Published at 1st of July 2024 05:30:29 AM

Chapter 93

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Chapter 93

Bullying the deceitful and sly cousin may become addictive.

When Jiang Yan let her guard down, her little foot was suddenly caught by Zhang Xuyun.

His long and thick hands gripped her soft, white foot, startling Jiang Yan. She stared at Zhang Xuyun and questioned, "Are you really drunk? Are you pretending to be drunk to trick me?"FOlloow newest stories at no(v)el/bi/n(.)com

Zhang Xuyun didn't react, as if truly intoxicated. He held onto Jiang Yan's foot and wouldn't let go, then sneaked a kiss on her sole.

Jiang Yan was dumbfounded, now believing he was genuinely drunk.

But—that didn't mean he could kiss her foot!

Furious, Jiang Yan kicked him hard, freeing herself from the drunkard's grasp, and rolled to the innermost part of the bed.

At a safe distance, she told Zhang Xuyun, "Don't you dare kiss me today, it's not allowed. Did you hear me?"

This time, Zhang Xuyun seemed to understand, hanging his head with a dejected, pitiful look.

Jiang Yan remained unmoved.

The drunkard gazed blankly for a while, noticing Jiang Yan crawling under the covers, as if realizing it was time to sleep. He slowly took off his shoes and climbed into bed.

Jiang Yan's eyes widened in sudden realization, but it was too late.

In a dizzying whirl, she found herself pinned on the pillow, both wrists gripped above her head, and a heavy male body weighing her down.

"You were just pretending to be drunk! You tricked me..." Jiang Yan accused with feigned tears.

Zhang Xuyun's voice was like honey, low and husky, sounding seductive as he arched a brow, "If I didn't pretend to be drunk, how would I know my cousin likes to touch her cousin's body?"

Before Jiang Yan could react, he leaned closer and murmured, "Forget it. You're not my cousin anymore, you're my little wife."

The way he added the diminutive 'er' sound made it sound oddly shameful.

He continued, "How about cousin lets his little wife touch him all she wants today?"

Jiang Yan was alarmed, struggling to suppress her raging desire as she cried out a warning, "You can't kiss my lips!"

Zhang Xuyun agreed as he began undoing her buttons, soothing her gently, "No kissing, I'll only kiss your feet, okay?"

Jiang Yan sobbed louder, "Pervert..."


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