Published at 31st of May 2024 06:35:14 AM

Chapter 87: 87Date[III]

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Chapter 87 87:Date[III]

A deathly silence lingered for a moment, and the assassins halted in their steps, seeing no movement in the body. But just as they were about to rejoice in joy, a coughing sound cracked their sweet dreams.

Leon raised his legs, twisted his torso, and rotated his legs to get back on his feet.

On his chest, a large-caliber bullet was stuck, digging into his skin. It was large enough to create a gaping hole in his chest. However, due to his draconic body, it wasn't able to dig deep into his bones.

"Did I just have the taste of my own medicine?" Leon smacked his lips in annoyance, pulling out the bullet.

His skin and bones were tough, but he needed to use Qi to activate the real deal. Even without activating it, it was still hard enough to resist; otherwise, he might have died for real now.

Leon turned around, running in a circle. His eyes spotted the location of the sniper aiming at him.

"Caught you!"

[Nimbus step]


Leon's figure accelerated, leaving behind an afterimage. Due to the open space, unrestrained by anything, Leon's body burst forth with terrifying speed. In just a span of a few moments, Leon covered a distance of around 100 meters. Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Leon lunged into the air and glided, making him look as if he was flying.

The sniper who fired at Leon was shocked to see him come alive and screamed, "Why is his body so strong, as if it's made up of steel? Even the body-cultivator bodies aren't that outrageous."

He was about to fire again when the image of the target blurred, making it difficult to lock him down. It was so fast that the target almost disappeared before him abruptly.

As he searched around looking for the target, the vision of the scope suddenly became dark.


The man, on moving back his eyes, froze, seeing a menacing smiley face right before his face. A monumental pressure suddenly bore down on him, and his grip on the rifle loosened.

"Are you looking for someone?" Leon asked with a sweet yet bone-chilling smile.


A soft, warm breeze rustled the winds, carrying whispers of an ancient legend. At the heart of the clearing, a radiant burst of golden light erupted, captivating the surroundings.

From within this luminous glow, fiery hues danced, weaving together like molten ribbons.

Sparks of crimson, gold, and amber intertwined, spiraling upwards in a mesmerizing ballet. The atmosphere crackled with energy, echoing the birth of a celestial spectacle.

Feathers of crimson and gold unfurled, each plume ablaze with an otherworldly luminescence. With a majestic sweep of wings, the phoenix emerged, its radiant presence casting a warm, celestial glow across the forest.

Leon felt mesmerized by the figure of the Phoenix, and his heart stirred with the thought of having the creature as a pet.

The Phoenix appeared for a brief moment and disappeared into the darkness. A few moments after, Sophia landed behind him, holding two figures.

Seeing Leon's eyes filled with awe, she asked with a smirk, "How was it?"

"Nothing like I have ever seen. It was beautiful, majestic, and it made one's heart flutter with warmth," Leon gave his honest opinion.

"You can see it anytime you want," Sophia spoke with a teasing and tantalizing smile.

Her wet dress attached to her body highlighted her curves, and her soft, silky hair drafting over her shoulder highlighted her charm.

"I am already satisfied seeing you like this. You are as beautiful as the celestial Phoenix," Leon spoke, walking towards Sophia.

Sophia, for a moment, was taken aback by the rare compliment and even wondered if this guy had taken the wrong medicine.


Sophia paused and then pulled out her phone. As she scrolled, she burst out into laughter.

"Read a funny joke?" Leon tilted his head, seeing her laughing like this.

Sophia laughed aloud and showed him the phone screen, "I just saw your name on the bounty list and even received your assassin quest."

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