Published at 31st of May 2024 06:35:30 AM

Chapter 77: 77Interrogation[III]

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Chapter 77 77:Interrogation[III]

Even though Leon managed to walk out safely, things weren't over as he was annoyed by the mercenaries pestering him about what he encountered inside.

Leon massaged his forehead while looking at the brute who sat there unmoved by his words.

Leon gave him a small sneak peek into the insider thing about the traps, dungeon, and beast.

However, all of them knew there was something amiss as according to the reports, Rose and an unknown man who turned out to be Prince of Jeffson were the first to enter inside through the fog.

Due to this, a question arose.

How did Leon encounter Rose and where did he find her, where did they fight, and where this kid of unknown origin popped from?

While other mercenaries still fixated and waited for the personnel from the big families to explore the Lost Jewel, Marcus decided to meet Leon and have a man-to-man talk.

"I don't believe you. I want to know the truth...The real truth."

"Listen, pal, I understand.."


The coffee table before Leon was smashed into tatters by Marcus who slammed his fist and shouted.

"You understand shit."

Leon flinched back feeling that this man seemed to be copying him.

Marcus raised his hands and showed four fingers.

"I have been forced to coop in here for four years. For fucking four years I have to stay in this wilderness, away from my family, and keep an eye waiting for the fated day. Do you even know how difficult it is to stay awake with minimum sleep and watch my team members die for various reasons and in the end we got nothing...We have nothing..After four years of struggle, what was caught in our hands was nothing but hopelessness and the graves of my members.$

"Then why are you here? Just go somewhere else. As per the riches, the beginning of that land is a risk-free zone and you can fetch the rings that are being laden with treasure."Leon replied with a flustered expression seeing Marcus angry.

"And stop looking at me as if I have stolen your wife. Come on man, I don't have any personal enmity."

Marcus's voice became louder carrying a tint of sadness.

"First thing, I am not interested in these gold and riches. Secondly, I am forced to stay here. I was a poor kid who had to rely on pickpocketing to earn food as no one took small kids to work or pitied us. In a way or another, I found my way in this line and after many shits, I finally found a backing who supplied resources and money."Marcus then slammed his thigh.

Sadness, grief, and regret were etched deep on his face. In an instant, his face brimming with anger seemed to age up a lot.

As for his cultivation, it was fluctuating but Leon knew that this boy would get a power-up boost.

However it seems, Lucien isn't the only one who got something out of it.

Leon unfolded his sleeves and raised his arms.

"Resisting the influence of Destructive Demonic qi might be one thing but touching it is another."

Lucien touched it because of that crystal or something and he was sure that Reno needed that crystal to get this spear because of which he waited to kill Lucien.

Yeah, Seph might not need it cause he is a different breed from his omnipotent system.

So in that case how did he manage to stay alive even after touching it?

The Demonic Qi of Destruction had the property of erasing this. Or in simpler terms, it reduced every complex thing into a simple molecule by atomic disintegration.

"The only thing I can think of is the Law of Destruction but I don't think I have any enlightenment in that law so what is it?"

Leon clenched his fist and circulated his qi. He started refining it to form a layer of aura over his hand, but unlike previously a darkish gaze emerged from his hands.

"When I touched the spear, some of the qi of destruction seemed to have infected me, and after the confrontation with the God of Destruction, my Qi had gained property of destruction."

Fascinated by this, Leon raised his finger and pressed on the side table.


The moment the dark aura from his finger touched the wood of the table, a small crack formed over the surface.

The aura slowly corrodes wood to nothingness invisible to the naked eye.

Leon pressed his chin with his thumb and curled his lips with a smile.

"I was worried about which Law to master but with this, I should go to Law of Destruction. But it would be good if I could master laws relating to Death or kill, or perhaps both as I specialize in this field."

Mastering the Law of Death would give one the power of Necromancy but it's the hardest one to master.

As explained by Sophia, only those who have faced death or are on the verge of death can awaken it. For now, there hadn't been a necromancer on this planet on the surface.

As for those hiding in the dark, no one knows about it.

"Let's leave this later. Instead of wasting time, I should do something meaningful.

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