Published at 1st of July 2024 05:31:56 AM

Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

This world was Jiang Yan's final trial. She realistically followed the plot, working when she had to, being materialistic when necessary.

If the fate of everyone in this world deviated again, she couldn't be blamed. Every person had their own thoughts and judgments.

System, how could you force us to be bound by false personas, willing to be others' puppets?

Jiang Yan quickly gathered all the surgery fees and sent them to Wu's Mom. She earned some from various part-time jobs, but most came from Shang Lu's support.

The good news was that her live-streaming career was thriving, earning her money too.Ne/w novel chapters are published on no/vel(/bin(.)co/m

The girl immersed herself in her flourishing career, deliberately neglecting her boyfriend to pave the way for their eventual breakup.

Shang Lu was sensitive to her attitude; almost as soon as she uttered "no" to rejecting a strawberry tart, he sensed something was off.

Jiang Yan started playing the role of a greedy little devil, asking for money for kisses, going out, and even eating together... Normally, a relationship this expensive would make anyone see through the other person's true nature and question, scold, and break up immediately.

But not Shang Lu. He had thoroughly studied his precious one and willingly wanted to keep her. Even before kissing her, he slipped a black card into her hand, sealing her chattering little mouth.

Jiang Yan: It was just absurd.

Jiang Yan's act was no small feat; Shang Lu's roommates all noticed something was off and earnestly advised him, believing Jiang Yan was only after his money.

Shang Lu sat on a chair on the balcony, leisurely turning his head, his captivating peach blossom eyes naturally upturned, his jet-black pupils clear and awake, as if he had been plotting for a long time.

"Supporting my own wife, what's there to trick or not trick? It's all hers anyway."

She solemnly promised, "I will, can I pay in installments? I'll wire you some when I get back. The gifts you bought me are untouched, you can come get them."

For the first time in his life, Shang Lu was so angry he felt chilled to the bone, yet helpless.

The girl didn't want to argue further, hurriedly leaving. The little lights from the night market shone on her fluffy black hair as she departed without a second thought.

Shang Lu stood watching until she disappeared from his sight, forcing out a chilling remark, "Scumbag woman!"


The roommates carefully observed Shang Lu's gloomy expression, utterly puzzled by Jiang Yan's behavior.

Roommate 1: "Used and dumped?"

Roommate 2: "Got what she wanted and left."

Roommate 3: "Her stance was pretty firm."

Roommate 4: "Seems Wu Jiang Yan had it all figured out, didn't fall for Lu Ge's tricks."

Mentioning her name, Shang Lu suddenly turned his head, and the roommates quickly apologized.

But Shang Lu just sneered, stabbing his own wound as he coldly said, "Just borrowing money to play with me. Played with me then dumped me, returned the money, a complete freeloader."

The roommates: ...

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