Published at 1st of July 2024 05:30:34 AM

Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

As Zhang Xuyun's carriage rushed into the courtyard, Jiang Yan was squatting on the ground, observing ants. She had been eating a sugar cake on the steps, dropping some crumbs that the little ants had discovered.

Perhaps she had wandered too far in her past life, so in this life, she was plagued by laziness and rarely ventured out.

The evening's crimson clouds seemed to favor her especially, draping their thick, vibrant colors over her, making her shimmer in the twilight.

The old courtyard, the young girl, and the cat formed a serene, beautiful scene.

Old lady Wang was startled by Zhang Xuyun's sudden return. She looked at the master with concern.

To her surprise, Jiang Yan merely glanced up before continuing to watch the ants.

As for Zhang Xuyun, he said nothing, standing in place for a while, unexpectedly calming down.

He beckoned to Old lady Wang, walking to the tree's base to inquire about the situation, keeping his voice low, unwilling to disturb Jiang Yan.

Old lady Wang gazed at Zhang Xuyun in astonishment. She knew the relationship between the master and the young lady, yet when Jiang Yan was the subject of such rumors, and Zhang Xuyun rushed back, he wasn't angry?

Or perhaps he wasn't angry at Jiang Yan.

After learning the truth, Zhang Xuyun had his men handle the matter.

Whatever they did, Tian Yinian came forward that day, his face flushed red, to apologize and explain it as a misunderstanding, and the rumor circulating in the village was promptly quashed.

Old lady Wang's worries dissipated instantly. She happily prepared the midday meal to refresh the master.

Xiao Wang, one of his subordinates, went out on an errand, while Li discreetly disappeared without Zhang Xuyun's instruction.

Jiang Yan couldn't stand his behavior, as if implying she was lecherous. She stubbornly grabbed the clothes Zhang Xuyun had just taken off, her hand slipping through the unbuttoned collar.

Outside, dry leaves drifted in, rustling softly on the clean floor as the wind blew. In the corner, a kitten curiously pressed a leaf with its soft paws, making a soft mewing sound.

The room seemed unnaturally quiet.

Only Zhang Xuyun's breathing grew more and more rapid, like a beast's final crouch before the hunt.

It was too dark in the room, and while Jiang Yan's hand still felt the scorching warmth, she couldn't quite make out Zhang Xuyun's expression.

She cautiously moved her fingers. Just as she was about to withdraw her hand, Zhang Xuyun slowly grasped her wrist, gripping it tightly, preventing her from pulling away.

Zhang Xuyun savored the feeling of her smooth, delicate wrist, his slender, handsome eyes dark and shining with a wicked gleam.

His wicked nature had been ignited. Holding Jiang Yan's wrist, he pulled her close, then lowered his voice to a whisper in her ear: "Cousin, I haven't settled the score with you for that rumor yet. How dare you provoke your cousin again?"

Everyone in the courtyard knew the truth, yet Zhang Xuyun deliberately spoke as if they were having an affair.

His voice was so soft that Jiang Yan felt like he was breathing in her ear, causing her to instinctively recoil, only for him to pull her closer.

Jiang Yan refused to admit it, for she was a pure, virtuous woman. Even pressed against Zhang Xuyun's body, she stubbornly retorted:

"It's your irresistible body that's to blame, not me."

As expected, Zhang Xuyun dropped the earlier matter, laughing softly in her ear, his tone lingering and entangling like a hook: "Then cousin, please explain in detail, just how irresistible I am..."

Shameless, forcing her to praise him.

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