Published at 17th of October 2022 05:51:33 AM

Chapter 29

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Chu Qianze kept a polite smile, and asked, “What?”

“Didn’t you hear me clearly?” Bo Yu knew that this person was pretending to be stupid and didn’t want to repeat it. “Didn’t Steward Liu say that your memory is very good?”

“If you don’t even think this is okay, then you don’t need to be my personal butler.”

Having said that, Bo Yu paused, with just the right sarcasm in his tone, “Or, you don’t dare?”

Chu Qianze looked at him, “Sir, I’m going to wash up now.”

After speaking, he turned and left. Before closing the door, laughter was heard from the room. Obviously, making no secret of it.

Now Chu Qianze understood that this person was just making fun of himself. Or, he didn’t want a personal butler, he just wanted to let himself know the difficulties and retreat.

But Chu Qianze didn’t want to admit defeat either.

He dared not? He just didn’t dare to do anything; he wanted to see what this person was going to do.

After changing into clean pajamas, Chu Qianze met Steward Liu on the way.

Steward Liu was a little surprised to see that Chu Qianze was still in the corridor at this time. “Xiao Chu, you haven’t slept yet?”

Wasn’t he usually already in his room at this time?


As soon as Chu Qianze was about to speak, he heard a mellow male voice, with a specially trained elegant tone. “Not done yet?”


He saw Bo Yu standing on the corner for some time, staring here.

“I’m already done and just about to go over.” Chu Qianze gave full play to his expression management skills, and his flawless smile was particularly dazzling.

“Then let’s go.” Bo Yu turned around and nodded at Steward Liu as he passed by.

Steward Liu looked at Chu Qianze and then at Bo Yu, a little confused. Then, he watched the two of them turn the corner together.

If he remembered correctly, that wasn’t the direction to Xiao Chu’s room. At present, only Sir lived there, and the two of them walked there together, both wearing pajamas.

As if thinking of something, Steward Liu widened his eyes and couldn’t hold back taking a breath.


Following someone to the room, Chu Qianze asked, “Sir, where am I sleeping?”

Chu Qianze didn’t think that this person would let himself sleep in bed. Tossing people to pull themselves up. This kind of killing 10,000 enemies and self-harming 8,000 wasn’t Bo Yu’s style.

Bo Yu looked Chu Qianze up and down, “What’s the matter with your clothes?”

Chu Qianze looked down at his pajamas. “Is there a problem?” The fabric was very good, loose and comfortable.

“Take it off.”

Seeing Bo Yu’s undisguised dislike, Chu Qianze smiled angrily. “What am I going to wear if I take it off? If Sir doesn’t like it, let me go back, so I don’t have to toss myself like this.”

Bo Yu compared Chu Qianze’s figure and found a set of clothes from the wardrobe. “New one, change to this one.”

Chu Qianze took the clothes and glanced at him. Seeing that he didn’t mean to leave, he changed clothes directly here.

As soon as he took off his shirt, he heard Bo Yu say,

“You have quite the material.”


“I have more material below.” Chu Qianze rolled his eyes, saw that Bo Yu was still staring at him, and pulled the corner of his mouth, “Why, do you still want to see it?”

“You’re quite unruly.” Bo Yu didn’t look at him and just looked out the window.

“Yes, it’s really hard for my dear Sir to endure such an unruly butler like me.” Chu Qianze said, changing his pants. He folded the pajamas that originally belonged to him and saw that Bo Yu was already sitting on the bed.

Bo Yu, “What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up.”

Chu Qianze glanced at him and didn’t speak, but laid down silently.

“What kind of sleeping position are you in?” Bo Yu frowned.

“The sleeping position of a normal person.” Actually, his position was already the normal standard; it’s just that Bo Yu was too demanding.

Chu Qianze had seen this person sleeping. His legs were straight together, and he was lying on his back with his hands on his abdomen. The position of his head accounted for one-third of the pillow. The angle and distance were very precise, just like measuring with a ruler. What kind of position he was in when he left at night, and when he came to wake him up the next day, he was still like that.

The person next to him didn’t move for a long time. Just when Chu Qianze thought that this person couldn’t bear him anymore, an arm climbed up and wrapped it around Chu Qianze’s waist.

It’s pretty beautiful at first glance, but it’s not very friendly to him. For no other reason, it’s too cold.

His body temperature was very cold, just like ice water.

Feeling the long-lost warmth, Bo Yu let out a sigh of satisfaction.

This was using him as a self-heating machine and a pillow.

Chu Qianze pulled the corner of his mouth back and said, “If Sir is afraid of the cold, I can bring you some hot water bottles. Like a warm sticker.”

