Published at 1st of July 2024 05:33:10 AM

Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The video call connected successfully, and the screen split in half, revealing a small child on the other side. The child appeared to be around three or four years old, with golden brown curly hair and sparkling blue eyes, peering at the phone.

"Hello?" Jiang Yan cautiously greeted.

The little curly-haired child politely responded, "Hello~," but their voice sounded young and slightly childish.

"Did you call me?" Jiang Yan asked.

The child remembered what they were supposed to do and nodded eagerly. They stuttered, "Are you, are you looking for a wealthy partner?"

["Awkward, this is just awkward."]

["Influencing such a young baby."]

["Is this little cutie of mixed race? Such high attractiveness."]

["Really? Is this a skit? Where are the parents? Did he call Jiang Yan by himself?"]

["I just checked this kid's profile. Stay calm, the responsibility isn't on us, Sister Yan."]

Jiang Yan nodded without changing her expression and replied, "What's the matter?"

After confirming, the curly-haired child quickly revealed their purpose. They said with urgency, "I have someone here!" Their tone sounded urgent.

They struggled to explain, "He's wealthy, and all the villas are his! He's good-looking but has a bad temper..."

The child's expression wasn't very clear, but it conveyed a general idea.

Jiang Yan found it a bit amusing and casually asked, "Who is he?"

"Fu, Fu Yan, that's his name."

Jiang Yan was stunned, and so were her fans.

After a pause of four or five seconds, as if confirming its authenticity, the barrage of comments flooded the screen.

["So handsome to the point of boredom... Oh, now I remember who this is!"]

["No way! It's really Fu Yan's account!"]

["Reporting from Fu Yan's livestream room! The Great Demon King went to have a meal, now it's Little Fu himself looking for a sister-in-law."]

["I'm dying of laughter."]

Jiang Yan didn't react, but suddenly a lazy and deep voice came from the other side. It was magnetic and incredibly captivating, sounding both charming and sexy.

Fu Yan didn't know why he hadn't left yet. The two of them stared at each other through the screen, but neither of them looked into each other's eyes.

Strangely, Fu Yan felt a sense of sadness when he saw her like this. It was really a case of being attracted by appearance! Fu Yan scolded himself, and when he was about to exit, he saw that she was still motionless, as if completely surrendered.

A helpless smile appeared in Fu Yan's peach blossom eyes, creating a deadly charm on his aggressive face.

He said, "I'll send you my contact information in a private message."

As his words fell, Fu Yan had already left the livestream, missing Jiang Yan's eyes lighting up a second later as if small stars were exploding inside them, filled with joy.

"I apologize for not understanding the battle between the big shots. Can someone explain what just happened?" "I got this question! I love this kind of plot! Jiang Jie confessed to Mr. Fu, saying that he needed a boyfriend. Mr. Fu refused and increased the compensation for causing trouble to Fu Qi to ten castles. Jiang Jie seemed to agree.

But! In the end, it seems that Mr. Fu noticed that Jiang Jie was a little unhappy and gave her his contact information! And that smile was so indulgent!"

"Weren't they meeting for the first time?" "Yeah! Why does it feel like they were together before and then separated?" "Their relationship is progressing really fast! Can I ship this couple?"

["These two have such great chemistry! Is this what they call a natural CP couple?"]

["Look at how happy Jiang Yan is, it's priceless."]

Jiang Yan's eyes curved, and her little dimples appeared on her face. Although she felt she was being a bit too happy.

The fans below continued to ask:

["Jiang Yan, why, why are you like this towards Mr. Fu!"]

The persistent wife fans struggled desperately:

["If my wife doesn't want me, it's because I'm not good enough. My wife chose Mr. Fu just because he's rich!"]

["Exactly! Wife, you're just playing with him, right?"]

"He's good-looking, and he has money," Jiang Yan replied, playing with the small doll in her hand.

["Screen recorded. Lin Jiangyan, I advise you not to tie yourself to Fu Yan. He's not someone you can mooch off!"]

Suddenly, this intrusive message stood out, and Lin Jiangyan's fans started reasoning with them one by one.

["The joint live stream was arranged by you, Fu Qi, right? The castle was swiped by you, Mr. Fu, right? The contact information was given by Mr. Fu, right? Did our Yanjie force him?"]

["Are you crazy? This isn't the entertainment industry, is it? Fu Yan isn't even a celebrity. What are you doing, getting so jealous just because he talked to a female anchor? Such possessiveness?"]

The inexplicable interaction between the two attracted the attention of many people. Fu Yan had a terrifying number of fans, but because of his unpredictable attitude, they had been observing from the sidelines.

Only a few fans couldn't help but come to Jiang Yan's live stream and make a scene, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the wave of Jiang Yan's fans.

System: "Mission: Make Fu Yan agree to a romantic relationship."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!