Published at 1st of July 2024 05:30:55 AM

Chapter 72

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Chapter 72

[What's up with the sister recently? Why aren't they bickering anymore?]

[The sister has been so well-behaved lately, it's really odd.]

[Is it possible that Gu Xilin bullied my precious daughter?]

[Gu Xilin, you're done for! How dare you bully my daughter?]

[Have you all gone crazy? Gu Xilin even dares to confront me?]

[But I think it's very likely! Sister He, watch my comments, you must keep a close eye on that Gu person, don't let him bully my little swan.]


Gu Xilin's retaliation manifested in various ways.

For instance, early in the morning, Jiang Yan had her black hair down, making her pale face look even whiter. Suddenly, he felt like braiding her hair.

Jiang Yan smiled and declined: "How can a brother do such a girly thing? I can braid it myself, no need to trouble Brother."

Gu Xilin smiled enigmatically: "Is the sister not aware of the brother's intentions to care for her?"

Perhaps he just wanted to play with her hair or make her embarrassed. The two beat around the bush for a while before Gu Xilin threatened to bring up his persona, and Jiang Yan eventually sat down on the sofa.

The obedient sister, the doting brother - a perfect scene of sibling affection.Gett your favorite novels at no/v/e/lbin(.)com

This was an accident, but also an absolute highlight. The director had already contacted medical staff and instructed the cameraman to follow and film.

The others rushed over upon hearing the noise, and after a series of questions, He Su used her phone to look up: "It's best not to move, apply an ice pack, director..."

Su Liangchuan quickly said, "There are some in the fridge from the groceries, I'll go get them."

Everything that could be done was done, and the doctor arrived with a medical kit. Upon seeing the situation, he praised them for their timely response.

After examining her, he found it was just a severe ankle sprain with ligament damage. He prescribed some pills and ointment, and instructed: "Don't move if possible, and it's best to keep your foot elevated while sleeping tonight. Don't apply the ointment until 24 hours later..."

Originally just a useless little sister, Jiang Yan was now even more pampered like a delicate pastry. Everyone told her to rest and not do anything, checking on her foot from time to time.

Jiang Yan sat on the sofa and finished her dinner. Gu Xilin frowned, seeing that her foot had swollen up with blueish-purple bruising, looking quite alarming.

"Do you want me to carry you upstairs tonight?" Gu Xilin joked.

Having been injured, it seemed she had gained a new layer of protection. Jiang Yan calmly asked, "How should I beg you?"

Gu Xilin looked at her little foot for a while, feeling a bit guilty for teasing the patient. Finally, he scratched his head in frustration: "Nevermind. I was just being nice for once."

And so, Gu Xilin became Jiang Yan's dedicated transportation. He carried her up and down the stairs every day.

Not only that, his level of mischief also dropped dramatically. To what extent, you ask?

Jiang Yan was sitting on the sofa watching TV and wanted to change the channel. She reached her five fingers towards Gu Xilin, who was playing games nearby, asking for the remote control. Gu Xilin stared at her fingers for a moment before shamelessly stretching out his hand to forcibly compare hand sizes, making a heart shape against her palm.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!