Published at 1st of July 2024 05:34:36 AM

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

How did they end up in this situation? The useless system checked and found that Jiang Xian had already returned to her room, but the task was not yet completed.

Jiang Yan sat helplessly at the table, enduring Jiang Zhi's interrogation.

The young girl was petite, easily restrained by him on the desk, looking terrified and unable to speak, appearing pitiful.

Jiang Zhi couldn't bear to see it anymore, he bent down and met her gaze, gently coaxing, "Don't you like it when your sister comes back?"

Jiang Yan, thinking about her role as a malicious supporting character, reluctantly replied, "Hmm."

Jiang Zhi fell silent for a moment, not pressing further for the reason. Instead, he gently patted her head and said, "If you don't like it, it's fine, but don't tell your sister. She still likes you very much. You can come and play with your brother."

Jiang Yan was stunned once again.

Jiang Zhi really was a good brother.

But, I'm sorry.

I am a malicious sister.

While she was in a daze, Jiang Zhi gently lifted her off the desk and placed her on the ground, taking away the rubber duck she held in her hand, and smiled, "Let me have this."

Jiang Yan widened her eyes, staring at him. Jiang Zhi enjoyed seeing her surprised expression, gently pinched her soft cheek, and walked away with the duck, despite the stark contrast between it and his refined and handsome appearance.

Jiang Yan plopped onto the bed, feeling that Jiang Zhi might have figured something out.

That little duck had a special meaning—it was a limited-edition character from an animated series pursued by the original owner. It was difficult to obtain. Originally, she planned to express her apology to Jiang Xian without the system's knowledge. Although Jiang Xian probably wouldn't know.

Feeling frustrated, Jiang Yan climbed onto the bed to rest. Honestly, this task was forced upon her by the system. Although she had her own intentions, she couldn't bear this kind of situation. This brother of hers was just too perceptive and intelligent, but he was kind to her.

Just as Jiang Yan was about to fall asleep, the system returned, its tone flatly stating, "The task is incomplete, but the main reason is not your fault, so there will be no punishment."

Jiang Yan, speaking sleepily, without any threat, asked, "What if the reason is my fault? What would the punishment be?"

"You wouldn't want to know," the system replied.

Jiang Yan didn't speak anymore, appearing as if she had fallen asleep.

The next tasks were much easier, just picking on Jiang Xian in front of her and spreading rumors about the true heiress in front of her friends.

For some reason, Jiang Xian didn't confront her. She even treated her with kindness. The relationship between the sisters wasn't as confrontational as in the original plot, at most, Jiang Yan was the one causing trouble unilaterally, while Jiang Xian remained understanding.

The other variable was Jiang Zhi. During this summer break, he didn't return to school for projects or visit the company, but instead enthusiastically immersed himself in studying things at home. This annoyed Jiang's father, who always criticized him for not focusing on his career.

However, he didn't care, and he often secretly gave Jiang Yan small cakes.

Matcha cheesecake was really delicious, with a rich milky flavor and a silky texture. Jiang Yan stared blankly while holding the cake spoon, feeling that things were different from the beginning.

It's not true, as the system claims, that supporting characters will never be loved, trusted, or acknowledged...

Jiang Yan could clearly feel the affection from her adoptive parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jiang, as well as the care from Jiang Zhi and the tolerance from Jiang Xian.

"What are you thinking about again? Your little brain is filled with so many worries that you're going to get wrinkles!" Jiang Zhi lightly tapped her forehead and sat on the nearby sofa, sipping his sweet coffee.

"I... won't... tell... you... umph!" Jiang Yan replied slowly and deliberately, covering her mouth. She accidentally burped because she had eaten too much cake.

Song Shiyu woke up from his sleep, lifted his eyelids, and suddenly saw a purple little mushroom. He blinked and opened his eyes again, realizing it was a hat.

Jiang Yan played with the shadows of her fingers while checking the plot information she had just received.

【The supporting female character falls in love at first sight with Song Shiyu and starts pursuing him shortly after school begins. However, she is quickly rejected.

The supporting female character becomes angry and resentful. She hears that Song Shiyu likes Jiang Xian and becomes even more furious at the female lead, vowing to teach her a lesson.】

Lost in thought, Jiang Yan was suddenly tapped on the head. Even without looking up, she knew it was Jiang Zhi.

Jiang Yan raised her head and saw Jiang Xian, smiling as she talked to Mr. and Mrs. Jiang.

Jiang Yan pulled on Jiang Zhi's trousers and stood up, her legs feeling numb.

"Can you still walk?" Jiang Zhi asked, looking at her expression.

Jiang Yan felt like crying but had no tears. She struggled to take a step and immediately gave up. "I can't walk anymore."

Jiang Zhi was still going to carry her suitcase. He looked around, picked her up, and took her to a shaded pavilion under a tree. He patted the sleeping Song Shiyu and said, "Lao Yu, look after my sister. I'll come get her later."

Jiang Yan sat on a chair, grimacing, while Jiang Zhi patted her head and instructed, "I'll have your dorm room prepared, and then we'll go eat."

Mr. and Mrs. Jiang were worried and wanted to tidy up her dorm room. Jiang Xian followed them. Jiang Yan was left alone in the unfamiliar pavilion with a sleeping boy.

After a while, the boy suddenly raised his head.

The little mushroom he had mistaken before suddenly appeared before his eyes, causing Song Shiyu to wake up a bit. He thought for a moment, struggling to recall, and managed to bring back some memories. He propped himself up and asked, "Jiang Zhi's sister?"

The little girl apathetically responded with a "Hmm," not looking too pleased.

Song Shiyu suddenly remembered the vague scene he had seen earlier and thought of how Jiang Zhi had carried her over. His gaze fell on her small shoes, and he asked with concern, "Is your leg injured?"

The little girl glared at him fiercely. Song Shiyu belatedly realized that his words to a young girl were a bit inappropriate. He rubbed his nose and changed his wording, "Did you sprain your foot?"

Jiang Yan replied slowly, "My foot is numb."

It was an unexpected response. Song Shiyu began twirling his pen to pass the time. However, the young girl, perhaps finding him approachable, suddenly became interested and asked him, "Do you know Song Shiyu?"

Song Shiyu remained silent for a moment, realizing she wasn't joking, and calmly replied, "Which one are you referring to? There are several of us in our school."

Jiang Yan dryly recited the information she had obtained from the system, "The Song from Song lyrics, the Shiyu from literacy, and the Yu from bestow. He's a sophomore, majoring in finance..."

The drowsy male student's expression changed, and Jiang Yan was filled with excitement. "You know him?"

The male student countered, "Why are you inquiring about him?"

Because I want to perform a love at first sight act. But I can't say that. Jiang Yan organized her words and whispered as if sharing a secret, "I like him. I have been secretly in love with him for years. I even chose to attend A University for him. So, I wanted to find out how he's been lately. Has he started dating anyone? Could you show me a photo of him, just to alleviate my lovesickness?"

Jiang Yan became more and more fluent in her improvisation, and she was even moved by her own words.

Song Shiyu's pen fell with a "snap," and he slowly turned his head towards Jiang Yan, his expression becoming serious.

Jiang Yan thought to herself, this reaction isn't right, and quickly asked, "He doesn't have a girlfriend, right?" How could she have a love at first sight if he already had a girlfriend!

Song Shiyu struggled to speak, "No, he's doing well. But why do you like him?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!