Published at 1st of July 2024 05:32:36 AM

Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Yesterday, Lu Shushu thought she was just saying it, but seeing her demeanor, she was both shocked and touched, and laughing and crying.

"How's that? I'm a person who keeps my word," said Jiang Yan, still barefaced, revealing her fatigue without a bit of disguise, but her eyes were filled with laughter.

Lu Shushu couldn't help but hug the seated Jiang Yan and said, "I love you."

"Did you learn to talk big from me? Is this what you call it?" Jiang Yan said in surprise.

Lu Shushu didn't speak, but asked her, "What would you like to eat?"

"Same as usual is fine," Jiang Yan hurriedly took out her phone to capture Lu Shushu's movements of cooking.

So on this morning, fans on the platform watched Jiang Yan's edited video live, and many became self-proclaimed experts, giving her one-on-many guidance.

Fu Yan, having nothing better to do, opened Jiang Yan's live stream. Originally, he just wanted to check on his girlfriend, but because he had smashed too many castles before, he was automatically upgraded to the top rank. When he entered, his name automatically lit up with special effects, flashing brightly on the screen.

The fans were really excited, commenting:

["Well, well, the man himself is here."]

["Mr. Fu isn't streaming, he's just here to watch his wife."]

["Fu Yan, I will have my revenge for stealing my wife!"]

["Jiang Sis, Jiang Sis, your man is here to see you."]

Jiang Yan was adding transitions to the video and didn't have time to read the comments.

Seeing the fans surrounding and teasing him, Fu Yan wanted to prank Jiang Yan, so he gave gifts in the live stream room, triggering endless special effects.

Then the fans realized: ["Jiang Sis probably has the audio muted."]

Until a phone call came, after answering it, Jiang Yan realized someone had given gifts, which she hadn't thanked for yet.

Jiang Yan leaned close to the screen, puzzled, turned on the volume, and murmured, "The admin called to say a big donor gave gifts and wants me to thank them. Who is it? Let me find them..."

"Too handsome to bear, huh?" After finding the ID name, Jiang Yan sincerely recited her thanks to the screen: "Thank you so much for the gifts, sir. Although I don't know why you're giving me gifts while I'm just editing a video, maybe you were captivated by how serious I look. Anyway, thank you, love you, I'll keep working hard." Jiang Yan ended with a sweet smile, making a heart shape with her hands.

Fans came and went, but their postures remained unchanged.

["Feels kind of shippable, doesn't it? The emotional young master and the career-focused strong woman."]

["Well, we're just saying, Mr. Fu really dotes on Jiang Sis, and Jiang Sis really dotes on her roommate."]

["One is live streaming to edit videos for her roommate, the other is live streaming to watch his wife. The strange love triangle expands again."]

["I have a feeling that marketing accounts will start hyping this up soon."]

["Yes, that's right, I've already seen a lot of videos about Jiang Sis and Mr. Fu. I was laughing so hard."]

["You can search for the 'Beautiful Streamer Embarrassment Compilation,' Jiang Sis' previous interactions with Mr. Fu have already been included."]

Due to the explosive popularity of Jiang Yan and Fu Yan's interactions, they've already been targeted by marketing accounts. But the upside is that Jiang Yan's task of gaining followers by leveraging Fu Yan was completed long ago, and her current fan count has more than doubled.

Basically, they were all attracted by the couple's interactions and stayed for Jiang Yan's personality and appearance.

Jiang Yan didn't finish editing the video in the morning, so she didn't end the live stream. She simply ordered takeout and kept editing.

When it was time to go get the food delivery, Jiang Yan's fans suddenly became anxious and flooded the comments warning her to be careful.

This was because a recent news story about a lone young woman being attacked had become a hot topic.

["There are only Jiang Sis and her roommate, two girls living in the rental apartment. Thinking about it, it's really dangerous."]

["What if someone saw them and got the wrong idea, wanting to take advantage of them... It's giving me chills just thinking about it."]

["Jiang Sis, you go get it, but wear a mask and hat. We'll time you, if you're not back in ten minutes, we'll call for help."]

["Mr. Fu is useless here."]


Jiang Yan was both amused and touched by their frank concern. While putting on her clothes, she reassured them, "It's fine, no need to worry. There are people outside, it's broad daylight. Besides, I'm an adult, I'm smart. I even have my phone with me, no need to worry about me getting kidnapped. I'm heading out now."

It was only after hearing what she said that Fu Yan looked at the comments and became uncontrollably anxious.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!