Published at 1st of July 2024 05:30:39 AM

Chapter 85

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Chapter 85

The news of another car arriving at the Chen Family spread quickly through the village. Curious villagers once again gathered outside the Chen Family compound.

They watched in awe as a young man unloaded a box-shaped object from the car. Those more knowledgeable murmured in hushed tones, "It's a television!"

A ripple of astonishment swept through the crowd.

It was a mere twelve-inch television, with a black and white picture, but it was soon carried inside the house. Yet, even this small television created quite a stir.

The Chen Family's television became the talk of the town.

Apart from the television and a box of books, Zhang Xuyun also brought a bicycle, another rare curiosity, though Jiang Yan showed little interest in it.

However, Zhang Xuyun eyed her with an amused, almost dangerous smile playing on his lips and said slowly, "Cousin has come to live in the countryside, but can't even ride a bicycle?"

This was a jab at her frail physique, suggesting she should ride to exercise.

Jiang Yan could have refused, but she wanted to complete her tasks and return to the city to enjoy the opera and music, so she humored him.Vissit novelbin(.)com for new novels

Thus, with Jiang Yan's reluctant agreement, Zhang Xuyun taught his cousin to ride the bicycle in the courtyard of their ancestral home.

Bombarded by his smooth words, Jiang Yan had no choice but to agree.

However, Jiang Yan was too slight, while Zhang Xuyun was a grown man, their weight difference far too great. When he sat too far back, the bicycle's front wheel lifted off the ground.

Jiang Yan cried out in alarm, insisting it wouldn't work.

Unfazed, Zhang Xuyun scooted forward, planted his feet on the ground, and steadied the bicycle. He shamelessly urged his frail cousin to pedal.

With limited strength, Jiang Yan could barely keep the front wheel down. Zhang Xuyun walked alongside, propelling them in a wobbly circle around the tree.

As soon as they completed one lap, Jiang Yan dismounted, retreating to a safe distance, clearly unwilling to ride any further.

With his long arms, Zhang Xuyun could reach the handlebars from the rear seat. Bracing his hands there, he glanced at the flustered Jiang Yan and lowered his head, chuckling on the bicycle.

Shaken by the ordeal, Jiang Yan found his laughter menacing, as if he meant to devour her.

Whatever amused Zhang Xuyun, he laughed for a long while on that bicycle.

When he finally lifted his head, his eyes still danced with mirth. His handsome features exuded a dangerous sensuality, from his arched brows to his prominent nose and reddened lips, all inviting and provocative, even in the aftermath of mere laughter.

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