Published at 31st of May 2024 06:35:08 AM

Chapter 93: 93Unexpexted Twist

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Chapter 93 93:Unexpexted Twist

While everyone ran wildly, Leon braced himself through the fires of bullets and walked forward. His dark clothes and a black mask covering his face blended perfectly with the darkness of night.

As Steph distracted many, Leon sneaked in and gained a high ground over a roofless house, and commenced sniping.

He waited for a perfect moment to arise and just when the team fell into a pinch, he provided the much-needed breakthrough.

Leon then pressed his earpiece and muttered, "You can go wild in that lane. I will provide a cover but it's only in that lane. Don't spread around, otherwise don't blame me, if you end up dying."

Snyder's mind became blank due to the crisis. His men immediately cried out in panic and Synder stepped back while his men surrounded him with large metallic shields saving them from the rain of bullet assault.

But after a few rounds, the metallic bullets became useless as the bullets penetrated through the shields and dug into their body.


"Someone go around and kill the guy," Synder roared angrily.

Yo Kihwoon realized something and swerved around to search for Leon who seemed to have taken a safe place and was shooting the bullet.

Lu Yan jumped ahead and sprung forward, soaring in the air to close in on the group of men. With a heavy stomp, her body burst forth with deadly power and she extended her right foot to kick blasting through the barricades of man.


There was a momentary disarray in their movements, Yo Kihwoon whipped out a pair of knives out of nowhere and threw them out, which passed through five men at once.

Yo Kihwoon then ran around to take cover, disappearing in the darkness.

Meanwhile, Steph charged in to support Lu Yan who engaged in close combat not allowing Synder's man to shoot from such a close range. And even if someone was able to draw his gun, he would soon find himself lying on the ground in a thick puddle of blood with a hole.

Lu Yan drew a sheathed short knife from her waist and slashed at the nearest man. The man dodged back but Lu Yan changed her motion from swinging to stab in mid and pierce the man's throat.

Steph went wild with his bulky body. On one hand, he provided cover for Lu Yan acting as a barrier, and on the other hand, he took the nearby with a swing of his hands.

Meanwhile, Leon started to disarm the man at the back by shooting them in their hands.

"My...My...Poor soul writhing in pain and crawling on their floor for their lives."

"Pitiful guys, struggle no more and sleep in the cold embrace of darkness."

Steph's consciousness started to grow blurry causing him to crumble to the ground. If not for his strong physique he would probably have died on the spot.

"So you called me here to take care of these measly mongrels, how pathetic."The woman landing on the ground spat with a disgusting face.

Snyder, who had already retreated to miles away in fear of getting caught in the attack, shouted.

"Shut Up and do your task Hella."

One of the primary reasons for his retreat despite being a Martial Grandmaster was because this woman exerted great pressure on your mind if you stepped near her.

Many have turned imbecile while many died from her psychic attacks.

"Tsk! Don't bark at me as if I am your dog," Hella grumbled and strode through the dead fish while swaying her hips.

A click-clack sound echoed as she avoided the group who lay down as if they were some kind of filth.

Looking around, her eyes finally fell on the man.

"Found it, "With a beaming smile that can make a man's heart flutter, she appeared before men and kicked her toes at his torso.


She expected the sight of her heel points digging into the man but contrary to her expectations the man's hands grabbed her foot.

Then raising his head to cast a devilish smile, Leon asked with his lips curling upward like a crescent moon.

"Hey, Beauty! Mind telling me how are you going to share the sum between you, Synder, and that son of bitch Yo Kihwoon after killing me."

The moment she heard this, a bad premonition started welling up in his heart.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!