Published at 31st of May 2024 06:35:07 AM

Chapter 94: 94Trap

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Chapter 94 94:Trap

Hella's eyes spewed flames as if she was looking at her deadly nemesis.

"How do you know that?"

Leon chuckled hearing the woman's voice.

"Do you all think I am just an idiot who came here out of nowhere and doesn't understand all this shit."

He was already suspicious of the guy when they got the mission with no details which was a clear sign of a red flag.

On his way, he tried to probe Yo Kihwoon many times about the details but he didn't divulge anything saying it was going to be an easy mission of tracing and killing.

Feeling suspicious he even asked Steph and Lu Yan if things always occur like this but they clearly said no.

Which meant either Yo Kihwoon was hiding something or he might be too paranoid.

Like have you ever seen a military group sending soldiers without any clear information?

He was already suspicious from that point but didn't know if You Kihwoon was the only one or if the whole trio was in it.

Secondly, that idiot led them directly to the point of ambush. Snyder was the Drug Lord of the entire Chalice City along with the neighboring cities. So, he should have eyes and ears everywhere but the entire slum was an empty vacuum.

It was so deserted that he couldn't find any soul in this place.

It was as if someone had moved them out and put them back into a suitable place as if they knew where they would come from.

Third, Yo Kihwoon was hiding instead of fighting, and the man he encountered just fired aimlessly as if they had no aim of hurting him.

Leon had been keeping an eye on this from the top and his movements gave away easily.

"Come on woman! There have been many signs of this which are easier to look at unless your brain is in your huge boobs,"

"Bastard, "Hella growled and raised her other foot to stomp on Leon but Leon rotated his torso and kicked Hella's thigh from the side.


Hella's expression was distorted due to the pain and with a blast, she was thrown off the ground a few distance back.

"Why are your legs so hard?" Hella cursed and looking around screamed."M*therfucker stop hiding and deal with your mess."

Her actions did nothing but cause the smile on Leon's face to widen even more as he let out a laugh. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Then he saw many sharp knives darting towards him imbued with qi.

However, the deflected knives rotated in the air and started coming for him.

"What? Telekinesis "Leon raised his brows and dodged the knives that created a metallic cling on touching the floor and then suddenly burst forward at Leon with terrifying momentum.

Leon evading narrowly lifted Lu Yan and Steph to hide them in a safe place, and then partake in the chase.

It was only then Leon understood what it was.

'It wasn't telekinesis rather these knives were that guy's Martial Spirit.'

At the side, Synder slashed sending waves of fire arcs that destroyed the buildings while Hella just cast soul and mind attacks from afar. She seemed to be a long-range combatant in this fight.

And sadly she seemed to be useless.

Yeah, she is more useless than Sakura herself cause her mind attack didn't have the slightest effect on Leon but it seems she wasn't able to accept that fact and kept on casting psychic which didn't differentiate friend or for.

Yo Kihwoon was already at a safe distance so Synder was one to bear the brunt and greatly agitated due to this, he attacked crazily trying to finish things quickly.


The old dusty buildings were shattered apart unable to handle Synder's attacks. It seems he was hell-bent on piling Leon here under the rubble.

As for the men under Synder, they were either dead buried under the rubble, or got torn apart by his attack.

The air crackled with energy as the group unleashed a combined barrage of razor-sharp attacks towards Leon.

With superior agility, Leon dodged and weaved through the lethal dance of blades.

At that time, Leon found himself blocked by a dead end, the blades that danced in the air shot forward and started fusing.

The small blades took the shape of a huge golden greatsword that tore through the air and darted toward Leon with terrifying momentum.

Leon looked up and saw Synder was prepared to slash his flame blade the moment he dodged up to evade while Hella was glaring daggers at Leon to lock him in his physic attract but Leon just ignored her as for him she wasn't a threat to begin with.

Leon inhaled heavily and opened his eyes filled with madness and brutality.

"Let's test if my Lesser Draconic body can take on this."

Leon instead of retreating, lunged forward to take the attack head-on and puffed his chest allowing it to pierce through the chest.


The air quivered with excitation followed by a deafening roar that echoed through the place. The ground trembled, as a shockwave rippled, expanding in all directions and destroying the structure around, leaving a trail of destruction as the ground shuddered in its wake.

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