Published at 1st of July 2024 05:31:13 AM

Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

The first night after Jiang Yan took Cheng Shuheng, the young canary, under her wing, she fell asleep covered by the blanket on the bed.

But the frail canary, Cheng Shuheng, tossed and turned on the edge of the bed, hesitant and worried... afraid that the patron would sober up and no longer want him tomorrow.

That simply won't do!

The canary had intuitively evolved into a green tea canary. As dawn was approaching, the sleepless Cheng Shuheng gradually moved to the middle of the bed, snuggling up to the sleeping Jiang Yan.

Gently, he took her hand and placed it on his chest, then wrapped his own hand around her waist through the blanket. Finally, he slowly closed his eyes.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, Jiang Yan, relying on her recently acquired biological clock, opened her eyes on time and found her hand had sneakily burrowed into the other person's clothes.

She glanced over and saw that Cheng Shuheng was still asleep, so she quickly took the opportunity to grope a few more times, feeling the smooth, firm skin with a satisfying touch.

Cheng Shuheng grabbed her mischievous hand and met Jiang Yan's startled gaze, his own ears reddening with heat.

The always-vigilant system: at a loss for words.

However, it wouldn't tell Jiang Yan about the other's little movements, as it was no good snitch.Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates

Caught red-handed taking advantage, Jiang Yan naturally - groped him even harder. So what? She was the patron, the one who provided medical treatment, bought him a car, and gave him pocket money!

Last night, Cheng Shuheng had reflected deeply, feeling that he had acted a bit immodestly. Patrons should prefer the pure and innocent demeanor.

The woman's delicate, boneless hands roamed over his body, and Cheng Shuheng found it somewhat hard to bear, but he stubbornly kept his eyes half-closed, biting a bit of lip flesh, his long fingers clutching the bedsheet, wearing an expression of coy resistance, waiting to be mercilessly ravished...

However, the weight suddenly disappeared, and the satisfied patron got up to wash up.

To reciprocate Cheng Shuheng's performance, Jiang Yan personally accompanied him to and from school, with the driver doing the driving, of course.

At the school gate, Cheng Shuheng got out of the car, but suddenly retreated back, looking at Jiang Yan with innocent eyes: "Sis, I'll miss you."

Just as Jiang Yan was about to respond, a short-haired girl suddenly rushed out and shouted, "Let go of Shuheng Ge!"

Oh boy! Looks like there's going to be some excitement!

Jiang Yan quickly leaned out the car window, and Cheng Shuheng saw her movement, but before he could react, he heard Lin Anran, full of righteousness, say, "I know everything! You haven't been to work for two days, and I went to the bar looking for you, and they said you were taken away by a woman!"

"Shuheng Ge, are you being forced by her?"

Jiang Yan knew who this person was, Lin Anran, Cheng Shuheng's childhood sweetheart.

In the plot, Lin Anran discovers Cheng Shuheng succumbing to Jiang Yan and is very indignant. The original owner was very dissatisfied with her actions and threatened to teach her a lesson. It was only through Cheng Shuheng's repeated protection, using his own threats, that the original owner let her go.

Jiang Yan's eyes lit up, waiting for Cheng Shuheng to turn against her in order to protect his childhood sweetheart.

However, in reality, Cheng Shuheng's face changed drastically, and he retreated from Lin Anran, hurriedly explaining to Jiang Yan, "Sis, I don't know her at all!"

The plot development was a bit confusing, and Jiang Yan calmly "oh'd" in response.

Lin Anran heard this and was grief-stricken: "Ge, have you really forgotten the feelings we had when we were young? When you were hungry, it was me who secretly brought you food..."

Cheng Shuheng hurriedly explained, "She's just my childhood neighbor, I've never even talked to her. Her family had a small grocery store, and she would often give me expired food, but I never took it..."

Jiang Yan chuckled, and the swaying Lin Anran outside the car was about to collapse. Looking at Cheng Shuheng again, he was practically swearing his innocence to the heavens.

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