Published at 1st of July 2024 05:30:22 AM

Chapter 98

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Chapter 98

dismissed Jiang Yan from Chen Jiang Yan's body, waiting to transport her to the next world. But suddenly, the System said, "The host has completed tasks multiple times, triggering the reward mechanism."

"What reward?" Jiang Yan asked with interest.

The System replied, "A world without tasks."FOlloow newest stories at no(v)el/bi/n(.)com


Jiang Yan opened her eyes again, finding herself in another world.

She was a small child, tightly embraced by a woman wearing a red dress. The woman was not particularly beautiful or graceful, but her face bore a blissful expression.

Jiang Yan stared blankly as the woman carried her along the road.

Lu Yuliang looked at her daughter and couldn't help but smile, "What's wrong? Don't you recognize your mom?"

Children often space out for no reason. Lu Yuliang thought nothing of it, saying, "We're almost there. We'll be at Grandma's house soon. Your dad is getting the car fixed and will join us shortly."

It turned out this family was visiting Lu Yuliang's parents for the New Year when their car brushed against another. On such a joyous occasion, nobody wanted to make a fuss, so they each contacted their insurance companies.

In a hurry, Lu Yuliang left Jiang's Father to handle the matter and took their daughter to her parents' home first.

Lu Yuliang's hometown was in the town center. After avoiding a group of children playing with firecrackers, Lu Yuliang's parents, younger brother, second paternal uncle, and third paternal uncle were already waiting at the door.

Lu Yuliang and her husband had agreed to take turns spending New Year's with each other's families. Last year, they celebrated at her husband's parents' home, so this year they returned to Lu Yuliang's parents' place.

Jiang Yan was so adorable, soft, and obedient, with a chubby baby appearance that made anyone want to hold her.

Relying on her adult social skills - a sweet little mouth, combined with the mesmerizing effect of a human infant's appearance - Jiang Yan successfully won over everyone in the family.

Even the big cat liked to follow her around.

Lu Yuliang's bearded Grandpa, usually not very talkative, gently held his little granddaughter and took her to buy cakes.

When no one was around, the bearded Grandpa revealed his true nature, asking Jiang Yan in a slightly accented tone, "Yan Yan, who do you like better, Grandpa or Grandma?"

Jiang Yan hugged Grandpa's neck and said sweetly, "I like both of them."

The bearded Grandpa was not satisfied. He puffed out his beard and asked again, "Then who does Yan Yan like the most?"

"Grandpa~" Jiang Yan replied sweetly. She could have many favorite people, but she didn't say.

Finally, the bearded Grandpa was satisfied. He bought many boxes of cakes and almost got scolded by Grandma and Lu Yuliang for it.

"She's about to lose her baby teeth. How can you let her eat so many sweets? Oh no! Any teeth that fall out will be your fault..."

Jiang Yan ignored Grandpa's predicament as she slowly scooped the cake with a spoon. Suddenly, someone arrived at the door.

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