Qie Shi Tian Xia - Chapter 4.1

Published at 13th of May 2017 10:17:34 AM

Chapter 4.1

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4 – A Moment of Interrupted Daze

The sun rose in the east, forest birds lifted their voices, a soft morning wind passed sunflowers slowly bloomed – a new day had begun.

Opening her eyes, she saw a piece of snow-white silk, really is too pure.

“You woke up.” A gentle caring voice resounded.

Adjusting her eyes, she saw Hei Fengxi half sitting, half laying down on the bed, next to the window, whilst enjoying his tea. On his handsome face was a mischievous yet pensive smile.

Lifting up her left hand, she can no longer see the scary purple mark, the poison is now clean, she is alive again, where is he?

“Where is Yan Yingzhou?” she felt a jab of pain on her lips just as she opens her mouth.

“Dead” The voice was aloof and emotionless.

Closing her eyes, she felt a bit painful inside. So in the end he did used his life to trade for hers!

“Where is the Xuanzun Seal?”

“Don’t have.” A little bit later the soft voice spoke up.

So then that group of black-clothed people had snatched it away! Those  people definitely belong to the Pierced Soul Sect!

“Why were you poisoned? This is outside my expectations”. That teasing voice, carrying a hint of happiness when others are met with misfortune, speaking as if it is a good thing.

“There was poison on the Seal, I wasn’t careful and touched it.” She tiredly replied.

“If you had passed me the news, then perhaps I could have saved Yan Yingzhou.” Hei Fengxi suddenly stood up, leisurely walking to the bedside to observe her condition.

“Pass you the news? Haha…..” Bai Fengxi heard it and stared at him, she let out a cold laugh, yet as she opened her mouth to a wider angle, her lips felt painful again. She unconsciously touched her lips, on it was a small wound.

Hei Fengxi followed her movements, seeing the small wound on her lips, he let out a light snicker with a hint of worry.

“Pass you the news so that you can come earlier so that Xuanzan Seal will be yours? How regrettable, how regrettable, have I caused you to miss this opportunity!” Bai Fengxi looked straight at him, her eyes filled with mockery.

“This woman!” Hei Fengxi’s voice became heavy. Then he suddenly went back to smiling leisurely again. “At least Yan Yingzhou would not die! A person like him, you know I would not kill!”

“Even if you don’t kill him, if you stole the Xuanzan Seal, he would be as good as dead! A person like Yan Yingzhou is definitely still alive. He lives, the Seal lives, he dies, the deal dies.” Looking at the shadows on the curtain, in a moment she saw that dark shadow, with that determination, walking out of the cave!

“He is still alive, the Seal is still there? Woa, in your heart, he must be a groundbreaking, sky-reaching hero.” Hei Fengxi sat down next to the bed, observing her expression, on his face morphed a handsome smile. How can words that come from the mouth be so icy cold, so cruel. “However, this hero of yours is truly useless. Only ten people from Duan Kunmen and yet he still couldn’t fight back.”

His eyes while speaking never left Bai Fengxi, as if he wanted to investigate something from her face. Yet Bai Fengxi only looked at the curtain, her face had no emotions.

“Tsk, tsk. You don’t know anything, that hero of yours had a total of 30 daggers on his body; 3 especially created deep wounds on his chest! At least he was quite enduring, never complained about the pain. Even when he was about to die, he dragged with him 7 of Duan Kunmen’s men to his grave! Even I have to acknowledge that he had no fear, it is only regrettable that his martial art skill was a bit lacking!” he said while using to fingers to express the regrettable difference.

Bai Fengxi’s eyes finally moved from the curtains to his face, her voice was extremely calm. “Hey black fox, are you confident because you don’t have his heroicness?”

“Hahaha….” Hei Fengxi laughed as if he just heard a silly story. It’s only that he laughed so loud, his posture is still calm, making him look quite admirable. “This woman, I believe that you truly want to know his manliness.”

Bai Fengxi smiled faintly. “Everyone knows the Fierce Wind Warrior is heroic, he cannot be compared to you tainted, fake, sly fox!”

