Published at 1st of July 2024 05:32:32 AM

Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The system explained, "After investigation, those two tasks belong to predetermined outcomes, achieved automatically. You don't need to do them, so they were canceled."

Jiang Yan held a skeptical attitude. After all, in the previous world, the final task that got her expelled from home was forced upon her. However, if she didn't need to do it, that was for the best. If the outcome couldn't be achieved, it was the system's responsibility, not hers.

Originally, Jiang Yan had to livestream for over six hours every day. But now that her popularity had grown, the platform updated her contract. Not only did her salary increase, but her treatment improved as well. Her livestream time was reduced to a minimum of four hours, and she could take a few days off each month.

This change was extremely favorable for Jiang Yan, but it was bad news for her fans. Now, every time she livestreamed, she could see her fans' comments lamenting and raging. However, it didn't affect her much. What made her alert was Fu Yan's attitude.

She didn't know when it started, but by the time Jiang Yan noticed, Fu Yan had already made up his mind. Even when Jiang Yan subtly mentioned that they were not truly a couple, Fu Yan calmly continued his pursuit.

His courtship methods were not flamboyant, only bearing the uniqueness of a young master, with an attitude that could even be described as considerate. To the extent that Jiang Yan didn't know how to respond.

In the eyes of others, they had already been together, and their behavior was seen as displays of affection. As a result, the belief that their relationship was going well grew stronger and stronger.Explore new novels on novelbin(.)com

So, this task was the highlight. She had to design a shocking plan that would make Fu Yan want to break up after hearing it.

After struggling for several days, Jiang Yan finally came up with a plan with full confidence and made a video call to Fu Yan. After all, to ask for something, she needed to show an attitude, so she unconsciously opened her mouth and called out, "Babe."

Fu Yan seemed to have just taken a shower, holding a towel and drying his short hair. When he looked at Jiang Yan, he couldn't help but smile, "What's going on? Your mouth is so sweet today."

"I want to tell you something," Jiang Yan set the stage, already prepared for him to be cold.

"Go ahead, quite formal," Fu Yan commented in a low voice.

"I want you to collude with me in creating some hype..." Even though she had prepared for a long time, it was still difficult to say it out loud. Jiang Yan instinctively avoided looking into Fu Yan's eyes.

Fu Yan seemed stunned for a moment, but then as if he had restrained himself, he calmly asked, "Why do you want to create hype?"

She was waiting for him to ask that. Without thinking, a long string of lines she had prepared poured out of Jiang Yan's mouth, "For traffic and money! You're a young master, you don't understand. We people will do anything for traffic. I'm pursuing you because you're powerful and have a lot of fans, but now my fans have hit a bottleneck, so I thought..."

Fans sympathized with this wealthy young master who couldn't buy love with money, until later, they slowly realized that their unshakable daily routine—Fu constantly lamenting, showering gifts, and Jiang coldly brushing him off and being indifferent—seemed off.

Some raised objections:

["Why do I feel like they're creating hype?"]

["Alas, it's just a lovers' trick, why do you believe it?"]

["I knew it, they've just changed how they show affection."]

With this hype, Jiang Yan's fan base doubled again, and almost everyone online knew the story of that livestreaming couple.

The system's judgment finally came: "It's not your fault, it's Fu Yan's abnormal behavior."

"So the task is complete? Are we leaving?" Jiang Yan asked.

But the system said, "No, we need to stay in this world for a while to examine the world's characters. You have no tasks during this period, arrange it yourself, but don't break character."

Originally thinking she could leave immediately, Jiang Yan was about to cry. She had also agreed to something with Fu Yan, and the system didn't allow her to break character. Oh no!

Despite her worries, Jiang Yan couldn't escape Fu Yan's urging. After all, being a prestigious young master, she was afraid of retaliation if she didn't go, so she dejectedly went to the address of the parlor.

A fluffy knitted hat, a cream-yellow long down coat, lazy slightly curled long hair, an exquisite pretty face without a trace of a smile.

Fu Yan recognized her at a glance, suddenly feeling like his heart was made of sugar that would melt upon seeing Jiang Yan, dissolving into a pool of sweet honey that left him at a loss.

But Fu Yan was still Fu Yan, carrying out everything with the unique bearing of a young master.

He had booked the entire place today.

He sat on the sofa inside, waving his hand and calling out to her, "Come here."

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