Published at 1st of July 2024 05:31:30 AM

Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

From then on, the communication between the two always seemed to subtly connect to their real lives.

This was a major breakthrough for Jiang Yan.Fiind updated novels on no/v/elbin(.)co/m

If it were others, they would have been in a relationship long ago.

But the young master was different. Despite Jiang Yan's countless allurements, the young master only made slight progress, entering a stage of ambiguity.

That atmosphere of knowing yet not saying, with an unspoken understanding between them, lingered for a long time.

Jiang Yan vaguely felt that this person might be deliberately stringing her along.

No, no, it should be the young master who was being strung along.

Until the winter break was about to end and they were about to return to school, Jiang Yan became anxious.

Playing games all day, how could they fall in love? Once they went back to school with beauties and popular girls everywhere, wouldn't that directly send her, the older sister, into the stratosphere?

Jiang Yan tested the waters several times, but each time her advances were deflected. Losing patience, she sent a direct message: "Wanna be internet lovers, brother?"

On the clean desk, a carton of milk was suddenly knocked over. The young man was caught off guard and hurriedly reached for tissues, but he didn't seem to care about wiping up the spill. He just stared at that line on the screen, his eyes and brows slightly tinged with a sense of helplessness.

This helplessness on the young man's face was accompanied by a hint of indulgence and shyness.

But the young master was, after all, the young master, his heart as clear as a mirror, discerning and perceptive.

Soon, Jiang Yan received a reply in the young man's clear, melodious voice: "Okay, but sister has to send me some photos."

When the young master invited Jiang Yan to play games, she would refuse if she wanted to, only playing with him occasionally when she felt like it.

This change was too obvious, and Jiang Yan worried that he might not be able to handle her fickleness. But the young master seemed to sense something and fell silent for a while before obediently giving up on games.

Games weren't as important as love, the noble young master thought to himself.

But Jiang Yan would sometimes slip up too.

One day, when Yan Xiao came home from school and finally had time for a voice call with her, Lu Enen happened to return home as well.

Little Lu Enen, carrying a delicious apple mille-feuille cake to feed her sister, stood by the door and listened for a while before knocking and coming in.

Jiang Yan panicked when she thought about the little loli setting, especially when Lu Enen fiercely demanded: "Who is sister talking to?"

Jiang Yan struggled to reply: "...A friend."

"Then why does he call you sister too?" The little loli put down the cake and pounced on her, extremely distressed.

Maybe it was just a couple's game?

But Jiang Yan couldn't let her know that, so she gently coaxed her: "Because he's younger than me too, just like you, so he has to call me sister as well."

It took a while to soothe the little girl's jealousy before she left. Jiang Yan heaved a sigh of relief, wondering, "Why doesn't our house have soundproofing? She heard everything."

But when she looked down, the call was still ongoing, and the Arabic numerals were ticking away second by second. The young master's clear voice came through, tinged with a hint of amusement: "Friend? Sister?"

Jiang Yan: ......

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