Published at 1st of July 2024 05:30:44 AM

Chapter 81

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Chapter 81

Gu Xilin turned down the volume to the lowest setting, but Jiang Yan still woke up, tugging at the blankets in his embrace.

He helped her adjust her position, but his too-firm arm poked her, causing her to push it away.

Seeing the scene where Gu Xilin bumped into the door, Jiang Yan laughed and snuggled into his embrace. Gu Xilin held her tightly, knowing he had already gained her affection but still fearful of losing her.

Jiang Yan curled up under the blanket, secretly giving him a kiss, her muffled voice coming through: "I won't leave you."

Gu Xilin's fingers clenched tightly.

The phone was neglected nearby, its screen showing a director emotionally stirring a scene, the delicate, skin-friendly bed sheets creased by the reddened fingertips gripping into them.

Outside, a wind picked up unexpectedly, causing the newly planted tender seedlings to sway and the buds on the branches to tremble precariously under the weight.

Her mission complete, Jiang Yan could stay here again. But she always knew this wasn't their true ending.

Time and again, Jiang Yan professed her love to Gu Xilin, etching her image deeper into his heart with each declaration.

Each time, Gu Xilin would swell with boundless affection. He would affectionately press his face to hers, his voice gentle and doting: "Believe me, I will love you forever."

He had no idea why Jiang Yan felt insecure about their love, but he could assure her that he would always love her.

Just as she appeared in the vast sea of people, he would still recognize her at a glance and be moved by her presence.

Jiang Yan's career was progressing well.

When she focused on something, she had the ability to accomplish it efficiently. As a result, she quickly rose to prominence on the world stage.

Proud of his prize, he showed it off to her. Jiang Yan gave him an enthusiastic compliment, and the two held hands, returning with their bundle of romance.

They continued on like this, stopping and going, sometimes posting videos for their fans, sometimes chatting with old friends, spending a very long time together.

They still didn't have children.

But it was Gu Xilin who brought it up. Because of the significant risks of childbirth, he was selfish—he didn't want to take any chance of losing Jiang Yan.

So it remained just the two of them, slowly growing old together.

As Gu Xilin aged, his temperament worsened. He constantly sought amusement, sometimes saying he wanted to dye his gray hair green to fit the youthful trend; other times secretly knocking down the sandcastles built by the neighborhood kids, then arguing with them; or teasing the cats with a little hamster, waiting until the terrified rodent begged for death before sweeping in to play the heroic savior...

The kids really found him annoying. But they were mindful of the old man's frail health and didn't dare pick fights with him, even though the old man was always raring to go.

The old man had his weaknesses, too.

The old lady living with him was revered by the children as a deity. Though petite and adorable, her slightest glance would render the old man obedient.

If the old lady said the neighbor's roses bloomed beautifully, the old man would sneak over and bring back a whole basket; if she commented on a child's lovely goldfish, the old man would trade his big turtle for it... Eventually, the old lady would grow angry, and the old man would pout and pretend to cry in the yard, clinging to her.

The children, idling on the steps and swinging their legs, would mutter to themselves about finding such a cute old lady to keep them company in their twilight years.

Suddenly, a sharp pain would strike their heads—the old man had angrily tossed candy at them.


Growing old isn't scary, as long as you're by my side. With you, my life will always be filled with joy and meaning.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!