Published at 5th of June 2024 06:10:46 AM

Chapter 100

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Chapter 100

Chapter 100: Astonishing Turnaround, Everyone is Stunned

Hearing what Hu Wanquan said, Yu Tieshan’s face became even more panicked. He shook his head somewhat guiltily and said, “Senior Brother, you really misunderstood... I really didn’t kill the master and steal the sword manual–!!!”

“Heh, is that so?” Hu Wanquan said, “Do you dare say that you haven’t been secretly practicing the Banished Immortal Sword Technique day and night over these years?”

Hearing this, Yu Tieshan shook his head and said:

“Senior Brother, I really didn’t–!!!”

“Heh, is that so?” Hu Wanquan sneered, drawing his sword and pointing the tip at Yu Tieshan’s throat: “If you don’t admit it, do you believe I will kill you–!”

“Senior Brother, I really didn’t betray the master–!!!”

Yu Tieshan said, “I swear to heaven, if I truly committed such a treacherous act of master-killing, let me meet a miserable end–!!!”


Witnessing this scene, everyone in the Jade Fox Palace became confused.

Yu Tieshan dared to swear, so why did he look so guilty?!! And to be honest, he didn’t look like a good person at all, his expression even carried a bit of coldness.

“Say, could it be that we misunderstood Yu Tieshan?”

“Yeah... maybe Hu Wanquan was just bluffing him and didn’t actually have any real evidence?”

“Ah, this...”

“I think this Yu Tieshan is indeed not a good person.”

“Don’t rush to conclusions, it’s not good if we wrongly accuse a good person.”

“That’s right, what Hu Wanquan said might not be correct, let’s wait and see.”


“Do you still want to quibble, Junior Brother?” Hearing Yu Tieshan’s words, Hu Wanquan reached into Yu Tieshan’s bosom, and soon after, pulled out a book.

The book was titled: ‘Banished Immortal Sword Manual.’

“Junior Brother, what else do you have to say?”

However, just as these mocking words were spoken, the scene continued with Hu Wanquan speaking to Yu Tieshan.


“Brother... do you really believe me?!!” Hearing this, Yu Tieshan looked surprised and touched as he turned to Hu Wanquan.

“Of course, junior brother, I believe you are not the one who betrayed our master.” Hu Wanquan nodded, “After all... it was I who killed that old man.”

“–!!!” At this moment, Ye Xuan’s eyes widened in shock. Although he knew that in the future, perhaps no one would watch his expression in the play...

He still had to perform his role.


Outside the scene, everyone, including Yu Ling’er and Elder Qingxue, couldn’t help but be stunned, their faces in disbelief.


They seemed to have heard something unbelievable. For a moment, they couldn’t believe their ears.


“Brother... what did you just say?!!” Hearing this, Yu Tieshan was shocked, looking at Hu Wanquan, “Brother, what did you just say?!!”

“Heh.” Hu Wanquan sneered, “Junior brother, didn’t you hear clearly? I said, that old man, our master, it was I who killed him.”

Yu Tieshan looked utterly shocked, staring at Hu Wanquan.

“Looks like you don’t really believe what your brother is saying.” Seeing Yu Tieshan’s reaction, Hu Wanquan sighed.

“Well then, I’ll explain it in more detail. That old man, our master, it was I who killed him. The so-called Banished Immortal Sword Manual that you stole was actually a fake that I allowed you to take.”

“The real Banished Immortal Sword Manual, I had already obtained it long ago–!!! What do you think, junior brother? Surprised? Shocked?”


Surprised?!! This was way too surprising–!!!

At this moment, everyone in the Jade Fox Palace, except for Ye Xuan, felt like their minds were blown.

The plot twist was too dramatic, too convoluted. They were all stunned!!!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!