“Warm sticker?” Bo Yu’s voice was a little lazy.

Only then did Chu Qianze react that there seemed to be no warm stickers in this world. “It’s just something to keep warm.”

Bo Yu smiled. The human body temperature in his arms was suitable, which happened to be the temperature he liked, and the smell of blood was also good, which was not offensive. “A warm sticker like you is very good.”

Chu Qianze, “You’re the warm sticker.”

Bo Yu, “Hmm?”

Chu Qianze, “I didn’t expect Sir to have this kind of hobby.”

“Since you’re my personal butler. I’m very cold now, so there should be no problem with you warming me up.” Bo Yu said.

Chu Qianze, “Your previous assistants also did this before?”

“They didn’t ask to be my personal butler.”

Chu Qianze tsked. This posture was too awkward. He simply put the person in his arms. Anyway, he’s used as a pillow, so it’s better to pick a comfortable posture. “Sir, it’s getting late, so hurry up and go to bed.”

As he was talking, he suddenly felt a cold hand reaching from the hem of his shirt. The cold touch made him subconsciously tense. He instinctively grabbed the opponent’s hand and raised his foot to kick the person away.

But he reacted quickly, stopped the movement in time, and took advantage of the situation to hold the person’s hand in the palm of his hand. “If Sir feels cold, I’ll cover it for you, don’t move your hands and feet.”

The fingers were pressed tightly together, giving no one a chance to break free.

Bo Yu’s gaze lingered for a moment on the two of them’s hands, “Have you washed your hands?”

“It turns out that Sir doesn’t wash his hands before he goes to bed?” Chu Qianze loosened the man’s hand and calmed down. The other party seemed to be deliberately irritating himself, and now he was fooled when he was angry.

Bo Yu sighed with regret. When this person was angry, his blood seemed to smell better than usual. “Leave by yourself when I fall asleep.”

“Of course, don’t worry, Sir.” Chu Qianze said.

“I didn’t expect you to have such a temperament.” Bo Yu said coldly.

“I didn’t expect you, Sir, to be of this character.” Chu Qianze countered.

Bo Yu laughed, his blue eyes like a stream of water flashed with blood. “You are quite likable like this.”

Especially when you’re defeated.

“Don’t, I can’t afford your liking.” After Chu Qianze finished speaking, he found that he had spoken too fast, and he added, “I just want to be Sir’s personal butler, and I dare not think about other things.”

Bo Yu stared at Chu Qianze, as if to see through him, and finally slowly closed his eyes. “After an hour, leave by yourself.”

He stopped talking, maintaining the posture of hugging the person motionless.

Chu Qianze raised his eyes to the ceiling and, from time to time, glanced at the hanging clock next to him.

Bo Yu’s state of life was like an antique. He didn’t use any electronic products except for watches. His only pleasure was to read newspapers while drinking tea.

It was really boring. Chu Qianze poked open the task panel and glanced at the task above, but there was still no progress.

There was no fluctuation in his heart at this time, and he even had a kind of feeling—a weird feeling.

An hour later, Chu Qianze moved Bo Yu’s arm away, stood up, and gently closed the door.

After the person left, Bo Yu, who had just been asleep, opened his eyes, and the blood flowed from the pupils of his eyes, soon filling his entire eyes.

“How long will you stay, Bo An?” The elegant tone was cold.

“Did you find out?” In the dark, Bo An appeared from the shadows, with a strand of long hair curled in her fingers. “Actually, I didn’t take long; I just came half an hour ago.”

Bo Yu snorted coldly, and he didn’t get entangled in this. “What do you want to say?”

“I think Big Brother treats you very well. After Big Brother found out, he ran out immediately, and he was also very nervous about you.” Bo An blinked her eyes and tilted her head slightly, looking innocent and cute.

“Really.” Bo Yu didn’t comment on this.

“His soul is the strangest I have ever seen. This time, we probably picked up a treasure~ Anyway, you also need to eat. Just take him away. With your condition, you don’t have any other choice. Besides, there is no vampire that doesn’t suck blood.” Bo An walked over and glanced at Bo Yu’s wrist. The wound appeared again. “If you go on like this, something will happen.”

“Not interested.” Bo Yu glanced down at his wrist, letting the wound disappear again.

“It’s just sucking blood, and it won’t kill him.” Bo An muttered, dissatisfied with this person’s stubbornness. Did he really think he was made of iron?

Since this person became a vampire, he had never drunk human blood. This sounds like a joke! If she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes, she would probably have thought it was sarcasm.

