Published at 31st of May 2024 06:35:09 AM

Chapter 91: 91Awakening Of Unknown[III]

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Chapter 91 91:Awakening Of Unknown[III]

Amidst all this, Leon found his consciousness pulled into a dark empty, and vast space.

The influx of memories of weird, sinister alien yet familiar power flooded into his mind. For some unknown reason, he felt oddly familiar with the power like he had used this power and mastered it since several years ago.

Leon floating in the darkness of the abyss, stared at a dark humanoid figure.

A grotesque entity, whose form is shrouded in an inky darkness that seems to devour all light.

Its eyes seemed to be burning with malevolence, pierce through the shadows, giving a sinister shiver.

Crooked, twisted, and elongated limbs writhe with unnatural movements, each step accompanied by an otherworldly whisper that chills the soul. This obscure presence induces an oppressive aura, suffocating the hearts with an unrelenting fear, as if the very existence signifies darkness, destruction, and death.

"So who are you? My Martial Spirit? What kind of weird thing are you?"

A slit appeared over the figure's obscure face and it used opened the silt like its mouth.

A screeching eerie voice created a disturbance in the void stirring the darkness. The sound was akin to the scratching of claws on the surface of metal.

However, it sounded like a random noise of cries and grunts, but Leon was able to understand everything he heard. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

[I am the shapeless and fearless myth of darkness. I am Madness.]

Leon's lips and eyes twitched hearing this.

Other people Martial Spirits have a cool name but his Martial Spirit sounded like some kind of third-rate movie villain.

"Are you alive?"

[Nooooo!I exist as a part of you and will assimilate into your soul soon.]

Leon scrutinized the figure with a serious look. He felt a certain connection with it as it was a part of his own body that could be used by him with a single thought. The sense of familiarity and belonging that he felt with his spirit wasn't something that can be described in a few words.

"You feel odd. As if I knew you and had been with you."

[That is because I didn't originate from this world Leon but from inner you. I have seen everything.]

[Your cries of despair, a lonely night filled with sadness. Your journey of understanding the world of sinners and your brittle struggle with death as you fought in the night. I originate from the depth of your soul, from the darkness that you carry to fight the darkness of the world from affecting you.]

"Stop that! It's all past now," Leon muttered with a heavy breath as he sank into deep thoughts.

[You assimilated the essence of Death and Darkness from the previous and found the missing link in this world.]

"Hmm! What is it?"Leon asked with a confused expression.

"Yo Kihwoon, just kind of fucking monster did he awaken, "Steph asked fearfully.

"I don't know shit. I was just following the orders."Yo Kihwoon shouted aloud and then stared at the measurement screen which was still showing none.

He had never imagined that waking a Martial Spirit would have this effect.

As everyone waited anxiously, for the Martial Spirit to form, they saw a dark hymn followed by a trail of darkness materialized behind Leon that cloaked him entirely.

It looked formless and shapeless at the beginning but a moment later, it started to take off humans but just as it did that, the spirit vanished all of a sudden.

All the mystical feelings of terror and chill also disappeared leaving everyone baffled.

Everything returned to normal as if no heaven-defying phenomenon took place.

In the deadly silence of Spirit Hall, Leon sighed heavily.

"What happened now?"Steph asked, scratching his bald head.

Yo Kihwoon then saw Leon taking back his hands with a sigh.

"What happened to your spirit?"Lu Yan asked.

Leon turned towards Yo Khowoon and acting depressed, curved his lips to showcase a bitter smile.

"I failed!"

"Oh!" Lu Yan swayed her head and gave Leon a sympathetic look.

"Not having a Martial Spirit is another thing but failing to awaken is another."Steph stepped forward and patted Leon's shoulder.

"I understand what you are feeling now. It's just like the feeling of orgasm hitting you hard but ruined by premature ejaculation."

Everyone's lips twitched hearing Steph's analogy.

"A very apt comparison coming from the bald donkey," Lu Yan snickered her lips.

"Guys, let's pile this thing. I think it's better if we proceed with the mission."Leon interjected between Lu Yan and Bald Donk...he meant Steph.

"I have already received the updates."Yo Kihwoon spoke with a smile.

"So, what's our mission?"Leon asked.

"Our target is to get rid of the Drug Lord of Chalice. His name is Synder."

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