Published at 31st of May 2024 06:35:32 AM

Chapter 75: 75Interrogation

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Chapter 75 75:Interrogation

Outside the entrance of Lost Jewel.

A palpable tension lingered in the air.

Within a short amount of time, everyone who could gather gathered at the place waiting for someone to come in.

Many appeared out of nowhere and entered inside casually. Few even mocked and ridiculed them that they wouldn't last even for a few seconds inside but the unknown people had managed to stay inside.

However, only God knows if they managed to stay alive or not.

Due to the tension, each one of the mercenaries' heads contacted their backers who asked them to closely monitor the situation. If someone came out of the place, each one of them would pounce upon him to extract information and treasures he had found.

The families will soon send their personnel to this place. Until then, they have to guard this place.

Tom Hawk, the Chief of Ironhawk gawked at the entrance, and his expression caught the shadow of someone approaching.

Following that, the Chief of other mercenaries also caught a glimpse of the man.

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Holding two bodies over his shoulder, a man walked out of the entrance whistling and singing a tune as if this was a small walk in the park for him.



The moment he appeared out fully, countless guns were aimed at him.

Someone even fired a shot a few meters away from him, sending him a warning signal to stop.


"What the hell?"Leon screamed aloud and stood frozen seeing a huge number of people aiming at him.

When he entered, they allowed him easily but now all of them had a sinister expression, giving him a devilish look.

"We will ask and you will answer?"

"And what is this thing poking here? What did you hid.."


Before he could finish his sentence, Leon slammed his fist on his head and shouted.

"That's my little brother you idiot."

"What?"The man screamed, scratching his head, and cried out, "But it's not little in any sense."

"Hey, stop talking about all this shit, or don't blame me."

"Okay, "The man feeling a shiver down his spine stepped back in fear.

After a thorough search of all types of weapons and machinery, they didn't find anything valuable.

"Now that you find nothing, I will take my leave."

Leon spoke casually and just as he bent down to lift the two, a crushing pressure suddenly assaulted him.

"Where is my Young Master," a piercing scream tore the place.

A beam of light shot out from the crowd and a man landed behind Leon creating a mini storm, sweeping away the dust.

Turning around towards a man who was dressed in army clothes, he asked"Who?"

"My Young Master, " the man asked furiously.

"That's what I am asking. Who the hell is your Young Master?"Leon shouted in annoyance.

"I am talking about Young Master Reno Jeffson, what happened to him? Young Master went with that girl Rose but now that you come back with her where is he? What happened to him? Did you kill him?"

With a fierce bellow, he released his aura and appeared leaping, appearing right before Leon.

Leon, who was subjugated to the pressure instead of stepping back, took a step forward looking straight into Anthony's eyes.

"Are you threatening me now?"Leon asked with his eyes glowing golden as he let go of all his restraints.


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