Published at 1st of July 2024 05:31:03 AM

Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

But perhaps it was Su Liangchuan's water retrograde tonight.

He drank two bottles of cherry cola one after another, said "Here comes the little rascal" to Lin Changxu three times, and consecutively experienced revealing his bank card password, smiling mysteriously at a trash can, and passionately kissing a wall for 20 seconds.

When Su Liangchuan was about to argue with the bottle, its wobbling mouth pointed towards Jiang Yan.

Su Liangchuan's previously accumulated anger dissipated instantly. He smiled viciously at Jiang Yan, looked around, and finally pointed at the extremely conspicuous beauty in the bar, saying, "Go and take her mask off."

Jiang Yan recognized her as the sexy and charming sister who had let her through. Without hesitation, she eagerly went for it.

The stunning beauty's superior outward appearance was already extremely alluring, but she also had an air of aloof coolness, making people feel an itch in their hearts when they saw her, yet they could only stop at her indifferent gaze.

In front of her suddenly stood a little girl, wearing a sweet little dress, with loose and cute pigtails, her round and youthful grape-like eyes gazing at her innocently.

Gu Xilin unconsciously moved her fingers grasping the icy tall glass. As she lowered her head, her black hair slowly slid down, strand by strand, falling from her shoulders to Jiang Yan's upturned face, exuding an inexplicable charm.

As the distance between them shortened, Jiang Yan finally realized that the stunning beauty's skin was excessively pale, like a vampire. Her deep-set and upturned eyes had a cold feel, and her gaze on Jiang Yan was questioning.

Jiang Yan tried her best to break the distance with cuteness, politely saying in a consultative tone, "Sister, can I take your mask off?"

The stunning beauty raised her eyebrows slightly and stared at her for a moment. Just as Jiang Yan thought she had no chance, she heard the woman utter a word.

"Take it off," in a slightly low voice, with a lingering drawl at the end.

Jiang Yan's eyes lit up as she reached out her small hands to unhook the string hidden by her long hair.

Gu Xilin lowered her long, dense eyelashes, allowing Jiang Yan to act, her face suddenly touched lightly, transmitting a strange sensation.

Following the principle that if she suffered, they should all suffer together, Jiang Yan glanced at him and enunciated clearly, "A man."

"Oh sh*t!" Su Liangchuan nearly slipped.

Lin Changxu and Pei Yanche simultaneously looked outside in disbelief.

The live stream chat room also erupted.

[I'm shocked for a million years.]

[Is this really not arranged by the production team? The drama is off the charts!]

[It really scared our guests.]

[The little sister hasn't recovered yet.]

[I'm dying at the cocky guy's expression, the end of the world.]

[Why do I have a strange association...?]

[Sisters, is it from next door? I thought of it too!!!]

[Maybe, probably, a dream collaboration?]


That night, 'The Warm Human World' climbed the hot search rankings in a bizarre way.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!