“This woman, have you ever heard the phrase: good people will not live for long, yet a calamity last a thousand years. Your Yan hero is now dead, and the tainted, fake and sly person from your mouth is till living well, perhaps he will even outlive you.” Hei Fengxi said, his face as relaxed and calm as ever.

“That is because Heaven has no eyes” Bai Fengxi closed her eyes and ignored him.

Hei Fengxi nonchalantly laughed, then he stood up as if to leave, and the suddenly stopped.

“Hey woman, do you know? When I last saw him, he still had one last breath, but in the end he couldn’t even said a word, all he did was glared at me then stared at the cave….until….his breath stopped!”

Hei Fengxi’s voice was extremely gentle, as if he is just speaking about this and that. After he finished speaking, he turned around, upon reaching the door only does he turn his head to look back. A tear might have rolled down onto that pillow, but in just a second it was soaked and left no traces.

“Did you like him?”

As these words are spoken, the two people were surprised.

One person laughed at himself. Why did I ask this question? How is this related to me?

Another person felt her heart jolted, that painful sensation burning in the chest was because she liked him? She liked a person whom she only knew for just 2 days?

Like? Maybe it wasn’t up to that point. Not like? It’s not like she completely had no feelings.

If they didn’t meet each other under that situation, then perhaps the Fierce Wind Warrior of Hua Kingdom and Bai Fengxi of jiangho would perhaps never have appeared, never faced each other. Maybe they could have just passed each other, exchanged polite nods, nothing more. Or, perhaps if after the first time she saved him, they each went their own way, after long months and years, they will slowly forget each other. Perhaps when she randomly recalls the memory, she will remember the Fierce Wind warrior as a seven feet man who blush so easily.

Yet, destiny had arranged for them to share the same fate, to die and live together.

Yan Zingzhou, his figure determinedly walking out of that cave with forever be imprinted in her heart!

No matter how much time has passed, he will forever be the one she cannot forget!

When the sun had reached the peak, Hei Fengxi entered the room again. Seeing that Bai Fengxi had left the bed, now lying on the chair near the window, her eyes looking outside, on her face is a rare silence.

Outside the window is an old tree, a few golden leaves suddenly fall, the room was extremely quiet, to the point where the sounds of falling leaves could be heard.

“Hey woman, I heard you will not eat anything?” Hei Fengxi gentle voice broke the silence.

“Don’t feel like it” Bai Fengxi was still looking out of the window, she reluctantly answered.

“This is truly a rare happening! You have always been one with a greed for food, now you don’t feel like eating? Did I hear wrong?” Hei Fengxi expressed disbelief with his whole body.

“You only gave me plain white porridge!” Listening to his words, Bai Fengxi turned around to glare at him.

This soup is so bland and has no flavor, who would like to eat it?

“You’re a patients, it is only right that you eat simple food” Hei Fengxi replied as-a-matter-of-facts.

“Master, the medicine is finished” Zhong Li bought forward a bowl of medicine, interrupting their conversation.

“Give it to me” Hei Fengxi received the bowl and bent his head down to sniff it, he smiles. “I originally thought that a person poisoned by Nuy Man Thao (a poison) was beyond saving, if so then in this world there will only be one Fengxi left”

“Then what did you save me for? Even if you didn’t save me I wouldn’t mind, and even if you did saved me I would not be thankful. I know that you black fox have no good intentions.” Bai Fengxi looked at the bowl of medicine, with a little bit of conflict in her eyes.

“If there is no Bai Fengxi in this world, I will feel very bored” Hei Fengxi lifted up his head to look at Bai Fengxi.

“Huh, yea.. if I die then there will be no one in this world who knows your true face, of course you would be more bored”. Bai Fengxi coldly replied, then she asked “In this world is there a cure to the Nuy Man Thao posion?

“Aizz…you hurt my feelings!” Hei Fengxi sighed, but his face is not even slightly sad. “I have wasted my thousand-year snow-pearl! This is a thousand times more precious than the Heart of Buddha Pill, I used it to save a person like you who doesn’t know how to utter a word of gratitude!”

“The snow-pearl?” Bai Fengxi’s eyes immediately lit up after hearing the words, “I heard the snow-pearl medicine is both pure and fragrant?”

