Published at 31st of May 2024 06:35:08 AM

Chapter 92: 92Hunting The Drug Lord

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Chapter 92 92:Hunting The Drug Lord

Leon's squad consists of 4 and Yo Kihwoon is the only one from the military. While You Kihwoon was a Martial Grandmaster, the other two were Grade 3 Superhuman level so Leon could already guess the level of the mission.

He wasn't provided any backdrops about Synder except it is a lawless criminal group with a leader named the organization after his name.

Nothing about his level, about the location, about his men, nothing.

They only know that he was a Drug Lord of the region.

But Leon was sure that there was something more than what meets the eye, cause there are many lawless groups. Order and laws have always been shit when it comes to powerful individuals and only holds for weaker ones in society.

The base of the target was the slums of District 12 at the edge of the Flinford Society of Chalice.

A suitable place for a drug Lord.


The night had fallen and the faint silver of the moon had been hidden behind clouds loitering in the sky that also blocked the starlight....

Four people arrived on the dirty streets of District 12. The streets were empty with street lights flickering ominously.

The buildings were shabby and some didn't even have proper roofs while some were on the verge of collapse.

Ropes were hung all around to hang the laundry and dry clothing.

However, only Leon knew the real reason. Except for hanging clothes, it also had another use which was to provide diversion.

If by chance police or someone raids the place, it would be pretty annoying to chase people amidst all these nuisances

Leon walking around took a deep breath. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

"Ew!" Lu Yan snickered, covering her nose."Why are you inhaling this foul air so deeply?"

"It just feels nostalgic," Leon answered nonchalantly.

"How, "Steph asked, nudging Leon's shoulder a bit.

"Because it smells the same as those filthy scums of the society."

Steph choked upon hearing this while Lu Yan and Yo Kihwoon stood there in shock and then chuckled.

Yo Kihwoon was relieved to see things going well between the three. The greatest challenge in working with assassins and outsiders was discordance among them which created many conflicts.

"Yo Kihwoon, should we just walk in like this? Aren't there any insiders that know how many men he had, "Leon asked with an inexplicable expression.

"Don't get distracted. I am gonna be a tank so be prepared."Steph shouted.

Steph's chest bulged and hardened like stones making the bullet bounce off. Running like a mad bull, he directly slammed the two gunners with his huge body.


The two gunner bodies were flung in the air as if hit by a bulldozer throwing them into disarray. Spinning in the air, they slammed on the ground spurting blood.

Steph, who was the only one acting unbridled, was suddenly hit by a large-caliber bullet that burst his chest with a crack


Steph's body slid down a few meters due to a hit and on raising his chin, he saw a man with a machine gun locking him from the roof.


Cursing his fate, he ran like a madman as the piercing power of the machine bullets could dig holes into his rocky body.

He broke through the wall and ran trying to regroup with others.

"Lu Yan, save me from this asshole."

"Who brings out a military machine gun to street war?"Steph cries, asking Lu Yan to shoot and cover him.

"Serves you right, dumbhead. Who asked you to charge like a madman?" Lu Yan reprimanded him angrily though she fired toward the machine gunner to cover Steph.

On the other hand, while they were able to evade the bullets and pursue, engaging in the play of cat and mouse, they soon found themselves cornered in a dead end as a huge number of men had sealed them off from all sides.

"Is this a gang or a squadron?''Steph screamed aloud, baffled by seeing such a huge number, and looked for Yo Kihwoon.

Snyder appeared behind his man and closing his eyes took a deep breath.

"Mongrels who don't know your place dare to lay a hand on my kingdom. Dont forget that even a dog is like a lion in his street."

Snyder then laughed wildly.

"You have big guts appearing here. As a reward for this, I am shooting you to death until nothing of you....."

Even before Synder could finish his grand speech...


The head of the man beside him popped like a watermelon and splashed blood over his face giving him a scare.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!