Published at 5th of June 2024 06:12:53 AM

Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Chapter 28 : Gett your favorite novels at no/v/e/lbin(.)com

“Please, don’t agree to his request, Beidou Star Lord—!!!!” At this moment, Yu Ling’er cried out in utter despair. Her voice was filled with unprecedented sorrow.

Even when she experienced the death of her parents, her eldest brother, and her second brother, she never felt such anguish. She desperately hoped that Beidou Star Lord would refuse Ye Xuan’s wish. In her previous life, she owed Ye Xuan far too much. If Ye Xuan no longer loved her in this life, how could she ever repay him?

How could she just disappear from Ye Xuan’s life? No, she couldn’t do it—!!! Even if Ye Xuan was unwilling, she had to repay all the love she owed him. She knew she could never fully repay him, but she couldn’t just act as if Ye Xuan’s despairing love never happened.

She absolutely couldn’t do it. Yu Ling’er pleaded frantically with Beidou Star Lord, her will seemingly becoming crazed. “Please, Beidou Star Lord, merciful Star Lord, heed this humble girl’s request—!!!”

“......” Beidou Star Lord’s voice fell silent for a long time before finally speaking. She said, “As I said... I don’t have the power to change a person’s heart.”

Hearing Beidou Star Lord’s words, Yu Ling’er let out a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness... Really, thank goodness.

Although it might seem selfish, Ye Xuan had decided to give her up, feeling too much pain in loving her, so he didn’t want to love her in the next life. However, she had her own selfish desires. If Ye Xuan no longer loved her, how could she ever make up for her endless debts to him?!!

Only then did Yu Ling’er realize the profound depth of the pain Ye Xuan endured in loving her. It was a pain etched into the soul. Now, just thinking about Ye Xuan not loving her anymore, her heart ached unbearably.

“——!!!!” Yu Ling’er was shocked and heartbroken by Ye Xuan’s response. He knew exactly what would happen after his rebirth. He understood that she would not hesitate to kill him.

“Junior Brothee I’m sorry... so sorry... I don’t ask for your forgiveness... but from now on, I will do everything I can to make it up to you... I’m truly sorry... if only I had realized everything sooner...” Yu Ling’er’s spirit cried out loudly.

“Then why don’t you choose to be reborn with your memories intact?” Beidou Star Lord suggested, seeing Ye Xuan reject another offer. “That way, you would possess an immortal spiritual root, and Ling’er would no longer look down on you. She doesn’t know what the future holds, and she will fall in love with you. Everything would be different. All the pain you’ve experienced could be prevented.”

“...” Ye Xuan sighed deeply, “I’ve loved her since the first time I saw her. But my memories are filled with nothing but pain... What’s the point of being reborn? The pain I’ve already experienced won’t just disappear... I’m just a mortal, and there’s a limit to what I can endure. Even if I can expel the Inner Demon on my own, I can’t bear the pain of being forever misunderstood and hated by the person I love. I’m... tired.”

“...Tired...” Yu Ling’er, with tearful eyes, stood stunned in the endless darkness. Tired... He was really tired. Was he truly giving up on her? Did he no longer love her?

“No... I don’t want this... please, Ye Xuan, please give me another chance. In this life, I will repay everything I owe you... No, I will repay you a hundredfold, a thousandfold...”

She knew the depth of Ye Xuan’s love for her – he was willing to sacrifice everything. But she hadn’t realized that love could also grow weary. Love without reciprocation, only met with eternal misunderstanding and self-delusion, is an indescribable pain. But now, hearing Ye Xuan say he was tired, she felt an unbearable pain, as if suffocating.

A man who loved her from their first meeting, but after giving his all, only asked for an end to his suffering with a simple “I’m tired.” What a despairing love that was. Ironically, after his rebirth, she continued to hurt him, unaware of his silent suffering and the changes in him. His gaze, filled with helplessness and bitterness, didn’t resemble the Ye Xuan she knew in her previous life at all.

“No... no, I can’t accept this... I beg you, Ye Xuan, please give me another chance. In this life, I will do everything to repay what I owe you... even if it’s impossible to fully make up for it...”

As Yu Ling’er continued to weep, her heart ached with the realization of the depth of Ye Xuan’s despair. The love he bore for her had been so profound, yet it had turned into such immeasurable weariness. Now, even the thought of him not loving her anymore was unbearably painful.

An unreciprocated love that was answered with endless hatred and misunderstanding – such was the sorrow of Ye Xuan. Even with the chance to start over, he chose not to, due to the pain that lingered in his memories. Yu Ling’er, standing amidst her sea of tears, was consumed by regret and sorrow, lamenting her inability to see the truth sooner.

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