Published at 1st of July 2024 05:34:37 AM

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The system looked down condescendingly at the girl painfully pressing her forehead, and coldly judged: "You made a mistake."

The girl furrowed her brows in extreme agony.

It took a good long while before her pain finally subsided. She slowly put her hand down, and uncertainly asked: "So I'm here because I affected [Jiang Xian]?"

"That's right. You were supposed to pave the way for [Jiang Xian], but your actions did not align with that. We have determined that you made a mistake. You need to accept the punishment that follows." The system said.

In other words, violating their rules by not sacrificing herself for the female protagonist. [Jiang Yan] resented this in secret, but kept up appearances perfectly on the surface.

[Jiang Yan] seemed to be frightened by this, and softly pleaded: "It wasn't on purpose. I just don't really like [Jiang Xian] that much. And in the end, wasn't it [Lin Cheng] who dealt with her? I was basically dying from illness!"

Listen clearly, I didn't lay a finger on her!

But the system continued on impassively: "Lin Cheng is currently under investigation. However, your actions have been confirmed to not match the side character design. You will enter various worlds to live the life of a villainous side character, until the punishment has been lifted. Please choose to accept this or death."

The girl lowered her head dejectedly.

"The character has been confirmed to accept," the system very astutely only listened to the words it wanted to hear.

The system quickly sent over the relevant information to [Jiang Yan].

【First Task: Play the malicious villainous fake heiress of a wealthy household.】

【You are the fake heiress of the Jiang household, spoiled since childhood. After the real heiress returned home, you were very worried about your own position. On the surface you welcomed the female lead, but behind the scenes you ruined her reputation everywhere in attempt to drive her out. In the end, it was you who got driven out of the Jiang household instead.】

When [Jiang Yan] opened her eyes again, she had already switched worlds. Looking around, she was wearing a sweet waist-cinching dress, white thigh-high socks, brown mary jane shoes, and sitting on a leather couch.

Sitting together next to her were [Jiang's Father] and [Jiang's Mother], who were exchanging eager anticipatory looks - it was the scene when the real heiress was returning home.

Since she had just arrived and was unfamiliar with everything, [Jiang Yan] lowered her head again to examine the style of the mary jane shoes.

Seeing [Jiang Yan]'s actions, [Jiang's Mother] was afraid she would overthink things, and couldn't help but say: "[Jiang], you will forever be Mother's daughter. Do you understand? You and little Xian are both our Jiang family's precious darling daughters."

It looks like [Jiang's Mother] truly cherished this adopted daughter as well.

[Jiang Yan] suddenly heard the system's voice in her mind. 【Task: Pretend to welcome the arrival of [Jiang Xian].】

[Jiang Yan] paused for a bit, pursed her lips, showing she didn't mind, and said, "I understand, Mother."

The sound of a car engine could soon be heard from outside. [Jiang Yan] followed the excited [Jiang's Father] and [Jiang's Mother] out, and saw a tall man in a black coat leading a long-haired girl over.Rread latest chapters at n/ov(e)lbin(.)co/m

[Jiang Xian] had long known that her biological parents' family had a younger sister. She was worried that the two of them wouldn't get along well, but when she saw the curious little head peeking out from behind them, those worries suddenly vanished.

Very cute at first sight.

The young man in the windcoat was [Jiang Xian]'s eldest biological brother, [Jiang Zhi].

After [Jiang's Father] and [Jiang's Mother] finished expressing intimacy with [Jiang Xian], they pulled [Jiang Yan] over. "Call big sister. Little Xian is now [Jiang]'s big sister."

[Jiang Xian] looked at her expectantly. [Jiang Yan] pursed her lips, her round grape-like eyes looking at her, a little embarrassed as she turned her face away, and walked over with her hand outstretched. "Big sister."

[Jiang Xian] hugged her back. Though their birthdays were only a few days apart, [Jiang Xian] had grown tall and slender, while [Jiang Yan] was a whole size smaller than her - the roles of older and younger sister were very clearly distinguished.