Bo Yu ignored her and stroked the area next to him with his fingers. The temperature there had gradually dissipated and become cold again.

“I am a vegetarian.”

“Then you can’t even risk for your life?” Bo An’s tone was hating iron for not becoming steel.

Bo Yu closed his eyes and ignored her.

Bo An’s whole cheeks were bulging. This person thought that he was a herbivore! “I don’t care about you anymore!”

Bo Yu didn’t respond, but just raised his hand and waved, indicating that she could go. “Next time when there’s no one, don’t call me brother.”

She obviously lived longer than he did.

“What’s the matter? I’ll call you whenever I want! This mother will always be seven years old!”

Age was a minefield for women. Bo An was angry, and as soon as she wanted to say something, she heard footsteps outside. Her anger subsided, her attention stopped at the door for a while, and then she walked back into the dark with her short legs.

Chu Qianze gently opened the door and saw that Bo Yu was asleep, and his sleeping position was still the same.

He walked over, put the hot water bottle next to the person, adjusted the quilt, and then quietly retreated.

Seeing him leave, Bo An walked out quietly.

“What’s that doing there?”

He opened the quilt and took a look, and found that it was two hot water bottles with warm water.

“Hey, hot water bottles, aren’t they specially delivered for your cold body temperature? Really a careful little butler.” Bo An’s tone was filled with envy, “Bo Yu, if you don’t like him, could you give him to me? I will treat him very well.”

Bo Yu sneered, “You won’t call me brother now?”

“Brother Bo, give him to me. I love you so much~” Bo An clasped her two hands together, looking forward to it.

“Hurry up and go back to sleep.”

After Bo Yu finished speaking, he directly carried her and threw her out.

Bo An, who was thrown out, patted her little skirt and cursed. “If you don’t give him, you won’t give him. There are still some things you can’t do. You are so indifferent to him, and you don’t care about him at all. When you hurt him, I will pull my eldest brother over to be my butler.”

Bo An was greeted by a gust of wind from the closing of the door.

Bo An: Madman!

Chu Qianze was holding a glass of water and was about to return to his room when he saw Bo An in the corridor. “Xiao An?”

Bo An let out a sigh, and returned to her previous soft and cute appearance.

“An An is hungry and wants to find something to eat.”

Chu Qianze glanced in the direction she came from, which was the direction of Bo Yu’s room. He knew that things weren’t like what she said, but didn’t expose it either. “What do you want to eat? I will bring it for you.”

“I don’t know yet. I want to see what’s there first.” Bo An followed up.

“Big brother, do you like it here?” She suddenly asked, out of nowhere.

Unexpectedly, she suddenly asked this question, but there was nothing to hide. “Of course.”

Bo An, “Then you have to stay forever.”

Chu Qianze looked down at Bo An. “If Sir allows it.”

“If he kicks you out or treats you badly, you will come to me and I will hire you as my butler.” Bo An said.

“Then I’ll have to thank Miss in advance.”

After Chu Qianze finished speaking, his gaze swept across the corner, and there was no one there.

The next morning, when Chu Qianze got up and walked out, he found Bo Yu sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper.

This man got up so early again.

Bo Yu caught a glimpse of Chu Qianze’s appearance. “Woke up?”

“Yes, Sir.” Chu Qianze responded. “Sorry, I got up late.”

“It’s okay, let’s go now.” Bo Yu put down the paper in his hand, stood up, and prepared to leave.

When he came to the car, Chu Qianze opened the rear seat door in two quick steps, let Bo Yu in, and then prepared to close the door and go to the passenger seat by himself.

“Where are you going?” Bo Yu asked.

Chu Qianze paused his action of closing the door, waiting for the man to continue.

Bo Yu, “Just sit here.”

Chu Qianze glanced at him and sat in the back seat as he wanted.

“How was your sleep last night?” Bo Yu took the initiative to ask.

“Pretty good.” Chu Qianze smiled at him, then turned his gaze out the window. He couldn’t figure out what was wrong with this person.

Suddenly, a box of pastries appeared in front of him.

“I don’t think you’ve eaten breakfast, so fill your stomach first.” Bo Yu said, stuffing the box into his arms.

“Thank you, Sir.”

Although he didn’t know what medicine this person had taken, Chu Qianze was indeed very hungry, and there was no reason to refuse.

“Hmm.” Bo Yu replied, closed his eyes, and ceased speaking.

Uncle Wang glanced at the two of them from the rearview mirror. He always felt that the atmosphere was a bit subtle. After thinking about it, he still didn’t speak, and concentrated on driving the car.

When the car arrived at the place, Bo Yu opened his eyes in time.

