Published at 31st of May 2024 06:35:35 AM

Chapter 73: 73The Lost Jewel

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Chapter 73 73:The Lost Jewel

The moment Leon stepped into the Mausoleum, a huge overwhelming pressure crashed upon him.


Leon's body was jolted and torn apart by an excruciating pressure embarking on him.

For each step forward, he had to grind his teeth forward. The pressure born on his body was not only physical but also spiritual.

The purplish qi hovering around tantalizes one soul to be lost in the world of depravity in corruption. Fortunately, Leon's mind was strong enough to resist this. If not for his enhanced Draconic body, he was sure that he would be slapped to meat paste.

"This place seemed to block anyone except the chosen one."

Gritting his teeth, Leon appeared at the back of Lucien who was kneeling on the floor with one of his hands holding the spear.

Blood dripped down from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth along with his skin. Lucien's body was shaking violently as if he would burst apart at any moment now but despite that with great determination he clung onto the spear as if this was his life.

Though the protagonist goes through a bloody war to cheat, Lucien's condition is worse. Leon wouldn't be surprised if this guy drops dead any moment now.

"Can he survive," Leon asked, activating his Fortune Seeker skill.

[Host, you need to 1..]

"Do it."

[He won't.]

Leon's expression contorted with a frown. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

"What?"Leon screamed in shock.

"Just who the fuck made him a protagonist. This is a guy is a stain on the protagonists out there."

"Does this have something to do with his luck?"Leon asked.

[Yes Host, Due to Reno starting messing with Lucien and the villain Halo overwhelming Lucien and losing a few initial heroines. All of this resulted in lowering his luck. If not for you saving him twice, this kid might have already gone to heaven.]

Sucking in cold air, Leon pondered for a moment. He didn't have much time and if gave him a potion or medicine, the sudden break might hurt this guy's soul.

Leon's eyes then locked onto the dark menacing spear that was emitting an evil aura.

A crazy thought came into his mind.

"Fuck it! Let's do this. At least I tried my best, to save you kid" Leon, hardening his heart, extended his hand and grabbed the spear.

A majestic voice echoed.


An even stronger pressure descended upon him.

Ghostly bells and chants of the devil started resonating in the cry.

The vast army of Demon around the place unsheathed their weapon and struck to make sounds as if they were praising the Great Lord.

Under such immense pressure, Leon's figure collapsed onto the ground unable to bear it, and spurted blood.

As the figure's eyes locked onto him, a look of surprise flashed on his face.

Laughter pierced the place crashing against the other sound.


"That's a good show man. Just how much did you spend on CGI? I always dreamt of watching such a live animation."

Following his words, the world turned silent for a moment.

CGI? Live animation?

What's that...

The question hung over everyone's face.


"Hey m**therfucker, stop wasting my time by spewing some bullshit like you are trash, you are unworthy, you are useless, you are mongrel."

"Do you think I give a damn? Do you think your opinion even matters to me or anyone else?"

A baffled look flashed on the man's face who sat on the throne and he got up stomping the ground...


The stars in the starry sky exploded one one after another and the whole universe trembled for a moment.

"Do you know who I am? How dare you run your mouth before me?"

"I am Zaroth The Demon King of Destruction. The Antithesis of God Of Destruction and you dared to disrespect me. Even many deities bow and kneel before me."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!