Published at 1st of July 2024 05:31:05 AM

Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

Cheng Shuheng was well aware of what kind of person he was, so he had been pretending in front of Jiang Yan.

However, he had never expected that Jiang Yan would say to him: "Why are you exposing your true nature in front of others?"

It took Cheng Shuheng several minutes to understand the implication behind her words.

He asked stiffly, "You knew?"

"I knew from the start that you weren't a good person," Jiang Yan muttered. In the story, he had even stepped all over her!

Jiang Yan's words were straightforward and familiar, yet Cheng Shuheng suddenly felt a sense of relief, as if he had been standing on thin ice, constantly worried about it melting, only to realize that he was standing on solid ground.

He no longer needed to worry, as someone had known his true nature from the very beginning.

With his true self exposed, Cheng Shuheng became more playful. He reached out, encircling Jiang Yan's shoulders and pulling her into his embrace, pinching her face.

Jiang Yan looked at him in surprise, as Cheng Shuheng had never acted in such a flirtatious manner before. She held back for a moment, reminding him, "We're walking."

"It's fine, I'm watching the path," Cheng Shuheng showed no signs of repentance, even remarking, "I never knew you just looked cold, but your face feels so soft and warm to the touch."

His tone was akin to a concubine in the Palace of Exile who had finally caught the Emperor's attention after he had let loose.

Once in the car, Jiang Yan instructed the driver to return to the villa, but Cheng Shuheng sneakily reached out and poked her, one poke after another, like a mischievous child.

Jiang Yan caught his fingers, and Cheng Shuheng moved closer, his gaze fixed on her face, invading her space inch by inch, as if physically.Reead latest novels at nov/el/bin(.)com

Occasionally, Jiang Yan would take pity and initiate a kiss, and Cheng Shuheng would blush and smile foolishly for a long time.

One day, Cheng Shuheng told Jiang Yan, "My mother's surgery went well. Would you like to come with me to visit her?"

Cheng Shuheng had intended to secretly introduce Jiang Yan to his parents, but he didn't expect that Jiang Yan, being a seasoned CEO, would politely address his mother as "Sister" upon entering the hospital room.

Upon hearing this, Cheng Shuheng immediately turned around and glared at her, "At the very least, you could call her 'Auntie'! By calling my mother 'Sister,' you're disrespecting her generation."

Accustomed to dealing with business matters, Jiang Yan quickly responded, "Your auntie looks so young, I couldn't help but address her that way."

Cheng's Mother covered her mouth and laughed.

Cheng's Mother was well aware of the relationship between the two, as Cheng Shuheng would always tell her about Jiang Yan whenever he visited.

Moreover, she had a lovely personality, and as Jiang Yan was leaving, she secretly reminded Cheng Shuheng, "You must take good care of the big boss."


The plot progressed rapidly, leaving only the final conclusion.

Jiang Yan, urged by the system, finally placed Cheng Shuheng in a subsidiary company, allowing him to slowly climb the ranks.

However, Cheng Shuheng himself didn't seem interested. When Jiang Yan initially gave him the company, he was shocked and asked while hugging her, "Did you choose me to warm your bed or to work for you?"

Jiang Yan was pleased with his attitude. No one should covet her empire!

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