“You can go and have a look elsewhere first, and I’ll be back in an hour.” After Bo Yu finished speaking, he opened the car door and walked away.

Chu Qianze watched Bo Yu go far, quickly disappeared from view, and poked Uncle Wang in front of him and asked. “Uncle Wang, where is Sir going?”

“Sir has his own things to do, and I don’t know the details very well.”

Uncle Wang subconsciously tilted to the side, then remembered something and pulled out the car key. “Xiao Chu, just stroll around and come back in an hour.”

“Well, then I’ll go to the shopping mall next to me first,” Chu Qianze got out of the car and asked, “Uncle Wang, how about you?”

“Me? Just stroll around.” Uncle Wang didn’t think about it either, so he just said that casually.

“Well, then I’ll go first.” Chu Qianze waved his hand at him and walked to the mall by himself. After walking into the mall, Chu Qianze glanced back and saw Uncle Wang leaving.

This was because he was worried about him running around. Chu Qianze scanned the small shop next to him, bought a mint-flavored lollipop and held it, then walked quickly to the safe passage.

For such a rare opportunity, he couldn’t afford not to miss it.

After coming out of the safe passage and looking around, Chu Qianze turned around and walked quickly. It was not the direction Bo Yu had left before, but the place he had subconsciously looked at when he asked Uncle Wang before.

Anyway, take a gamble. If he doesn’t see it, he’ll just fool around.

Chu Qianze went all the way forward. As the location became more remote and quieter, there were fewer and fewer people. Suddenly, he paused and felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if he had broken into something.

Before he could think about it, a voice came, probably from the alley in front. Chu Qianze wanted to take a look, but there was no place to hide around him.

He looked around, and finally his gaze fell on the residential building next to him. It’s a bit broken, and the red paint had a big demolition word written on it, which was in a state of demolition.

Chu Qianze blew a silent whistle into the air, sighing for his good luck. He was still distressed about where to look just now. Wasn’t that it? He took off with his long legs and walked over there.

Just as he stepped into the residential building, Chu Qianze slowed down.

In the empty venue originally envisioned, two people were squatting down. They were attached to the windowsill, hiding their figures through the shelter in front of them. He was holding a sniper in his hand. The gun, at this time, was intently aimed at a place.

Chu Qianze simulated the direction the two of them were facing, and the location seemed to coincide with the alley.

He blinked, feeling as if he had come across something incredible.

In the alley, the long sickle in Bo Yu’s hand swayed slightly, taking away a person’s life, and the blood meandered down the arc of the blade. He raised his foot across a hand in front of him and walked towards the woman inside… Or, a female vampire.

“Are you really going to kill them all?!” The mad-haired woman looked hideous, and the wound cut by the sickle on her body could not be healed, and she looked particularly embarrassed.

“Those who trample the order wantonly. Kill.”

His blood-colored eyes were endlessly cold, his arms were slightly raised, and his gorgeous and solemn meniscus sickle was raised.

“When did eating become a violation of order?” The mad-haired woman’s face was full of mockery.

Bo Yu, “You killed them.”

“So what? Would you apologize if you pinched an ant to death?” The woman bit her finger, as if feeling the aftertaste, and said, “Don’t tell me about it; that person tasted really good. He looked great, crying and begging me, but unfortunately he died before I could even enjoy him.”

Bo Yu didn’t talk anymore but raised his long sickle and slashed at the woman fiercely.

Seeing the sickle getting closer and closer, the woman screamed, “How long will you hide? If you don’t do anything, don’t even think about it if something happens to me!”

A dagger flew out and attacked directly towards Bo Yu. He glanced to the side. The long sickle in his hand turned around and bounced the dagger away. The collision of the two weapons made a crisp sound, and the sound echoed in the air.

Then there was a scream.

It turned out that the dagger changed its trajectory and directly stabbed the crazy-haired woman, causing her a heavy blow. The woman stared at Bo Yu with hatred and ruthlessness in her eyes. “Damn you!”

She got up and rushed towards Bo Yu. Bo Yu took a step back, and the light of the knife flashed across, ending the farce.

“The third one.”

Bo Yu crossed out the woman’s name in his heart, turned, and looked at the corner.

“Mr. Bo Yu, I have heard so much about you.”

A male voice sounded from the darkness, and the next second, the man walked out of the shadow of the alley. “You just killed her like this, which makes me very distressed.”

As he spoke, several more people came out of the shadows.

One, three… nine…

There were more and more people, and the originally empty alleys had become crowded. They stared at Bo Yu, their eyes full of malice.

Bo Yu’s advantage was instantly reversed.