“This woman.” Hei Fengxi, as if read her mind, smiled a little bit weirdly. “The snow-pearl was given to you immediately before, the medicine in front of you now is not the snow-pearl, but from the hands of an amazing herbalist, used to purify posion!”

“Did you make this?” Bai Fengxi’s eyes squinted, suddenly looking at the bowl of medicine like it is a really scary object.

“Yeah, I made it!” Hei Fengxi as if understood her eyes, his smile brightened.

“I won’t drink it! I’m more scared of this poison more than the Nuy Man Thao!” Bai Fengxi said defensively.

“Bai lady, to look for you my master turned the whole Mount Xuan upside down” Zhong Li saw that Bai Fengxi had no hint of gratitude, spoke up to defend for his master. “Moreover, when using the snow-pearl to heal your poison, you vomited out all the medicine that reached your mouth, the master himself had to….”

“Zhong Li, since when have you started becoming such a loud-mouth? Should I fix your tongue a little bit?” Hai Fengxi eyes glared at Zhong Li.

“I will exit, master” Zhong Li immediately shut up and retreated.

“Hey woman, come here, drink this medicine.” Hei Fengxi came closer, sat down onto the soft bed, using the spoon to bring the medicine to Bai Fengxi’s mouth.

Bai Fengxi knitted her eyebrows, this medicine is extremely bitter, just sniffing it alone made her want to vomit.

“I have my own hands, don’t need you to pretend to be a good person”

“This woman, this is all because I care about you, you should know that there aren’t a lot of people who I have personally fed medicine to with my own hands” Hei Fengxi shook his head and sighed, the spoon is still next to Bai Fengxi’s mouth.

Bai Fengxi also didn’t move, only turned her head, silently avoiding, this medicine smells really despicable, making her about to vomit.

“Woa, so the famous Bai Fengxi is scared of bitter medicine?” Hei Fengxi sternly looked at her but when would his intentions be good, “The poison in your body is still not gone, you have to drink this medicine for three days.”

“3 days?” Bai Fengxi heard that at her eyes opened widely. The hell! Three days! This thing she only needs to drink one sip, it would be enough to make her die!

“This woman, when did you time travel, why do you look just like a 3 years old kid who is scared of drinking medicine?”


Bai Fengxi coldly sneered, then held her breath, opened up her mouth to the spoon and swallowed the medicine, her eyes immediately squinted, then she opened her mouth “Ew!”. The medicine that had just been drunk spat out of the mouth, luckily Hei Fengxi had fast reflexes and quickly avoided it, if not his whole body would be spat on.

“Spit it out slowly, do not worry, I have told Zhong Li to prepare a lot of medicine, a whole pot” Hei Fengxi calmly said.

Bai Fengxi listened to this her guts became cold, she looked up at Hei Fengxi, in her eyes full of spite but immediately retracted it. Using a graceful voice she gentle asked, “Black fox, do you have medicine tablet instead? This medicine I can only drink a sip and it made me vomit!”

“Don’t have it.” Hei Fengxi sternly replied, then brought another spoon of medicine to her mouth. “If you spit this out, I will tell Zhong Li to bring another bowl of medicine. That bowl will be even more bitter than this one.”

Bai Fengxi felt her hand lifting up. Then she heard Hei Fengxi’s voice again: “I forgot to tell you, your white silk is in my room.”

His words just finished, Bai Fengxi’s hand immediately stopped, glaring at him, she then closed her two eyes and opened her mouth of drink the medicine. Her two hands was squeezing tightly onto her clothes, on her face is a wrinkled expression of discomfort.

Looking at her actions, Hei Fengxi smiled, as his gaze passes the wound on her lips, his eyes became back, the spoon on his hand unconsciously pressed onto the spot.

“Arhhh!” Bai Fengxi yelled miserably, “You sly black fox, you bullied a patient! If one day you fall into my hand, that day…um…um….black fox… you…”

“When drinking medicine one shouldn’t utter so many pointless words.” He was still calm and unchanging like before, but in his words there was a hint of a little bit pleasure.

Zhong Li and Zong Yuan outside the room looked at each other and shook their heads, they did not understand why their master to other people is so polite and graceful, but only to Bai Lady is he like this.

Finally, after a bowl of medicine, Bai Fengxi presented a face like she just found a way to live after death.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!