At night, with malicious thoughts in her mind, the fake heiress took her own unwanted plush toys to gift the real heiress, using this chance to humiliate her. The real heiress was shocked, and upon seeing her real face, realized they could never be sisters.】

[Jiang Yan] hugged a large white teddy bear, and randomly grabbed a little yellow duckling as well.

The white teddy bear was a large 5'3" plush toy. Hugging it obstructed [Jiang Yan]'s view, the head of the teddy bear reaching higher than her own.

Jiang Yan struggled to open the bedroom door and stumbled out.

Jiang Xian soothed Jiang's Father and Jiang's Mother, and just as she walked upstairs, she saw the girl hugging a teddy bear even bigger than herself, trying hard to get out.

Because the bear's arms were stretched out, wider than the door, she could only squeeze the bear out with great effort, head lowered.

Finally out of the room, her little face was already flushed, her soft hair disheveled, and a silly strand of hair stuck up.

Jiang Xian couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Yan was surprised to see Jiang Xian and remembered her task, so she said, "Sister, this is my..." unwanted plush toy, given to you. This was dad's birthday gift to me. Sister must not have one like this. So I'll give my unwanted one to sister.

"Isn't this your favorite big white bear?" Jiang Yan's rehearsed lines were suddenly interrupted as she looked up with difficulty to see Jiang Zhi walking over from the stairs.

Caught red-handed. Jiang Yan wanted to quickly complete the task, and spoke again: "This is my..." unwanted plush toy.

"Last year's birthday present." Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhi interrupted her again, jokingly saying, "What, did you get a new one from dad this year and so you're giving away the one I bought to sister?"

Jiang Xian had already understood from the siblings' conversation. Seeing Jiang Yan's struggle, she took over the bear and gently said, "Thank you, Jiang. Sister really likes it."

Jiang Yan stared blankly at the two, not knowing what to say.

But Jiang Zhi said, "Xian, go back to your room first. I need to settle accounts with this little rascal."

Jiang Xian only thought they were messing around. With one hand hugging the bear, she effortlessly went back to her room sideways. Leaving Jiang Yan stunned.

Before she could recover, her body suddenly rose into the air, carried up by Jiang Zhi. Jiang Yan looked at Jiang Zhi's inscrutable face, and felt a little panicked, desperately calling out to the system in her mind: "This plot is different! How did Jiang Zhi come over..."

The system had started verifying data as soon as Jiang Zhi appeared. Jiang Zhi was supposed to have gone back to school tonight.

In fact, the change was with Jiang Yan. Jiang Zhi inexplicably gained more fondness of the little girl and had decided to stay longer to accompany her after dinner, having heard Jiang's Father's scolding, and was about to come up to chat with her.

Without knowing since when, he had become more lenient towards Jiang Yan. Even seeing her give away her unwanted plush toy to Jiang Xian, he only wanted to teach her to admit her mistakes.

Jiang Zhi carried Jiang Yan into the room, lightly hooking the door shut with his leg.

With a "click", the sound of automatic locking made Jiang Yan shudder uncontrollably.

Jiang Zhi made her sit on the desk. Jiang Yan sat on it with her feet dangling, very insecure, looking at Jiang Zhi's eyes apprehensively.

The panic in the little girl's eyes was unconcealed. Jiang Zhi's heart softened at the sight, yet he did not let her off, and asked in a low voice, "Why did you give your unwanted plush toy to sister? Weren't you taught since you were little not to do that?"

"Didn't you say," Jiang Zhi paused, then continued, "that you welcome sister?"

Jiang Zhi had always only looked easy-going on the surface. As the Jiang family's eldest son, he had shouldered the responsibilities of the Jiang heir since he was a child, and had seen too much, thus honing a facade.

His tone was gentle in inquiry, but because of his dangerous aura, it still seemed aggressive.

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