“I admire you very much. If you are willing to come under me and do things for me, how about I spare your life?” With a smile, the man said.

Bo Yu’s gaze skimmed over the faces of these people around him.

They were all on the list.

He waved his arm, and the long sickle flashed neatly in the air, “Noisy.”

In a casual tone, there was endless arrogance. He didn’t even put these people in his eyes.

“It seems that we have not reached a consensus, so we can only continue.” The man’s tone was regretful. He waved his hand, and the person behind him quickly leaped out.

The heavy long sickle danced in the air, light and fast, as if it had no weight. Only those who came into contact knew how lethal it was. The sickle drew an arc at will, and they saw the person who attacked was separated.

Bo Yu took a step to the left, his center of gravity sank, and with his right foot as the axis, he used the inertia generated when the long sickle was waved to directly split the vampire in front of him in half.

Scimitar: Male, kidnapped and tortured 71 girls in three months.

Bo Yu crossed out another person from the list in his heart.

“The seventh one.”

Today’s harvest was very good.

Seeing that the situation was turning around, the man’s face changed slightly. Didn’t they say that Bo Yu was now in a period of weakness and his ability was declining rapidly?

“Attack together!”

Facing the swarming people, Bo Yu held the meniscus sickle in both hands, adjusted his breathing and began to gain momentum.

At this moment, the breath in his body stagnated for a moment, and there was a little disorder. Although he quickly adjusted, there was a major mistake at this time.

It looked like there was nothing wrong, but something was going on with Bo Yu. The information wasn’t wrong. The man evoked a smile; his eyes were imperative, “I was almost fooled by you.”

“Take advantage now!”

The man was determined in his heart, commanding everyone to attack in an orderly manner.

Bo Yu cursed secretly. He could feel that the cells in his body were rapidly rupturing and spoiling, but now he had to continue to control the long sickle. Both sides had to expend a lot of energy. They must beware of the attacks of these people.

The meniscus long sickle was swung out abruptly, sweeping out an empty area in front of him, but at this time the opponent’s morale was so high that they didn’t hesitate at all, and directly stepped on their companion’s body and rushed over.

Blocking the attack next to him, Bo Yu handled it in a timely manner, but it was much slower than before.

One person saw the opportunity and rushed directly to Bo Yu. This person was too fast, and when Bo Yu reacted, his body was already half a beat slower.

Bo Yu raised his arm, ready to resist the blow. Suddenly, he saw the person smiling. He realized that it was a trap. Looking back, he saw a short-haired woman holding a short knife and stabbing fiercely, the target was the heart.

These previous attacks were all for cover. Were they just for the sneak attack in the back?

Bo Yu raised the sickle in reverse, blocking the attack from behind. He took advantage of the opportunity to kick the person away.

“Almost.” Bo Yu said.

The man smiled and said, “Of course, I have to make more preparations to deal with you.”

He could see that Bo Yu’s strength had indeed declined a lot. It was a stalemate, but, in fact, victory was on his side.

There were already people in ambush around, and as long as there was an order, they would concentrate on firing.

Today, Bo Yu must die!

Seeing the opportunity, the man put one hand behind his back and quickly pressed the button on his ring.

Sniper ready!

As if seeing the embarrassed appearance of this man wounded by a bullet, the man raised a wild smile.

From now on, the name Bo Yu would become a thing of the past. No one would be able to hinder them in the future. They don’t have to restrain themselves anymore, and they can enjoy the food happily.

After a second, nothing changed.

The man stayed still for a while, then pressed the button frantically.

Sniper ready! Hurry up! What are they waiting for?!

The next second, a bullet wiped the man’s cheek and embedded in the wall behind him.

Blood flowed down the man’s cheeks slowly.

His pupils trembled, and he stayed stiffly in place.

What was that just now?

A strong sense of sight, as if being stared at by something terrible. He suddenly plunged into endless darkness. His intuition desperately sounded the alarm, but his body was dominated by instinct and could only tremble weakly in place.

That’s more terrifying than death…

The strength in the man’s hand was slightly loose, and the ring fell straight to the ground, but at that moment he had no time to take care of it. He was shivering all over, just wanting to leave quickly.

“Ah, I missed it.”

In the dilapidated residential building, Chu Qianze looked at the whole process through the magnifying mirror and raised his voice unhappily.

“What kind of trash gun is this? It’s very complicated to use.”

Chu Qianze didn’t care if he didn’t get a response.

He knelt on one knee, leaned forward slightly, adjusted the angle of the weapon in his hand, and re-aimed at the man.

“I won’t miss this time.”


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