Published at 1st of July 2024 05:30:41 AM

Chapter 84

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Chapter 84

And so, that night, Tian Zhennian cheerfully handed Tian Yinian an engraved steel pen, while keeping a pretty pencil case for himself.

Tian Yulian waited for a while, seeing that Tian Zhennian had no further reaction, and realized what was going on. She said, "You really know how to judge people's interest, huh? You knew she wouldn't care for your things, so you didn't bother pretending..."

Tian Zhennian had already bounced out to the doorway, and turned back to shout at his second sister, "I told you, I told her you didn't want it."

Tian Yulian's face instantly froze.

But the gift Jiang Yan casually gave to fulfill a task unexpectedly caused trouble.

Tian Yulian barged into Tian Yinian's room in a huff, wanting to join her brother in criticizing that Miss Chen. But as soon as she looked up, she saw the shiny golden pen on the table.

The steel pen lay on the dull wooden table, seeming to sparkle. The pen itself was already precious, let alone the delicate floral pattern engraved on its body.

You see, just the engraving alone would cost a dollar. One dollar could buy seven or eight bowls of sesame noodles from a restaurant.

"What does it say here... 'In the morning I gaze at the sky, in the evening I watch the clouds...'" Tian Yulian muttered, but her education level wasn't as high as her elder brother's, so she didn't notice anything amiss.

Tian Yinian suddenly snatched the pen away.

After sending his sister out, he carefully read the words engraved on the pen.

"In the morning I gaze at the sky, in the evening I watch the clouds, wherever I go, I think of you, whenever I sit, I think of you."

It turned out, this was what Miss Chen meant for him, no wonder, no wonder she kept sending his younger brother to her house to play, no wonder she was always giving gifts to their family...

Tian Yinian stood there dumbfounded. The pride he felt earlier vanished, leaving him feeling angry and humiliated. He could only force out coldly, "Well, be more careful next time and don't make such mistakes! I'm returning the pen to you!"

Jiang Yan responded nonchalantly, "Just toss it over the wall. It doesn't matter if it breaks."

Tian Yinian couldn't sleep that night, tossing and turning as he recalled the earlier scenario that filled him with shame and indignation. But he couldn't help imagining, what if Miss Chen was only pretending to be strong because he had rejected her?


Jiang Yan had just scooped the little kitten into her arms when a commotion came from outside.

Shortly after, a black car drove into the courtyard.

The car door opened, and a tall, slender man stepped out.

Jiang Yan couldn't help but silently admit that bearing was truly important.

Though he was wearing an ordinary black suit, on Zhang Xuyun, it exuded an unfathomable depth. Even the buttons on his clothes seemed exquisite and expensive. In short, he looked formidable.

Zhang Xuyun walked over with a faint smile, politely calling out "cousin" first, then quite rudely taking advantage of Jiang Yan holding the kitten to dangle the jade beads from his wrist and tease it.

Jiang Yan didn't want to play this game with him and just placed the cat in his hands.

The tiny kitten clung shakily to his sleeve, mewing softly but sweetly.

Zhang Xuyun looked at it for a moment, then set the cat down on the ground, smiling with hidden meaning, "Do the owner and the cat resemble each other? It's a bit like you, cousin."

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