as it followed the sword.

Following this, many vines appeared and suddenly wrapped him to restrain him.

Rose clenched her fist commanding the vines to crush Leon's body but she was astonished to find that the vines started tearing as they squeezed him.

The thorns on the vines weren't able to dig deeper and pierce beneath the skin. It was as if her Martial Spirit was scratching a cold metallic surface.

"Reno, I will restrain him. Don't worry about damaging my Martial Spirit. Just kill him."

Rose screamed giving Leon a hateful look and emptying all her Qi to restrain Leon while the bulb of petals of Rose of Martial spirit bulged condensing energy to prepare for the next attack.

"Leave this to me, "Reno shouted taking a step forward, he appeared right in front of Leon.

Giving Leon a shrewd smile as if telling him that he didn't stand a chance against him, with his sword raised he slashed down with a terrifying pressure that bore down Leon threatening to cut him apart.


Restrained by Rose Martial Spirit, Leon could not move and could only watch helplessly as the attack neared him.

Or so they thought.....

As the sword was just a few inches away from Leon a cold voice filled with madness resonated in the air.

"Did you think this is enough for you to win?"

Staring at the attack, Leon's eyes turned golden. His round pupil changed into a blackish spindle shape. Following that a huge monumental pressure suddenly bore down on everyone present out there.

The attack coming at him stopped as Reno faltered in his steps while Rose almost bent down due to the pressure and the vines wrapping Leon loosened slightly.

Taking advantage of this, stomping his foot on the ground he propelled his body backwards with Rose behind him.



Rose's whole body shivered as she felt as if she had been rammed by a bulldozer shattering her bones.

Crashing against the ground, Rose spat a mouthful of blood. However, this wasn't the end of the pain as Leon taking an abrupt turn, he punched out hitting her straight in the face.

Rose's vision became dark as the bones of her face were pulverized by Leon's fist knocking the breath and life out of her. Following the attack, Leon made a chopping sign and chopped straight at her chest.

He can't go back to his previous life of rags.

He had gotten a second chance which he couldn't let go of no matter what.

"Why are you doing this? I have no prior enmity with you?"

Controlling his trembling voice, Reno tried to speak courageously.

"It was that bitch Rose who asked me to fight you. I didn't even know you. If you let me go, I can shower you with mountains of money, treasure, and everything you want."

"I am Reno Jefferson. I am equal to the Prince of Vista and can give you everything you want."

Reno smiled boasting about his status but his smile faded seeing a dull blank look on the man's face.

Sighing heavily, Leon shook his head.

"Disappointing. I waited thinking that you might have a trump card to use on me at the last moment and take me by surprise alas..."

"All you did was spout some random bullshit."Leon kicked his tongue in annoyance.

"You said you can give me anything right..."

Reno's lips widened and his eyes brightened with hope.

"Y...Yes...I can give me anything."

"You just have to name it and I will give you everything. I will also leave this place and behave as if I never met you or Lucien."

As Reno smiled, he sneered in his heart. Once he gets out of place, he would do everything to make this guy's life a living hell.

Leon's lips curled with a menacing crazy smile with lips wide apart showing his white teeth that filled with a wild aura carrying a tint of excitement.

On raising his head, a hatchet suddenly appeared in his hands.

"Then give me your life."

"What!"Reno screamed in shock upon seeing the descent of the hatchet.

"Nooooooo!Fucking noooooo...Systemmmmmmm Helppppp!"

Reno screamed at the top of his lungs making his throat teared up.

[It's detected host life is in danger....]

[Running emergency...

[ERROR..... ERROR.....]

[External Interference found...]

Before Reno could make sense of the system voices in his head, a sharp weapon slammed down on his skull and he was greeted by eternal darkness.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!