Published at 1st of July 2024 05:31:45 AM

Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

Jiang Yan changed her username, and the arrogant young master not only quickly added her friend, but also proactively wanted to team up with her.

He probably found it rare to encounter a player of his own skill level.

"Heartless as I am," Jiang Yan thought.

Having dated a few times before, she felt she still had the capability to handle a pure-hearted young lad.

So she followed Yan Xiao sweetly and played more than ten rounds with him, intending to be a good girl.

Needless to say, they lost miserably in those rounds...

Jiang Yan was exasperated.

Yet the young master took it as normal, even able to type words of comfort: It's just a game, don't get angry, it's meant for fun. This is what they mean by heaven giving a great task to the capable person...

Jiang Yan grew annoyed and typed rapidly: Follow me, sister will lead you to victory!

Yan Xiao paused, muttering to himself: Girls, huh.

The light from the computer screen cast a hazy glow on his exquisite, handsome face, adding an alluring touch. Unaware of it, he rested his chin on one hand while the other, appearing pale against the gray mouse, clicked to accept the invitation.

Had he known she was a girl, he wouldn't have pestered her to accompany his losses.

As the game began, Yan Xiao was prepared to be eliminated. Not to brag, but with his skills, he couldn't win without heavenly timing, terrain, and unity.

However, the "Cream Petit Xiaofang" who had been hiding meekly behind him suddenly strode out bravely and launched attacks on the enemies.

Yan Xiao stared in disbelief, "You said we'd both be bad, how could you get a quintuple kill?"

In his shock, Yan Xiao barely controlled his character, almost feeding the enemies, until "Xiaofang" used an ultimate move to kill opponents and rushed over to save him.

The cold-hearted, ill-tempered young master almost let slip a curse. Even when the victory animation appeared, he felt a lingering daze.

With the game won, the young master began to question.

A man's hands look attractive - slender, clean, each finger distinct, bearing the boniness of youth. As they danced across the jet-black keyboard, it was a captivating sight.

Yet the words he typed remained as arrogant as ever, befitting a young master.

Meeting someone like the Great Beauty, a low-ranked player stronger than her rank who didn't know his identity yet was willing to play with him, was pure fate. He had to cherish it.

If Jiang Yan knew what he was thinking, she would surely sigh deeply and say solemnly: What you thought was an unexpected encounter was in fact my long-planned scheme.


Ever since the young master was carried by Jiang Yan, he blatantly placed her in his inner circle. The frequency with which he pestered her to get online, seven or eight times a day, showed that.

The young master's energy was truly abundant. Everyday it was sweet nothings like "sister this" and "older sister that," giving off a little puppy vibe.

Until - Jiang Yan caught a cold from playing games with him late at night, and she slowly realized!

This wasn't developing into an online romance!

He was clearly just using her as a gaming companion.

She had just opened her phone when Yan Xiao had already sent her several messages.

Jiang Yan grew angry, sending a voice message without looking: Not playing anymore.

You just drag me into playing games, everyday playing games, even in the middle of the night, do you know I'm sick?

You're just using me.


Jiang Yan's natural voice tone was cold and elegant, with a pleasant timbre. Speaking in a slower cadence made it sound languid. Plus the added nasal sound from her cold made it even more husky and low.

Yan Xiao knew his gaming tool was angry, and sick, but he suddenly didn't know what to say because his mind went blank.

His tool was a girl?

And a husky, languid elder sister with an alluring voice?

Although the Great Beauty had made him call her sister before, he had been in gaming circles for too long and encountered too many male imposters to believe her gender. Plus her behavior was strange - accompanying him in games without asking for anything in return - so the young master had doubts about her being female.

Calling her sister was just to coax her online.

But she really was an elder sister!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!