Published at 5th of June 2024 06:13:34 AM

Chapter 14: The Preliminary Work of Whitewashing

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Chapter 14 - The Preliminary Work of Whitewashing

Chapter 14 : The Preliminary Work of Whitewashing

“Ah...” Ye Xuan initially thought that he would need to show Yu Ling’er multiple scenes before she would be swayed by his script. But to his surprise, just the first one had already started to change her mind?

Did she have no trust at all in that what’s-his-name, Qin Shixiong? Ah yes, Yu Shou, Senior Brother Qin Shou?


Truly like a child, her stance is so unstable. But honestly, if he were in her shoes, he too would likely be persuaded by such a plot, wouldn’t he?!! The person he had always trusted the most, believed in the most, turns out to be a shameless scoundrel.

And the one he always looked down upon was actually desperately protecting him.

However, this plot only changed her stance between himself and the original male lead, Yu Shou.

This was far from enough. Moreover, even if his narrative was well-crafted, when combined with reality, it was full of holes. At least, in this world, the brother called Yu Shou was definitely not the villain he had depicted.

Please, this is the esteemed Taihua Immortal Gate, the foremost of the righteous sects. Having one major villain like him is enough; where would there be so many wicked villains?

According to the novel’s narration, Yu Shou is an extremely upright person, meaning the Yu Shou of this world is also a righteous person. Now, in his bid for self-preservation, the darker he paints Yu Shou, the bigger the plot holes later on.

But what kind of melodramatic whitewashing plot hasn’t he, a golden scriptwriter, come up with?

Not to mention whitewashing and blackening others, even the female lead could be made to fall in love with him.

As it is, Yu Ling’er has at least started to doubt Yu Shou’s character. As for how much affection she still holds for Yu Shou, that depends on the integrity of her personal values. The more upright Yu Ling’er’s values are, in believing his fabricated plot, the fainter her feelings for Yu Shou will become.

Ye Xuan’s plot is not just to make Yu Ling’er stop liking Yu Shou, but more importantly, to make her feel indebted to him. If he could make her fall in love with him because of this, all the better.

This way, the following plot could be arranged more smoothly. Although there is the power of the system, after Yu Ling’er finishes watching all the scenes, only a moment would have passed, and there’s still hope for him.

But he only has this one chance. If after watching the plot, Yu Ling’er still refuses to regret letting him go, or hesitates to kill him, and if the system’s rewards aren’t strong enough...

The pain was sharp and cold as they pierced, and bloody as they were removed. Yet, he was powerless to do anything. Watching Yu Ling’er correspond with the man who deceived her every day, he felt worse than death. He really wished he could just die, but unfortunately, he didn’t want to die. Because... if he died, he wouldn’t be able to see her anymore.

“...” Watching the heartbroken Ye Xuan in the scene, Yu Ling’er felt her own heart being torn apart. If all of this was true, how deeply had she hurt him back then? Even just seeing him now, like a walking corpse, hearing his despairing confessions, felt like someone was wrenching her heart.

So painful.

Tears involuntarily fell from her eyes. How she wished these scenes could pass more quickly...

So she wouldn’t have to suffer anymore, but her eyes were involuntarily glued to the scenes unfolding before her, watching Ye Xuan in his living death. Listening to his despairing confessions to her.

Yu Ling’er felt her heart ache as if it was also in pain like Ye Xuan’s. How she wished the version of herself in the scenes would go and show some concern for this much younger junior brother.

But it didn’t happen.

In the scene...

Yu Ling’er performed a hand gesture, spending several dozen breaths to conjure a spirit bird talisman, joyfully saying, “Go and greet Senior Brother Qin for me.”

At that time, Yu Ling’er didn’t understand emotions, but she admired the dignified, upright Senior Brother Yu Shou.

In Taihua Immortal Gate, it was customary to address each other by their Daoist names.

But those who were close would use their real names to differentiate. Clearly, for her at that time, Senior Brother Yu Shou was different from others.

As she pointed her finger, the spirit bird spread its wings and flew away. Then, Yu Ling’er’s gaze shifted to the side, noticing Yu Xuan watching her.

Her brow furrowed.

She had long stopped dwelling on the incident where Ye Xuan abandoned her. But now, Ye Xuan looked at her every day with a gaze that disgusted her which made her very impatient.

Seeing this scene, Yu Ling’er became even more agitated. “Please, believe him... believe in him—!!!” She knew that something exceedingly unfair was about to happen.

Unfair to her current self, but for the scriptwriting Ye Xuan, it was merely a replay of a conversation between the original female lead and the despicable villain, posing no difficulty at all.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!