Published at 31st of May 2024 06:35:28 AM

Chapter 78: 78Depart

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Chapter 78 78:Depart

The air echoed with the strain of his effort as veins bulged across his sweat-drenched forehead. With a primal roar, the man hoisted the massive boulder onto his shoulders, muscles rippling in protest. The weight pressed down, threatening to crush both body and spirit.

Undeterred, he descended into a deep squat, the muscle fibers of his legs trembling under the colossal load. Beads of determination mixed with sweat, dripping onto the ground below. His muscles screamed in agony, yet his spirit roared louder.

In a burst of sheer willpower, he rose against the crushing force, the boulder refusing to break his resolve. His muscles, on the brink of exhaustion, pulsated with raw power while begging for rest.

Crackling voices echoed one after another as the man with a huge heavy boulder over his back squatted up and down. His legs were red and his thigh had been bloody red, due to vessels bursting oozing blood, and crying for rest. Nevertheless, he kept on squatting with the same explosive speed he began with.


Leon paused his workout and stared at the sluggish Lucien who yawned heavily. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

He rubbed his shoulder due to sleepiness, but the moment he saw Leon's bloody figure he quivered in shock and disbelief.

"Brother stop it. You are bleeding."He screamed in terror but Leon cut his words.

"Did you have a nice sleep?"

"Yes, but what are you doing and where are we?"Lucien looked at the barber wires.

On opening his eyes, he found himself on the bed of a small lodging and was taken aback by shock.

Fortunately, he managed to find Leon otherwise he didn't know what he would do in panic.

"Did you lose your vision? Can't you see I am working out?"

"Isn't this too brutal?"Lucien asked in fear, seeing Leon's bloody thighs. He didn't know how many squats he did to rupture the blood vessel that dyed his blood.

"It is but to survive in a world filled with brutality, you have to work yourself brutally. Just because you have mercy on yourself in training doesn't mean others would show mercy and spare you, kid."

Lucien nodded with his eyes flashing with awe and respect.

'As expected of Big Brother. He is a true model for me. One day, I want to be as cool as him.'

"Br...Brother, can you tell me your name?"



[It's a disguise.]

Lucien's voice struck his throat and his eyes widened hearing a voice in his mind.

"W...Who are you?"

Leon noticed Lucien's frantic expression but acted nonchalantly waiting for Lucien to sort out his thoughts.

Lucien looked around searching for the person who spoke to him.

"Can you act like a man? The kids of your age have already started fighting for world domination yet you are crying at the slightest thing."

"Che! What a crybaby."

"I am not."Lucien pouted, wiping out his tears."So, can you please tell me your name?"

Leon sighed and ruffled Lucien's hair, he spoke"I am Leon. Just a bit older than you."

"Don't you have a surname?"Lucien asked curiously as in the future when he searched for him it wasn't easy to look for with a single name.

"I am doing this because I have some problems back at home. You can think of me as a home kick-out guy. So, I don't have that surname."Leon patted him.

"Lucien, since you are awake I have to leave."


"No, I can't stay but.... We will be meeting soon so there is no need to bid goodbye but before that, I have some advice for you."Leon paused and stared at Lucien solemnly.

"Lucien, don't be too humble or too arrogant. Before you do anything, ask your heart if it's correct. If your heart says it is, then there isn't any reason to hold back but if it says no then don't let your impulses get the better of you or you gonna regret a lot in the end."

"And another thing, as a man treats a woman well. Don't just go around hooking any beautiful girl you come across or else..."

Leon wanted to say that he would personally cut his thing if he behaved like a hooligan but decided to stop for now.

Lucien wiped his tears and nodded with an understanding look.

"I will follow your words Brother and become a man you could be proud of but before that can you please give me a goodbye hug?''Lucien spoke, extending his hands.

"Fuck off!


Leon exhaled heavily looking at the outside through the private plane leaving for Elysium.

Not because the scenery was nice but because of Lucien who was waving at him with a crying face.

Seeing this, Leon started to wonder if heaven chose Lucien by mistake.

It might have selected another guy but made a mistake. Fortunately, it also saved that guy's life from dying at his or a villain's hands.

"Whatever! It was a fulfilling trip."Leon smiled gently

Opening his smartphone, he dialed a number.

'Let's see if you can keep on playing that game of hide and seek.'

"Hello, Mr.Silver, the assignment you have allocated to me is done. I have got the thing that you want."Leon paused for a moment.

His lips curved upwards with a malevolent smile.

"So this time, will you meet me personally or should I hand this thing to someone who won't act mysteriously like you?"

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