Published at 1st of July 2024 05:33:34 AM

Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Jiang Yan had an ardent love yet was able to keep a clear head. Jiang Zhi was born cold and numb when it came to emotions, innocent as a child. It was destined that the confession would end without disease.

However, Jiang Yan had a task: to be driven from the house.

This seemed a good method.

Her appearance was deceiving—soft, white cheeks, round grape-like eyes clean as water, delicate features, charming figure. She was like a sweet younger sister who had walked out of an anime.

But in fact, from the moment Jiang Zhi appeared with a rose, she had already considered the possibility.

The system was hit too hard by Jiang Zhi's actions. At that moment, it was looping in Jiang Yan's consciousness: "Refuse him, refuse him, refuse him..."

It was a bit like a worried father afraid his daughter would be cheated away. But Jiang Yan knew it was just angry and exasperated.

Jiang Yan lay on the soft princess bed in her bedroom, lazily playing with her pink piggy bank, reasoning with the system: "But if I agree to him I can complete the task."

"What?" When it came to questions that required thinking rather than deduction, the system would freeze up.

"If I'm with Jiang Zhi, his family will definitely be angry. If they get angry, won't they drive me out?" Jiang Yan coaxed like soothing a child, patiently explaining.

Anything related to the task, the system found hard to refuse. It was quiet for a while, then inexplicably said something human: "You're taking advantage of Jiang Zhi's feelings for you."

What Jiang Yan liked most was the system's lack of human understanding. What she hated most was the same. Or rather, the system had poked her sore spot.

"Forget it then," Jiang Yan said calmly, full of malice in her eyes. "I agree it's not very good."

The system panicked: "No! You only have three months left at most. Finish the task quickly, or you'll face punishment."

Jiang Yan covered her eyes with her slender forearm, suddenly too lazy to act, perfunctorily saying: "Oh, alright then."

The next morning, she sent Jiang Zhi a message with two words: yes.

Jiang Zhi, who hadn't slept all night, thought his eyes were deceiving him. After confirming many times, the corners of his mouth rose to the heavens.

His roommate joked: "What happened, Brother Jiang? Good news?"

"I have a wife now." Jiang Zhi couldn't help but laugh.

"No way, for real?!"

"Damn! You're taken now!"

"When did this happen?!"

Jiang Zhi's mother turned back to look at her. Her fury had already dissipated. Gently, she said: "My girl, that brat doesn't understand. I know it was him being poorly taught that led you astray. I've driven him out so don't be scared..."

Jiang Yan thought: I'm not scared at all.

Jiang Zhi's mother unilaterally decided it was his fault and indignantly told Jiang Yan's father, eliciting one team member who also scolded Jiang Zhi.

Unable to return home, Jiang Zhi could only live in his dorm. He resentfully hadn't gotten to kiss her.

Because she hadn't been driven out, Jiang Yan's task hadn't gone as planned. She was equally dejected.

Lying in bed, Jiang Zhi planned for the future: "After break I'll sneak you out. Let's go on vacation to my family's island. My dad bought it. It'd be a waste not to use it.

"There's a coconut grove there. You can eat specially flavored coconuts and fresh seafood. You'll definitely like it.

"We can ride a boat at sea and swim..."

The last orange glow faded from the horizon. The protagonist hugged a coconut in one hand and held his girl, afraid of the dark, walking back. Light shone brightly in the distance.

It made the single boys in the dorms envious.

Jiang Yan had quietly listened lying in bed. Suddenly she had an idea and asked: "When's break?"

Jiang Zhi said: "Soon, less than a month left."

Still enough time.

On A University's break day, Jiang Yan packed a small suitcase and secretly left, only to be caught red-handed by Jiang Zhi's mother at the front door.

But Jiang Zhi's car was already parked and he effortlessly took Jiang Yan's suitcase, saying to his mother: "Don't worry, I'll take good care of your daughter-in-law."

Jiang Zhi's mother, incensed: "If you're leaving, then don't come back!"

Initially hearing this, Jiang Yan instinctively turned back. Suddenly the system's voice appeared in her mind: "Task complete."

Jiang Zhi thought she was afraid and pulled her along, saying: "Don't worry. How could Mom truly be angry with you? She'll definitely call you in less than two days. I understand my mother perfectly clearly. Trust me?"

"I trust you."

Jiang Zhi successfully eloped with his little sister, even if it was right under their old mother's nose.

At least in that moment, Jiang Zhi felt he had attained happiness. His beloved girl was in his embrace.

But perhaps it had all gone too smoothly, so much so that he had a strange sense of foreboding, a dangerous, parting, unpleasant, fearful feeling. He instinctively touched Jiang Yan's forehead, wanting to find some sense of reality.

But no one could have expected that disaster would strike in that moment.

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