Published at 1st of July 2024 05:31:08 AM

Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

As the plot progressed past the halfway point, Jiang Yan's people assigned to keep an eye on Cheng Shuheng at the company had made no progress.

Although Jiang Yan remained constantly vigilant for any underhanded moves from Cheng Shuheng, her subordinates who had been monitoring him for half a month only found him slacking off at work, using his phone to watch cooking videos and napping on his own.

When caught, he would deliberately hint that he had slept late the previous night.Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates

Wouldn't they make the connection? You say, why would the president's lover sleep so late?

What a schemester, purposefully tarnishing his reputation, Jiang Yan mused to herself as she opened the surveillance footage extracted by her assistant.

In the high-definition footage, the usually demure little canary had his eyes half-closed, long dark lashes slowly drooping. He nodded off, then jerked awake.

Perhaps from not having slept enough, he seemed annoyed, frowning as he gathered the documents on his desk and unceremoniously laid his head down for a nap.

Truth be told, an indifferent, handsome man was quite alluring to Jiang Yan. But she couldn't rule out the possibility that Cheng Shuheng was putting on an act for her benefit, so she remained cautious.

In any case, the little canary was mostly well-behaved.

That evening, however, Jiang Yan had to retract that assessment.

Her lover of the Cheng surname wanted to watch a movie at home.

It was just a movie, so Jiang Yan agreed, of course.

Except he wanted to watch a horror film.

The Haunting had left a permanent scar on Jiang Yan's psyche, and she immediately refused.

Cheng Shuheng resorted to whining, crying, and threatening to hang himself - the whole bag of tricks. Jiang Yan had brushed him off at the office earlier and didn't want another clash, so she reluctantly acquiesced.

At least it was at her own home; she could find an excuse to call it off and go to bed whenever.

Some time ago, Cheng Shuheng had heard from his assistant that the company had landed a major project.

That day, during his break, he went to Jiang Yan's office to have lunch together but didn't find her there.

When he asked her assistant, the assistant seemed evasive but ultimately revealed the answer after Cheng Shuheng pressed: Jiang Yan was negotiating with the project lead from the other company at the Western restaurant across the street.

Cheng Shuheng, ever perceptive, sensed something amiss and went straight over.

By chance, he overheard a few words as he arrived.

The bespectacled, well-dressed gentleman said meaningfully, "...I've long admired President Jiang. This collaboration is not merely a business consideration but an expression of my intentions."

Thick foliage obscured most of the view, but Cheng Shuheng could vaguely make out Jiang Yan's customary cold demeanor as she offered her thanks.

The man seemed oblivious to social cues as he persisted in his flattery, "President Jiang is truly accomplished for her age – a heroine among women! To achieve such success at such a young age... Might I ask if President Jiang has considered settling down? Please, allow me to put myself forward."

Cheng Shuheng lowered his eyelids, his long fingers toying with the green leaves of a potted plant.

He heard the man continue, "...Though I may not match President Jiang, I am considered a leader in our field. I truly believe we are a match made in heaven."

The man seemed to think he was being witty and humorous. Cheng Shuheng inwardly assessed him as someone with no sense of propriety, shamelessly aiming too high.

Suddenly, he heard the man ask from inside, "What does President Jiang think?"

Cheng Shuheng strained his ears, eager to know her answer. If her answer displeased him, Jiang Yan, you'd better watch out.

His heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and dread.

But amid the tension, he heard Jiang Yan say, "Cheng Shuheng, come in."

"Let me introduce you to President Lu."

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