Published at 31st of May 2024 06:35:23 AM

Chapter 81: 81Mr.Silver

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Chapter 81 81:Mr.Silver

The trip to Savanna was quite fruitful. Though he didn't acquire a heaven-defying weapon or heaps of gold, his gains were nothing less than treasures.

Nimbus's step was a skill of Divine rank, the reward Reno would have received had he completed a certain task unbeknownst to him. Concerning the breakthrough pill, he found himself in a predicament about how to use it.

If he used the system, he would directly reach the peak of the realm. However, relying on himself or using other means, he had to go through an arduous process of breaking through the minor realm step by step. Also, he couldn't use the system to go from the early stage of one realm to the peak stage.

His meeting with Silver was scheduled in Elysium in Chalice, much to his surprise. Despite feeling a bit tired from constant travel, he had to meet him.

As they say, there's no rest for the wicked.

Soon, the meeting date with Silver arrived.


In Hotel Tranquil of Chalice, an old man sat in a VIP lounge, resting his hand on his knee while awaiting the guest.

As the door opened, and Leon walked in, the old man got up, extending out his hand elegantly with a deep magnetic voice, "I am Silver." Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Leon shook his hand, feeling it being squeezed firmer, while the man with a smiling face maintained eye contact. The old man's eyes were deeply filled with the vicissitudes of life.

For some reason, Leon found the face oddly familiar but couldn't remember how. However, he was sure that this guy wasn't from a pharmaceutical company as his sharpness gave him the impression of a warrior.

Name: Argent Samar

Age: 91

Realm: Withered Martial King

Leon raised his brows at the word 'wither,' implying that the man was slowly dying with no hope for further advancement.

As both were seated, Silver said with a smile, "The assignment of taking down the Wolfgang mercenary wasn't easy, and not many are courageous enough to do that and many failed."

"You are praising me in vain. The condition was quite suitable, and with the absence of their Captain, I just gave them a deadly blow, and others took the chance to finish the task," Leon answered indifferently.

Argent laughed and asked for casual things to lighten the mood, but Leon cut off straight to the point.

"I have found the serum, but I don't know if it is the thing you are looking for or if it's that particular serum."

Leon then put a small tube of blood-colored liquid on the table, but his hands didn't let it go.

"However, before you take it, tell me what you are going to do with it and who you are. As per the people hiding here, it's better if you come out within the next ten seconds; otherwise, don't blame me if I twist this guy's neck."

Leon spoke coldly with a sinister grin.

The moment Leon threatened Argent, the sound of steps echoed, and people hiding in the room came out.

Though he didn't show that, he felt his ego hurt.

However, ignoring his feelings, Leon searched for the name, and the next second he sucked in cold air.


He really felt embarrassed now.

His feeling was worse than a guy who was caught cheating on the spot.

"Hahaha! I guess I was too out of connection," Leon laughed to hide his embarrassment.

The person who sat before him was the Vice Admiral of the Army of Elysium. He is also a reputed public speaker and in his prime was a capable General of the Federation who fought valiantly in the Dimensional zones.

All in all, he was a reputed figure that everyone could find out about in the book. Sadly, either Leon hadn't read that because he was from Aurorica or didn't bother to keep in mind after all how can one remember every single thing?

To hide his uneasiness, Leon put back his same stern expression.

"Even if you were the Prime Minister or President of the Federation, I wasn't going to give it to you easily. I don't want this to be used wrongly by a big family."

"Kid, I like your attitude. Youthfulness is surely a vigorous phase," Argent praised him.

"How did you know I am young?"

"Do you think I shake hands with you for nothing? Even if it's a disguise technique, anyone with experience can tell it from the texture of the skin. You might be around 20 or more," Argent explained and nodded in satisfaction. "You are a fine young man, and that's also a reason you are alive."

"I see, you can't bear to kill a fine young man who can be of great help," Leon spoke with a grin.

"Kid, no need to pretend. The moment you looked at me with those gazes, I knew that you could guess that I am a disciplined warrior. And when he shakes hands, you already know that your disguise is blown away. As for not knowing me..."

Argent paused for a moment as he couldn't tell if this guy didn't know or was pretending to not know but if this was true, he might be a master actor.

Leon coughed steering the thing from a topic that might really become his black history.

"Okay, old man...I mean Respected Sir," Leon changed his greeting.

"Let's cut to the chase. How are you going to use this?"

Argent paused for a moment and took a heavy gasp horrifying Leon who wondered if this guy was going to drop dead any moment from now.

A deadly silence lingered for a moment making it hard for everyone to breathe.

Argent guards were already on guard and prepared to move.

"Kid, I can feel that you meant those words earlier so before answering let me ask you something..."Argent paused a bit and asked solemnly.

"What are dimensional zones?"

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