Published at 1st of July 2024 05:30:47 AM

Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

Fortunately, Pei Yinche and Su Liangchuan had already started their performance, attracting most viewers' attention. One was furiously drinking vinegar in an attempt to conceal their identity as an undercover agent; the other was deliberately baring their teeth and distorting their face to hide their good person identity.

The guests came up one by one and chose a cup, drinking from it to clearly establish their identities.

To enhance the show's effect, the director had thoughtfully informed the audience in advance about the identity represented by each type of cup. Thus, the audience was aware.

During the first round of descriptions, the guests were in an exploratory stage and cautiously used only one or two words.

At the voting stage, everyone was led by Su Liangchuan to vote out the good person Lin Changxu.

The good person team was already at a disadvantage.Th/e most uptodate novels are published on n0velbj)n(.)co/m

The order in which they were standing was random, from left to right: Lin Changxu, Su Liangchuan, Pei Yinche, He Suyi, Jiang Yan, and Gu Xilin.

The second round of descriptions began. With Lin Changxu out of the game, Su Liangchuan became the lead.

At this point, Su Liangchuan started describing what he had tasted: "It has a taste, a very rich taste, and it's a bit sour..."

He Suyi squeezed Jiang Yan's hand and secretly talked to her, pretending to angrily ask her about the meaning of her Weibo post.

Jiang Yan hurriedly acted coquettishly and tried to appease her.

Gu Xilin stood alone at the edge, trying to talk to Jiang Yan but being ignored repeatedly.

He watched He Suyi and Jiang Yan playing around, and then thought about the trending topic, unconsciously pursing his lips, feeling irritated.

Gu Xilin glanced at the camera, leaned closer to Jiang Yan, and pretended to ask her which type of drink she had tasted.

Jiang Yan was indeed drawn to his attention, her round eyes warily looking at him and asking in return if he was an undercover agent.

Gu Xilin leaned closer to her ear and said in a low, enticing voice, "Want to know what flavor I tasted?"

As Jiang Yan was about to act coquettishly, Gu Xilin changed his expression and acted haughty and petulant, "I won't tell you."

Jiang Yan was so angry that she wanted to hit him. Gu Xilin dodged away, and the two moved away from the camera frame.

Gu Xilin's expression changed again, his shallow and indistinct brows staring directly at Jiang Yan's lips. He first bit his own flushed lips, then his arm slowly reached out to embrace her waist.

[Say whatever you're thinking, everyone can relate.]

After an awkward silence, a message trying to ease the situation appeared:

[Hahaha they couldn't have kissed, it's a live show hahaha how could that be possible...]

Unfortunately, it had the opposite effect, making the live stream even more silent.

The only one least affected was Su Liangchuan, who pointed the target at Pei Yinche and Jiang Yan during the analysis of the votes.

He Suyi, being more experienced and having earlier suspicions, was less shocked. Additionally, since she knew Jiang Yan's identity, she immediately spoke up to protect her as a good person.

"I think Jiang Yan's previous descriptions were fine, but Pei Yinche had a lot of little movements, so I think he's more likely to be the undercover agent."

Pei Yinche looked like he was about to cough up blood.

The sourness in Jiang Yan's mouth seemed to have been licked clean, leaving only a faint sweetness.

When it was Gu Xilin's turn to analyze, he pressed his tongue against the lingering sourness and calmly yet persuasively sided with Pei Yinche.

As a result, the only truly innocent Pei Yinche was voted out.

Eventually, Gu Xilin revealed his good person identity and smugly blurted out to the resentful glares of Pei Yinche and Lin Changxu, "It was intentional, I already knew Jiang Yan was an undercover agent!"

Su Liangchuan couldn't bear to look and turned away.

A silence fell over the set.

However, the live stream became lively. Due to the director's announcement, the audience knew that Jiang Yan, He Suyi, and Su Liangchuan had the undercover agent identities, while Pei Yinche, Lin Changxu, and Gu Xilin were good people.

After each of them chose a cup and tasted it to confirm their identity, the cups were collected by the staff.

So the question arose: how was Gu Xilin so certain that Jiang Yan was an undercover agent?

[It's well known that Gu Xilin had sugar water.]

[It's well known that Jiang Yan had vinegar.]

[Everyone's being so subtle, but at the critical moment, I have to step in. Hmm... did he taste it by kissing, or did he smell it?]

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!