Published at 1st of July 2024 05:30:52 AM

Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

However, the scene upstairs in reality was far from what they had imagined.

Gu Xilin's eyes and brows exuded a layer of coldness. He carried Jiang Yan like a child into her room, and once inside, he hooked his leg and gently closed the door.

"Click," the sound of the door closing.VIssiT n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).com for the best novel reading experience

Jiang Yan didn't panic, allowing him to place her on the bed. His expression seemed rather displeased.

Yet, after setting Jiang Yan down, he didn't leave, standing in silence for a while.

For the first time, Jiang Yan discovered this man's aggressive nature. His muscular build conveyed a sense of strength, and even his chiseled features appeared sharp as blades. When his face was cold, he naturally exuded a threatening aura.

Yet, to Jiang Yan's wary gaze, Gu Xilin slowly bent his long legs, squatting on the floor. His tall frame curled into a ball, his chin resting on the bedsheet. Like a small dog injured but unwilling to expose its wound.

His muffled voice asked, "Why didn't you share any with me?"

"Huh, wha-what?" Jiang Yan was slightly taken aback, unable to fully process the situation.

Gu Xilin didn't seem bothered, exuding a heavy, melancholic air as he brooded, "Today, you received gifts but didn't give any to me, only to He Suyi."

Listening to him, he sounded a bit pitiful.

A large question mark appeared over Jiang Yan's head. Everyone in the circle knew that Gu Xilin didn't accept gifts.

Without receiving a response, Gu Xilin opened the floodgates: "I hold you every day, I help you up and down the stairs, I bring you food, I've even tied your hair before..."

But in truth, the foreshadowing had been secretly laid from the very beginning.

On the day he wore women's clothing, his mood was sour. Yet on that same day, he found a complete stranger girl cute, had her remove his mask, and even intentionally joined the same variety show afterwards.

At first, one could say he treated her like a little sister. But then what? After learning she wasn't a simple little girl, why did he get so angry?

He usually ignored the unspoken rules of the industry. But that one time, it was like being deceived by someone important.

An inexplicable sense of hurt. But in reality, the two of them had nothing more than that faint "sibling" connection.

He said some unsavory things in his confusion, yet insisted on continuing with the second season. How strange, he couldn't control his own actions.

When the second season began, he originally planned to use the leverage he had over her to bully her a bit, getting revenge for being deceived. But it didn't take long before his heart was completely led astray by her.

Gu Xilin pondered through the night.

He tossed and turned in bed, repeatedly recalling every little detail from the past. The stars in the night sky twinkled on and off.

As dawn approached, a startling thought suddenly occurred to him: Could it be that he had fallen for Jiang Yan?

As this notion emerged, Gu Xilin didn't need to ponder further, already aware of its implications.

He was done for!

He had been single for over twenty years now, so why on earth would he fall for a girl who wasn't even as tall as his shoulders?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!