Published at 31st of May 2024 06:35:26 AM

Chapter 79: 79Gift From Your Well Wisher

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Chapter 79 79:Gift From Your Well Wisher

In Aurorica.....

Luxor Citadel Hotel, previously known as The Palace of Luxury, was situated at the heart of Fransisco town. With its foundation laid almost 1000 years ago, it was considered among the oldest Palaces in the world.

Rothschild bought it in the year 2500 and converted it into a hotel and today it is one of the favorite tourist points throughout the world.

Every corner of the place reflects a grandiose of its own. Each tile on the floor might be wealthier than someone's lifetime accumulation.

Except for a selected few who can come and go as they wish, even the wealthiest people at the top had to wait in reservation.

"Ye Chen, is it alright for us to stay here?"The woman with curly brown hair whispered as her eyes wandered around the place.

"Don't worry my love, what can be lovelier than spending our first night at such a place, Jane."Ye Chen smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist.

The woman blushed a bit at Ye Chen's antics and struggled to get free from his wolfish hands that moved lower towards her butt but all of this was acting as she enjoyed the warmth and solace brought by those hands.

Ye Chen had booked the Presidential Suite with the VIP card given by Elena as he wanted Jane to spend her night in such a place that would give her an everlasting memory.

They entered the room decorated with rose petals and candles. Ye Chen was unable to control his lust for Jane.

His eyes with a wolfish grin scanned Jane from head to toe as his desire to pounce on the soft kitten clouded his heart but the last bit of sanity he had stopped his impulse.

'It's Jane's first night. I should control her a bit. After all, not many women in this world can handle my vigor.'

Ye Chen wrapping his arms around Jane started kissing her neck softly.

Jane appreciated his pleasant touch that excited her and made her heart flutter. As Ye Chen started undressing her, she held his hand and spoke with a ragged breathing.

"Ye Chen, will it be alright for us to do this behind her back? President might be angry if she knew that her secretary and her husband were indulging themselves."

Ye Chen checked and held her lips.

"Innocent Kitten, don't worry about the future. One should just indulge in living the present to the fullest otherwise you would leave behind a lot of regret."Ye Chen then kissed her gently and licked his lips seductively.

Ye Chen sweated profusely as if by chance it was sent by Elena then he might be in trouble cause she really had a bad temper.

'Let's see what it has."

Ye Chen took the package and mumbled as he tore off the cover, "It's cold."

The servant who was looking curiously, suddenly gasped in shock seeing the thing inside the box...


Jane, who heard the loud noise, came running and almost stumbled and fell on her butt.

Her lips opened wide but no sound came out. Her entire body stiffened and shivered, seeing blood dripping down.

All of this because she saw a head in the package with eyes opened wide.

Her body convulsed seeing the brutal scene and her throat became dry.

"Ye Ch....Chen...what is this?"Jane managed to squeeze out her question but what greeted her was nothing but an everlasting haunting silence.

Ye Chen just stood there frozen unable to utter a word. His mind was blank, unable to process the picture he was seeing.

His hands quivered violently and drops of tears trickled down from his eyes while his heart burst with mixed feelings of anger, sadness, regret, and melancholy.


Ye Chen's eyes darted toward the ringing phone inside the box.

As if led by an invisible string of fate, like a puppet he picked up the call.

The moment he picked it up, a maniac laughter echoed from the other side.

"Surprise m*therfucker..."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!