Published at 1st of July 2024 05:30:21 AM

Chapter 99

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Chapter 99

The days leading up to and following the holiday were always livelier, with relatives stopping by for visits. The entryway buzzed with activity once more.

Jiang Yan, ever the curious one, blinked her eyes as she peered outside. Yet, being so small, she couldn't see much.

With everyone having gone out to greet the guests, Jiang Yan finally helped herself to a big spoonful of cake before toddling out on her little legs to join the festive atmosphere.

But as she lifted the curtain, she found herself gazing straight into a pair of wide, innocent eyes.

The other child, probably around four or five years old, was dressed in a milky white down jacket that hung past their knees. A khaki hat covered their head. Bundled up snugly from head to toe, their small face stood out as remarkably fair and delicate.

The eyes peering out from beneath the hat seemed somewhat dazed and perhaps a tad forlorn. Song Li'an stood motionless amidst the lively crowd, appearing quite out of place in the vibrant surroundings.

What an adorable child! Jiang Yan finally understood why adults often reacted the same way upon seeing her.

The adults engaged in lively yet polite conversation. Song Li'an remained rooted in place, grasping his own fingers, until he noticed movement behind the curtain.

There was only a little girl there, appearing exceptionally harmless.

After a moment's hesitation, Song Li'an ambled over to the curtain's edge.

The girl was being overly friendly. Song Li'an pondered for a moment, then, mindful of the adults outside, sat down silently. His little hands rested properly on his lap, the picture of obedience and decorum.

Truly adorable children, enough to make one crave cake.

Jiang Yan took a delightful bite of cake, smearing white cream on the corner of her mouth. The usually quiet Song Li'an suddenly produced a tissue from his pocket, folding it into a small square. He reached out and touched Jiang Yan's clothes, signaling her to turn towards him.

But Jiang Yan was engrossed in the little fish on the TV, not noticing his gesture.

So Song Li'an squatted in front of her, using the tissue to wipe the cream from her face.

Jiang Yan blinked in surprise when she finally realized.

In a soft yet earnest voice, Song Li'an explained, "There's cream, it's not clean."

Does the child have a cleanliness quirk? Jiang Yan wondered.

But she didn't dwell on it, unaccustomed to being fussed over by another child. She haphazardly wiped her mouth with her hand.

Song Li'an's efforts were suddenly rendered meaningless. He froze for a moment before moving to wipe Jiang Yan's paw as well.Aall newest chapters on n.o./velbi/n/(.)com

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