Published at 1st of July 2024 05:31:04 AM

Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

The question posed by Cheng Shuheng was a sincere one.

Normally, he had to resort to all sorts of tactics to get a kiss from Jiang Yan, but when it came to business, Jiang Yan was extremely generous.

Not only did she assign her Gold Medal Assistant to him, but she also rallied all the employees behind him...

When he expressed his desire not to go to work one day while lying in bed, Jiang Yan looked at him with surprise for a few seconds, then tenderly kissed him, leaving Cheng Shuheng utterly delighted.

The next day, Jiang Yan directly supported him to become the Vice President.

Later on, Jiang Yan spun off the company under Cheng Shuheng's control and allowed it to grow and expand, gradually overshadowing the parent company.

All major news headlines reported on Cheng Shuheng, the new business tycoon, but only the two of them and insiders knew that both companies were actually under Jiang Yan's control.

Cheng Shuheng could never quite figure out Jiang Yan's intentions - why did she insist on making him the public face of that company when all he wanted was to be a lazy and introverted handsome guy supported by his wife?

The only thing he was good at was listening to his wife. Whatever his wife asked him to do, he would make some minor requests in return, such as a kiss, a ring, or getting officially married.

In the end, Jiang Yan successfully completed her task while retaining control over the company's core operations. Cheng Shuheng was like a Puppet Emperor, while Jiang Yan was the Empress Dowager wielding real power behind the scenes.

Every deep night, the Puppet Emperor eagerly desired to abdicate and become the Empress Dowager's eunuch servant; occasionally, he even thought about defying her authority and doing something exciting.

But the Empress Dowager would never yield, calling him a rebellious son.

Then Cheng Shuheng would silence her with a kiss.

"Don't try to assert a higher position over me," Cheng Shuheng would say.

Jiang Yan chose to spend her life in that world while on vacation. When the last layer of ice broke, she said she didn't want children. Cheng Shuheng understood her meaning and was overjoyed, immediately scheduling a sterilization surgery for himself.

Jiang Yan wasn't sure if she could ever return, so she didn't want a child with her bloodline to exist alone in that world.

They grew old together, gradually stooping and requiring canes to walk.

Later, they grew some fruits and vegetables in the backyard of their villa, not for any particular reason, but just as a hobby for Cheng Shuheng after he had grown tired of work. They also kept several clumsy, adorable cats.

Eventually, Jiang Yan passed away first. Cheng Shuheng found life boring, spending his days looking at Jiang Yan's photos.

The elderly cat would lie on Jiang Yan's photo, licking it and meowing incessantly, as if trying to coax Jiang Yan out of the frame.


During their first New Year's together, Cheng Shuheng wanted to wear matching couple outfits with Jiang Yan again. This time, he didn't sulk but directly forced her to change clothes.

As they drove to the hospital to pick up Cheng's mother, they noticed that many pedestrians were wearing the same red outfits. Jiang Yan laughed uncontrollably, while Cheng Shuheng sulked alone, blaming others for their feudal superstitions and clashing outfits.

Cheng's mother and Cheng Shuheng enthusiastically made dumplings, while Jiang Yan, who couldn't cook, sat on the sofa watching TV to keep them company.

The dumplings had various fillings, some containing clean coins. Cheng Shuheng secretly marked some and served Jiang Yan a bowl filled only with coin-stuffed dumplings, causing her to grit her teeth with each bite, furious enough to hit him.

Cheng Shuheng easily restrained her, opening his mouth in a threat: "I'm eating the chive dumplings, if you hit me, I'll kiss you."

Jiang Yan quickly retreated. Cheng's mother laughed until her stomach hurt.

On TV, people were counting down to the new year. At midnight, fireworks burst into a kaleidoscope of colors outside.

They spent year after year like this.

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