Published at 1st of July 2024 05:32:37 AM

Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

The outcome of the competition between the two was evident without even watching.

One was excited, while the other was flustered and frightened.

Tian Suan undoubtedly lost the PK. Jiang Yan once again rose to fame, while Tian Suan added another black mark to his record.

Even after the result, he refused to accept it, clamoring, "Sister-in-law, let's have another round. I didn't see any countdown in the first round!"

Jiang Yan was easygoing and happy to have someone enjoy the game. "Sure!"

After Lu Shushu finished work and prepared dinner, seeing Jiang Yan still inside, she brought the food in for her.

They split the rent seventy-thirty. Because Lu Shushu earned less, it was Jiang Yan taking care of her. Also, Jiang Yan couldn't cook, so Lu Shushu took on that task.

Fu Yan was browsing through Lin Jiang Yan's history with his fans when he suddenly heard her say, "Let's eat later, sweetheart, not now."

It seemed someone was advising her, but she was busy playing the game, yet still replied, "It's okay, it's okay."

Seeing she wasn't listening, the person directly offered to feed her, spoon-feeding her a dumpling, which she instinctively ate, saying, "Thank you, darling."

Fu Yan looked up, calmly staring at the hand feeding Jiang Yan, then asked the fans, "Who is he?"

The fans loved this kind of joke.

["You two don't even know this? I suspect it's fake."]

["My wife won't tell you this; oh, looks like she doesn't love you."]

["Husband, this girl isn't honest! Someone is cooking for her, you two should break up soon!"]

["Are the two above children? So childish."]

["They are Jiang Yan's roommates; their relationship is so good."]

["A rare sight of an honest person."]

["The dumplings look delicious! Isn't the roommate a food blogger?"]

Tian Suan rallied but suffered another defeat, Fu Yan commented, "You're addicted to being bad."

Tian Suan never imagined being described with that word.

Wei Ziji reminded him, "Sister-in-law is still eating; play with me."

So Tian Suan and Wei Ziji withdrew to play games together.

Jiang Yan quietly became a mukbang streamer, saying to Lu Shushu, who was watching her eat, "There's a piece of cake left for you in the fridge."

"Wow, I'll go have it."

Hearing this, Fu Yan teased, "Is it grape-flavored?"

With something delicious in front of her, enough to soothe her frustration of not getting any, Jiang Yan hummed, "I'm not telling you."

Fu Yan chuckled, feeling triumphant.

["Suddenly feeling like an old married couple."]

["Thank goodness these two are good-looking; I wouldn't agree if anyone else came first."]

"I want to cry, why aren't you living together? Clearly, you should be kissing each other by now! It's driving me crazy!"

"The person above, your bitter tea spilled."]

Jiang Yan didn't understand this question, it was the system that taught her.

In the bewitching fox eyes, there was only one person, with red lips lightly parted, speaking softly and slowly, with a lingering tone, as if reproaching him for his wild thoughts: "Darling!"

["I'm going to have a nosebleed."

"The person is already crazy, don't seek."

"Help! Lin Jiang Yan is so good at this."

"Don't know why, but it feels like the Sea King and the Sea Queen are competing to see who's better at flirting."

"Looks like Mr. Fu can't handle it anymore."

"It's Mr. Fu's turn, it's Mr. Fu's turn."]

Fu Yan looked at her steadily for a moment, his Adam's apple visibly bobbing, took a sip of water to cover it up, and asked, "Where is she from?"

["You don't know this? Seriously, is Mr. Fu not up to par?"

"Are they really just online dating?"

Jiang Yan's smile froze for a moment, casually avoiding the question, "Why do you ask this?"

Fu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, afraid of arousing more of her vigilance, just smiled and said, "I feel like you have a little bit of a Southern accent."

Jiang Yan, a true Northerner without much of an accent—perhaps her own doing—waved her hand uncertainly, saying, "I'm from the North, maybe picked up a bit of a Southern accent during my previous visits."

Fu Yan's contemplative expression always made Jiang Yan uneasy. As soon as the time was up, she signed off to find Lu Shushu.

"Any updates today?" But Jiang Yan already knew; according to the plot, Lu Shushu's shining moments were yet to come on set.

Sure enough, Lu Shushu replied, "None."

Unable to bear seeing her disappointed, Jiang Yan insisted, "Tomorrow, I'll shoot a video for you. Create an account."

Lu Shushu feared inconveniencing others, but Jiang Yan's attitude left no room for refusal. She hesitated before asking an unrelated question, "Can you wake up tomorrow?"

Jiang Yan chuckled in exasperation, "Just wait for me! You'll see if I can wake up or not!"

However, before going to sleep that night, Jiang Yan earnestly requested the system, "Remember to wake me up, my dear."

Calling her 'dear' again. The system refrained from mocking her, simply asking, "There's no task to shoot a video for the female lead. Why are you doing this?"

Unconcerned, Jiang Yan replied, "Aren't I the malicious supporting character? I'm preventing her from finding the right job. Maybe I'll lure her into becoming a food broadcaster."

The system anxiously responded, "No, you can't! You can't interfere with the female lead!"

Forgetting the system's true love for the female lead.

"Relax! I know, just kidding. I see her working so hard every day, thought of getting her an easier job." Jiang Yan explained.

"Okay," the system said.

The next day, under the bright sunshine, Lu Shushu, awakened by her biological clock, found Jiang Yan sitting drowsily on a small stool in the kitchen, waiting for her.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!