Published at 1st of July 2024 05:32:38 AM

Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Fu Yan raised an eyebrow with a smirk, "Come to my place, I'll treat you."

Ah, a man who paints big dreams.

Jiang Yan had never intended to meet Fu Yan in person. In the plot, their interactions were mostly online, akin to an internet romance. That's why Jiang Yan felt at ease about it.

When Lu Shushu didn't return for lunch, Jiang Yan ordered takeout and even added a dessert. Though she couldn't find the exact one, Oreo cheesecake was just as delicious.

Jiang Yan reluctantly saved half for Lu Shushu and put it in the small fridge in their rented apartment.

Lin Jiangyan livestreamed for six hours a day, not just in the morning but also at night.

However, during the evening stream, Jiang Yan's fans were surprised to discover that their beloved Yan Jie and Fu Yan were in a romantic relationship!

Some doubted it.

["Am I seeing things? How is that possible!"]

Some were confused.

["Sorry, did I miss something? Weren't they just introduced this morning?"]

Some speculated wildly.

["Maybe it's just love at first sight, or maybe it's all about money? Oh sorry, I'm just talking nonsense."]Folll0w current novÊls on n/o/v/3l/b((in).(co/m)

Some were addicted to shipping.

["Hahaha, some ships I haven't even had time to ship have already sailed!"]

Some analyzed rationally.

["I really think they must have known each other for a long time, otherwise this progress is too fast, isn't it?"]

And then there were those who went crazy.

["Fu Yan, wait for me! I won't rest until I avenge this stolen wife!"]

Jiang Yan was overwhelmed reading the barrage of comments. Before she could explain anything, Fu Yan sent an invitation.

Jiang Yan agreed, and the screen split into four.

As it turned out, Fu Yan was on a call with two others. Both were guys, one in red with short hair and a slightly effeminate look, the other with big eyes, a slightly chubby figure, and a very likable appearance.

As soon as Jiang Yan entered, they greeted in unison, "Hello, Sister-in-law!"

This startled Jiang Yan, almost causing her to spill her coffee. She quickly bowed with both hands, trying to maintain her composure, "Hello to you all."

Since Fu Yan started streaming, his fans had been bombarding him with questions about his relationship with Lin Jiangyan. They asked if it was staged, if it was part of the script, and all sorts of conspiracy theories, which annoyed Fu Yan.

So, he raised an eyebrow and, with a deadpan expression, requested a relationship with Lin Jiangyan live on stream.

His every move left his fans stunned.

"What's the deal with the invincible cutie?"

["He's here, this guy."]

["He's finally come to see us, because of his little girlfriend."]

["You don't even know this, loser."]

["I won't tell you, I won't tell you, I won't tell you, la la la."]

"Don't spill the beans until after the broadcast," Fu Yan said coolly.

Fu Yan's fans were always flexible and understanding.

["Report to General Fu, when Sister-in-law was doing the PK, she made the opponent dance."]

["Exactly, it was an especially cute and innocent dance."]

["Yes, yes, the little boy on the other side even blushed."]

["You above, are you trying to sow discord between Sister Yan and General Fu?"]

["Look at Tian Suan's expression, it's so amusing."]

Tian Suan, punning on "Tian Suan", was the nickname fans gave him.

Tian Suan's expression turned serious as he found "Spot the Difference in Ancient Paintings," feeling a bit panicked. This game was unheard of, he didn't know if it was new or just obscure, and he had no idea about its mechanics...

The game automatically entered the PK mechanism.

To his surprise, it displayed a slowly unfolding Along the River During the Qingming Festival. The tutorial guided Tian Suan to find modern items in the painting, like game consoles, headphones, and speakers. Game completed!

Tian Suan stared blankly.

Fans finally saw the long-awaited scene, each of them bursting with joy.

["I can almost see the question marks over his head."]

["Same. There should also be ellipses and exclamation marks, haha."]

[“Honestly, my initial reaction was the same when I first entered.”]

[“What's wrong with us, Sister Yan playing some kiddish games? It's just for fun.”]

[“I never thought in my wildest dreams that I, Ge Huazhao, would one day step onto the grand stage of live-streaming PK.”]

Tian Suan remained in a daze, while Jiang Yan eagerly awaited the start of the competition.

“This game is great!” Wei Ziji expressed genuine delight, seemingly eager to take over for Tian Suan.

Simply because whenever he played competitive games, he was the one who always ended up getting scolded.

“Hurry up! It's already started.” Wei Ziji reminded Tian Suan.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!