Published at 1st of July 2024 05:31:14 AM

Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

That afternoon after getting off work, the foreman fired Cheng Shuheng. He puffed on his cigarette and didn't even look at Cheng, curtly dismissing him with a few words: "The higher-ups don't trust temporary workers like us, so we can't sign a contract with you. You should find a job that requires a degree, buddy."

Cheng Shuheng took the money, frustratedly ruffling his dark hair, and prepared to call around for other opportunities.

However, as he lowered his head, his mind seemed to malfunction, automatically conjuring up the face of a woman - long hair, small face, large eyes, ruby red lips, wearing shiny black leather shoes. Everything about her exuded an expensive aura. There was no need to say who he was thinking of.

He found it amusing that the sister who sold lunchboxes had sent him so much meat, yet he hadn't given her a single thought.

Cheng Shuheng's new job was as a server at a bar. Aside from the occasional difficult customer and the poor reputation, the compensation was passable.

Right on cue for the plot point, Jiang Yan arrived to ensnare the protagonist.

In the original story, the male lead visited the bar to indulge himself, and was instantly captivated by Cheng Shuheng's scholarly and handsome appearance in the black and white uniform, immediately handing him her business card.

However, Cheng Shuheng had an inherent pride and considered this an insult, rejecting the offer with a displeased expression.

Afterward, the male lead tried to offer the card twice more, but it wasn't until Cheng's Mother's illness worsened and she urgently needed surgery that Cheng Shuheng was forced to accept.

So, to put it simply, this was originally just a wasted trip.

Jiang Yan lazily lounged on the sofa, intently watching the stage performance, waiting for the male lead to appear and go through the motions.

As Cheng Shuheng returned from serving drinks, he found two pink banknotes scented with perfume on his tray, a small tip from a customer in a good mood.UppTodated from nô/v/e/l/b(i)n.c(o)/m

He was about to head back to the staff area when his gaze was drawn to a particular individual. She wore a thin red dress that exposed her snowy white skin, with long curled hair cascading down her back like dense seaweed. Her eyes were focused intently on the stage, yet her attire spoke of indulgence, the opposite of her gaze.

He finally got a close look at her stunning features - beautiful, sharp, and full of an aggressive allure, an untouchable beauty. Just like the person herself, lofty and forbidden.

Yet in the next moment, that person unexpectedly turned her gaze towards him.

Jiang Yan felt someone watching her, and when she turned her head, she was surprised to find it was Cheng Shuheng.

"What, could he tell that I was going to slip him my card tonight?" Jiang Yan rare complained to the system, feeling a bit awkward doing this for the first time.

Cheng Shuheng noticed the person's gaze seemed to pause for a moment, before she actually reached out and gently beckoned him over with a curl of her finger.

Jiang Yan: ...

"Did I hear that right?" she asked the system.

The system evaded the question, "I told you the characters in this task world are beyond your control."

Could it be that his mother's condition was severe?

Originally expecting to have to make multiple overtures, this temporary follower of the Buddha, Jiang Yan, was utterly unprepared and could only take the man back to her villa.

Jiang Yan had been drinking, and since Cheng Shuheng didn't have a driver's license, she called for a designated driver.

On the way back, Cheng Shuheng had already become quite adept at supporting Jiang Yan, even voluntarily acting as a pillow for her in the car.

This wasn't right at all. Cheng Shuheng should have only agreed out of desperation, so why was he being so proactive?

Jiang Yan's gaze was complex as Cheng Shuheng spoke softly, "Miss Jiang, my mother is ill..."

Oh, so he was indeed forced to submit for his mother's sake.

Jiang Yan felt relieved and shamelessly took advantage of her benefactor status, resting her chin on his shoulder, "I'll help you then."

Cheng Shuheng silently exhaled in relief.

The car gently rocked as Jiang Yan slowly fell asleep leaning against Cheng Shuheng.

Cheng Shuheng's expression was alert as he gazed at her sleeping face, but his mind kept replaying her words, "Come with big sister."

What was it that he wanted to say back then?

Oh yes, "I've been waiting for you for so long."

Finally, a rich cougar had taken a liking to him, and he wouldn't have to struggle for the rest of his life.

Cheng Shuheng's lips curved upwards, radiating happiness from the inside out.

The still-conscious system was utterly perplexed.

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