Published at 1st of July 2024 05:34:22 AM

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Jiang Jiang actually likes Song Shiyu? How can this be! Jiang Jiang is still so young and has been well protected by her family. She doesn't understand anything, she must have been deceived by him. This is not acceptable.

Jiang Xian, like an anxious mother, is extremely worried when she learns that her daughter has fallen for a bad boy. Despite the fact that Song Shiyu is an influential figure in various aspects.

Most of the people in the private room are strangers to Jiang Yan, and she is too lazy to join in the fun. She quietly enjoys her meal and plays Plants vs. Zombies on her phone, lying on the sofa.

She is particularly afraid of seeing those few bold green words on the black screen when she loses: "The zombies ruthlessly invaded your house."

But she has been stuck on the final level for several days now, and this time is no exception. As she anxiously waits for the chili pepper to recharge, a balloon zombie flies across the screen from above.

Eerie and terrifying background music starts playing, and Jiang Yan covers her eyes, waiting for the final scene to end. Suddenly, someone approaches from behind, as if they have seen her screen. Laughter escapes from their throat, saying, "Can't pass it?"Yoouur favorite novels at n/ovel/bin(.)com

Jiang Yan peeks through her fingers and sees Song Shiyu standing behind the sofa.

"Shall I play for you?" Song Shiyu says with a probing tone.

Jiang Yan hesitates, thinking about her mother and her mission, but in the end, she hands him the phone and asks innocently, "Can you clear the level?"

Of course, he can. Song Shiyu raises an eyebrow and chuckles lightly, "For me, it's a piece of cake."

The little girl looks at him with admiration, clapping her hands together sincerely and earnestly saying, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, it's nothing to me..." Song Shiyu didn't finish his sentence when Jiang Yan turns around and runs swiftly towards Jiang Zhi's side.

Alone with the phone in his hand, Song Shiyu is momentarily stunned, and the smile on his lips freezes. He originally wanted to show off his gaming skills in front of the little girl, but how did it turn into him playing the game instead?

But she thanked him so sincerely that Song Shiyu doesn't feel right going back on his word. He touches the tip of his nose and decides to sit on the nearby single sofa, focusing on helping her defeat the zombies.

However, as his slender fingers touch the back of the phone with the strawberry bunny case, he can't help but feel a bit strange, as if he's touching something intimate to a little girl.


"What's wrong?" Jiang Zhi is abruptly interrupted by the little girl's pat on the shoulder, and he asks her kindly.

"Let me play with your phone for a while." Perhaps because they're outside, the little girl is shy and speaks softly as she leans in close to him, looking exceptionally well-behaved.

"What are you doing?! This was given to me by my sister!" Song Shiyu protested.

"These... were... bought... by... me," Jiang Zhi emphasized each word, his tone low.

"I played games with her, so this is my reward, alright?" Song Shiyu tried to snatch it back.

Two grown men almost started fighting over a few strawberries in front of everyone.

Of course, Jiang Zhi's annoyance towards Song Shiyu was only because of tonight's incident, while Song Shiyu found Jiang Zhi's reaction quite interesting and couldn't help but tease him.

Jiang Zhi also knew this, so he felt a bit apologetic towards Song Shiyu.

After the party ended, Jiang Xian approached Jiang Zhi with a worried expression and said, "I think Jiang has some interest in Song Shiyu. You should pay attention to it."

Jiang Zhi's slight guilt instantly vanished, mainly because his sister refrained from using foul language.

In the dim light, Jiang Xian didn't notice anything unusual about Jiang Zhi. She was still thinking about Jiang Yan and remarked, "I find it strange. Have they met before? How could they fall in love at first sight tonight?"

Jiang Zhi: ...They have met before. The first time they met was when I introduced them.

If Jiang Yan were present, she would have agreed that it was indeed love at first sight.

Seemingly stimulated by that night's gathering, Jiang Zhi started coming to talk to Jiang Yan from time to time, always under the pretense of having a meal together, which she could accept.

However, their conversations revolved around topics that Jiang Yan had no interest in, such as mama's boys, phoenix men, and marriage scammers, or flowery words and the fish-keeping habits of a sea king... It was a never-ending string of words, even more than what a supermarket auntie could say.

It wasn't until Jiang Yan couldn't bear it anymore and exclaimed, "I'm not interested in dating!" that Jiang Zhi finally stopped talking.

Jiang Yan only thought it was his sister complex showing, but little did she know that after Tian Tian spread it in the dormitory, her beautiful sister with chocolate-brown hair gave a meaningful comment, "Straight male behavior."

"Huh?" Jiang Yan widened her eyes in confusion, not understanding.

The beautiful sister, feeling affectionate, lightly pecked her cheek and irresponsibly said, "Just wait and see, you don't need to worry about it."

Still not understanding, but Tian Tian seemed to have received some secret message, covering her mouth and laughing, conveying the message, "I told you so, I told you so."

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