Published at 1st of July 2024 05:32:05 AM

Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Shang Lu seemed to be gritting his teeth, waiting for her answer. After she nodded, he relaxed his grip and let out a faint, indistinct laugh.

Jiang Yan's eyelid suddenly twitched.

"Now that you've agreed, can I give you a kiss?" Shang Lu asked with a smile.

Before Jiang Yan could respond, Shang Lu's hand had already grasped the back of her neck, pulling her close, his breathing heavy.

Shang Lu usually appeared easygoing and low-key, treating people with gentleness and nonchalance. So Jiang Yan had never really sensed any aggression from him.

But when he kissed her, Jiang Yan was confronted with Shang Lu's raw power, the strength of a grown man, who could effortlessly pin her in his embrace.

What followed was a tempestuous onslaught. Jiang Yan was stunned by his kissing, her beautiful eyes brimming with glistening tears, her whole body losing strength.

Finally, Jiang Yan understood why Shang Lu was always scolded by his brothers - he was not human, incapable of acting like one.

After who knows how long, Jiang Yan was released. She felt her tongue was a little sore, as if it had been bitten. Jiang Yan stared at him accusingly with her moist eyes.

Shang Lu remained unfazed, shameless and even somewhat satisfied. He gently wiped her mouth with a tissue, coaxing her in a humble, boyfriend-like manner: "Want to go grab a bite?"

So he had reverted from being a beast to a man, huh?

Jiang Yan had been kissed so roughly that her hands trembled as she checked the class schedule, her heart sinking: "I have class in fifteen minutes."

"Wait for me, I'll walk you there," Shang Lu said in a low voice, his hot breath cascading over Jiang Yan's neck.

The pitiful sight nearly melted Shang Lu's heart. He gently patted Jiang Yan's back and said, "Sweetheart, if you liked money, you should have told me sooner. I wouldn't have let you cry for so long."


Ever since using the red envelope to pacify Jiang Yan, Shang Lu had gifted her jewelry, handbags, and other expensive presents. But Jiang Yan's reaction was indifferent, as if she only accepted them to avoid disappointing him.

Shang Lu speculated whether his sweetheart simply liked money.

Of course, that wasn't the case.

Jiang Yan was just worried that Shang Lu would dump her one day, leaving her unable to return these things. After all, in the original plot, she ended up losing everything she had gained.

Money was alright, but bags and the like would just become second-hand and depreciate in value after being used.

Jiang Yan, her swollen lips still visible, transferred the large red envelope Shang Lu had sent to her mother.

When her mother asked about it, she claimed it was an early scholarship disbursement.

Having dealt with this major issue, Jiang Yan began to focus on her career - livestreaming.

After all, she had accumulated experience in her previous world, and officially started on Saturday evenings while working at the internet cafe.

Su Su Rabbit was a veteran viewer on the platform. Besides watching the few big streamers she followed, she spent her time looking for fresh faces.

By chance, that evening she lingered on a livestreaming page.

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