Published at 1st of July 2024 05:30:42 AM

Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

When the military-green car drove slowly into Tian Tang Village that evening, it almost captured everyone's gaze.

It was during the lull of farm work that evening. The women who were chatting and repairing their shoe soles couldn't help but stand up, eager to join the commotion and witness the novelty.

After all, cars were a rarity in their village.

The car stopped in front of the Chen Family's ancestral home.

It had to be said that the Chen Family was quite capable - their ancestors had built the largest compound in the village. Not long after, the Chen Family prospered in business and the entire household moved to the city.

Years had passed since they were last seen, yet upon their return, they arrived in a car.

A circle of onlookers stood beneath the large willow tree in front of the gate, whispering among themselves, curious to see who from the Chen Family had arrived.

The car stopped, and a young man dressed in navy blue attire stepped out from the front, swiftly opening the rear door.

From the other side emerged a middle-aged woman with her hair neatly pinned up with wooden hairpins. She took two or three steps to the car door, using her hand to steady herself on the roof, careful not to bump into anyone.

The group of villagers who had never witnessed such a scene were left dumbfounded.

Next, a hand emerged, gripping the edge of the car door. Perhaps it was the heavy color of the car, but the hand appeared exceptionally slender and pale.

Shortly after, a pair of pristine black leather shoes landed on the ground. The shoes were so clean that they seemed out of place against the dirt.

It wasn't until the slender figure emerged fully that the onlookers regained their senses.

She was wearing a soft, rice-white blouse, her exposed skin even paler than the fabric. Her eyes were as black and distinct as ink paintings, with an upturned nose and an exquisite, beautiful face.

Only her petal-like lips were slightly pale, revealing a hint of frailty.T0ppp novel updates on n/(o)v/elbin(.)com

"That must be the Chen Family's young lady," the elders who knew the family deduced.

However, the Chen Family's young lady seemed to have a haughty demeanor. She cast a weak, dismissive glance at the onlookers, without uttering a word, and dragged her small leather shoes towards the house.

This was Tian Zhennian's first impression of her.

Tian Zhennian returned home, cradling the half-bowl of candied nuts. His mother, who was serving dinner, noticed and remarked, "They gave you quite a lot."

She then teased him, "Did you see anyone? Were they good-looking?"

"Incredibly beautiful," Tian Zhennian said, popping a sweet potato into his plump hands. "Like a celestial fairy."

The child's exaggerated words immediately drew laughter around the dinner table. Tian's mother playfully asked her eldest son, "Did you hear that, Yinian? Your brother said she's a heavenly fairy."

Tian Yinian showed no reaction, but his sister Tian Yulian was unconvinced, frowning as she said, "A heavenly fairy? She's just a city person. What's the big deal? And we even sent her food, who knows if she'll even look at it!"

Tian Zhennian, without looking up from his bowl, replied, "She ate it. I saw her eat it..."

Tian's mother immediately beamed with pride, "I knew it! City people are used to eating delicacies and spicy food. They'll appreciate our fresh, homemade dishes. We sent the right thing!"

Tian Yulian's expression soured.

Tian Yinian, a university student highly regarded in the village, was displeased by his mother's unabashed pandering.


In the Chen Family's city residence,

Old Cai hurried through the smooth, well-kept corridors, carrying a bag of still-warm pastries. He entered a somber room, furnished with strict formality.

The dark-blue curtains covered half the windows, dividing the room into distinct light and dark areas.

At the entrance, Old Cai informed the man standing by the window, reviewing account books, "The young lady is not in the compound. She has gone to the countryside. The Doctor said the young lady's frail constitution is innate, and no amount of treatment will be effective. He suggested she go to the countryside to regain her spirits, which might benefit her condition..."

The man wore gold-rimmed glasses, their lenses obscuring his unfathomable black eyes. His lips were painted a faint red, yet his facial features were sharp and alluring, with an air of malice.

Upon hearing this, he didn't even bother to raise an eyelid, scoffing dismissively, "Quack."

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